If you aren't already completely awe-struck by Marvel Comics and Epic Game's Fortnite event "The Nexus War," allow us to further blow your minds: this week's issue of Wolverine ties into the event, making Fornite officially canon to Marvel comics.

If you're not up to speed with everything happening in Marvel Comics these days, here's a short version: shortly after assuming the Throne of Asgard, Thor was recruited by Galactus to become his new herald (think of him like the new Silver Surfer). Bestowed with cosmic power, Thor's job is now to travel across the universe seeking out worlds for Galactus to consume in order to build his power and fight off even greater threats. Of course, Thor is a hero, and he has been very clever and strategic about saving all the people on the planets before Galactus consumes them. That is, until Galactus set his sights on the world of Fortnite.

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While making their way across the cosmos, Galactus is suddenly drawn in by the Fortnite world and consumed by a desperate need to, well, consume it. Unprepared, Thor races ahead of Thanos to try to warn everyone that they need to leave. With very little time, Thor calls out to all the Marvel heroes and transports them to the world of Fortnite through the Bifrost. This is all explained in much more detail in Fortnite x Marvel - Nexus War: Thor #1, a free comic book available on Comixology.

If you're a Fornite player but not a comic book reader, you've probably only seen this trailer for The Nexus War:

While the circumstances of the Nexus War more-or-less line up with what's happening in the comic books — at least what's been going on with Thor — you'd be forgiven for assuming there's no way that the Fornite Nexus War is Marvel canon. Well, you'd be wrong.

This week, Wolverine #5 hit store shelves. We won't get into as much detail about the plot of that series, but all you need to know is that Wolverine has been fighting his old nemesis Omega Red as well as Dracula (yes, it's an excellent book you should be reading) and they've stranded him alone in rural Canada.

At the end of the issue, Wolverine is trekking through the forest when a bright rainbow light consumes him. "Not now I got $&%# to do!" Wolverine shouts. His grumbling is met with none other than the voice of Thor who says: "Your concerns matter little. You are needed elsewhere." That elsewhere, of course, is in the battle royale video game Fortnite.

So there you go. As if Fortnite wasn't already ubiquitous in our lives, now it's officially part of Marvel canon.

The Nexus War is a season-long event happening in Fortnite right now. Players can earn weapon and character skins for Wolverine, Storm, Groot, Iron Man, and tons of other Marvel characters, with more on the way later in the season.

Wolverine #5 is available now at your local comic book store or in the Comixology app as a digital purchase.

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