In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, the Professor Level is an important component of the player's character throughout the story. Having a higher Professor Level gives players access to more funds, more time to spend with students, and most importantly battle points to wage war more often.

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There are a large number of activities players can do during their free days to increase their Professor Levels. Here are 10 beneficial activities in Fire Emblem: Three Houses that are recommended because of how quickly they can raise a character's Professor Level.

10 Answer Questions In The Advice Box

Periodically, students and fellow professors will put questions in the Advice Box in the cathedral hoping for Byleth to provide a helpful answer. A single answered question won’t give Byleth a lot of experience to raise their Professor Level, but players can do quite a few of these in a short amount of time.

The other benefit is that as the more times a character answers a question correctly, the more support points they'll get. It’s a good idea to learn each character’s background and personality to answer correctly.

9 Sing In Choir Practice

Choir Practice is a once a day activity that will earn 200 experience points and net other benefits with two students of the player’s choice. Participating in Choir Practice will cause those participating to receive Faith experience and give Byleth Authority experience.

There are also a handful of Choir Festivals which will provide other benefits as well. It’s not the most efficient use of an activity point but it does have its benefits, especially for those who have faith-based students in training.

8 Host A Seminar

Seminars will earn a few experience points for Professor Levels and are absolutely worth the players tie for the weapon proficiency gains. There are a variety of professors, including Byleth, that will hold a seminar that will boost a specific weapon proficiency.

For instance, Anna will hold a Seminar that boosts Sword and Bow usage. This is a great way to improve character’s skills will gaining a few experience points.

7 Join A Tea Party

Tea Parties are a handy way to raise support with a specific character and will raise Byleths’ Professor Levels when done properly. It’s important to answer the questions correctly and gain a Perfect performance to get the most benefit.

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It’s also important to get a Perfect rating to maximize Support and Charm gains. Tea Parties can be expensive but they're an invaluable benefit to a character's Professor Rating and bonds with other characters. Be sure to learn as much as possible about the tea party guest to know which dialogue options to pick correctly.

6 Cook With Students Or Fellow Professors

Cooking a meal with either a student or another professor will give Byleth 150 experience points and provide invaluable boosts for battle. The finished dish has no effect on the experience points gained, so feel free to pick whichever recipe Byleth is most prepared for in terms of on-hand ingredients. Also, be sure to look out for which one has the most useful bonuses.

To help with the costs of ingredients it’s recommended you also take up gardening and fishing. You’ll still have to buy things, but it won’t be nearly as bad.

5 Dine With Students Or Fellow Professors

Dining is a great opportunity to strengthen bonds with students and other faculty while giving Byleth 200 experience points. At least once a day, players can sit down with whomever they want to enjoy a meal together.

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If it’s a favorable meal those in attendance will receive a boost to their motivation level, but even a disliked meal will give a boost and Professor Level experience. There really isn’t a reason not to do this, so make sure to eat with others every day.

4 Sign Up For Tournaments

Tournaments net a decent 300 experience points and they have the potential give a character a variety of rewards. Each month, a different tournament will occur that has pre-determined weapons for the participants to use. It’s a good idea to have at least one student well versed in each of the different weapons.

With a chosen champion signed up for the tournament, players will then spend an activity point before sending their chosen student out into a skirmish. Players will gain experience for each fight even if they lose, though winning the tournament will net 500 gold, weapons with buffs, or even Intermediate Seals.

3 Have Fun Gardening

Gardening is a fantastic activity to do for Professor Leveling, as it gives 300 experience every time. It’s also a solid activity to do aside from this as it provides useful ingredients for cooking and be given to characters as gifts.

Gardening is also nice because it does not cost activity points and as the Professor Level rises, players can gain access to better crops and fertilizer. It doesn’t cost a lot to get started and the rewards will quickly offset those costs, making this a great way to increase Byleth’s Professor Level.

2 Go Fishing

The amount of experience points gained from Fishing is dependant on the fish that's caught, which increases as the rarity and value of the catch goes up. Fishing is also a great activity on days off as it doesn’t cost any activity points and you can fish as long as you have bait.

The fish obtained can be used in meals or sold for money. This creates an almost infinite loop where players can buy bait, catch fish for experience, and then sell fish for money to be used to buy bait. Players will want the better bait like Herring Bait as quickly as possible for better quality of fish and definitely participate in any fishing events going on.

1 Embark On Quests

The best activity a player can do to raise their Professor Level is to complete quests given by various characters. Through out the story, players will be tasked with things like growing vegetables, collecting recipes, and finding lost items.

Most of these aren’t farmable, making majority of quests a one-time thing, but players can gain quite a bit of experience from some of the mid-game to end-game quests. On top of that, players will often receive great rewards like Gold, crafting materials, Renown, and powerful items.

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