Quentin Cobb, a designer on hit PlayStation games Uncharted 4 and The Last Of Us, is working for Sony once again. He left the PlayStation world for a spell to work at Daybreak Games, particularly designing levels and combat mechanics of the zombie survival MMO Just Survive. So what makes his return to Sony so important? He’s working on a secret project.

Cobb has been a game designer since 2012, and has worked at Naughty Dog for most of his career. Screenrant reports that his biggest contribution was to the multiplayer systems of Uncharted 4, particularly the boss characters in the game’s survival mode. However, he also sunk his teeth into some single-player design on The Last Of Us. There, his talents went into planning the placement of ammo and crafting materials.

Now, he’s back at Sony as a senior game designer. He announced it on Twitter.

The biggest takeaway, besides congratulations for Cobb on his new job, is that Sony has some kind of unknown project in the works. Of course, that’s not uncommon for a game publisher to have a game in development that it’s not ready to reveal. It could be something amazing like a Crash Bandicoot revival, or it could just be a VR mini-game pack. Both would be kept under wraps all the same. Still, with E3 so close, fans will take any piece of information they can get.

Unfortunately, there’s not much to go by. Cobb’s career spans both multiplayer and single-player games. He’s also directly influenced combat, as well as taken a more subtle role in map design. It does seem like he has a knack for creating within zombie-infested worlds, but even that’s shaky grounds for a theory.

Meanwhile, a rumored list has apparently exposed Sony’s entire E3 conference. There’s quite a few games on there both old and new. Sony itself has outlined a few games it plans to include. Any of these could involve Cobb, or none of them could. All Sony fans can do is wait for E3, but even that’s not a guarantee.