Fortnite, one of the most popular games out there today, has been around since early 2017 and has proven to be pretty compelling for a lot of people. It seems to be the biggest shooting video game since Call Of Duty started to run out of steam. Moreover, Fortnite never gets old — even if you never win a single game. The game's most popular mode is Battle Royale — which everyone seems to be playing nonsense. This is a game mode where gamers get to compete against other players in a game of survival. Some people are even calling it the video game version of the hunger games because a large group of people are dropped onto an island and left to find weapons, bandages, and ammo, only to fight to the end ... until only person remains standing. It might sound like this game could get a little old over time, but the people who created it managed to pack in so many cool hidden things and little tricks. People are constantly finding new things every day, and the map is always changing in little ways. Not to mention the fact that new things are being added all the time. Fortnite is truly something special, and it can be so fun to be the first one to discover new things. In this article we have put together 25 things that the average player does not know that they can do in the game, so read on and learn some new things to prep yourself for your next match of Fortnite Battle Royale.

25 Tilted Towers Hidden Room


Tilted towers is a place on the Fortnite map that you either love or totally hate, and it seems as though almost everyone drops down there when the game first starts, making the number of people drop drastically within the first few minutes. We do not typically recommend going to tilted towers, and you should definitely avoid it if you don’t do well in shoot-outs, but if you do land down in tilted towers, then you are going to be impressed with this little hidden gem in the game. In a small building just on the edge of tilted towers is a room that not very many players know about, and it is as simple as a swing of your pickaxe to access it. When you get into the building, you will notice two boxes and a store shelf in the corner. All you have to do is smash those things and the entrance to this room will be exposed. Make your way into the hole, and you will likely discover some loot crates, that is, if you can get there without getting taken down first. However, we should not expect to be able to do this for very long, because if you follow what has been going on with this game then you know that tilted towers might soon come to an end. That’s right, we're talking about that pesky meteor that everyone has been talking about. It is supposed to completely take titled towers off the mapaltogetherr.

24 Snobby Shores Hidden Basement


Snobby shores truly is an amazing place on the Fortnite map, although a lot of people seem to overlook it. This is located on the edge of the map, so unless the circle comes down to it, you really won’t have much time to look around. Which is why it is so important to land down on this house. If you plan on landing here, then you should be sure to land at the green flat house on the end. When entering this home, it doesn't look like much, and you will hear that wonderful sound of loot boxes. You do hear them right? Well, where are they then? You will be pretty impressed when you find out.

There are two ways to access these boxes, you can either smash out a floorboard or enter the bedroom and smash the dresser.

This will take you into the basement of the home, but some people like to refer to it as more of a doomsday bunker. If the circle comes down to it, and you are more of a campout kind of person, then we recommend smashing out a brick floorboard and replacing it once you drop down into the hidden basement. You will then find two loot boxes and guns scattered throughout.

23 Slide Down A Steep Hill Without Losing Health


Sometimes we want to get down a hill, but we don’t want to waste any of the material that we have harvested. How do you get down a steep hill though, without losing your health or building stairs? It might seem impossible to most players, but once you know how this hack works, you are going to wish that you had known is sooner. This is especially helpful when you trying to run away from someone, escape the storm, or are running after an opponent. This technique gives you the upper hand to travel faster than most people usually do. There are two main ways that you can slide down a hill without losing any of your health, and they are much faster than building steps that are likely to get you noticed by another player.

You can slide down the hill by facing it — this will allow you to glide down with no problems at all.

The other way is by starting to slide down the hill and then repeatedly pressing the jump button until you reach the ground. Of course, you should not expect to do these from the highest of hills, but it does work on most.

22 Abandon Challenges


Why would anyone want to abandon a challenge, you ask, well it’s simple really. Most people assume that in order to get new challenges you need to complete the ones that you already have, even if they are ridiculous, but that could not be any farther from the truth. What most people do not know, is that you can actually abandon the challenges that you do not like, and that should make new challenges appear right away. This might seem like useless knowledge to some people, but completing challenges as often as possible can get you some pretty cool rewards such as, VBucks or even new gear. So why let your challenges go to waste just because there is one that you do not like? It just makes more sense to abandon that challenge and move on to a new one in order to get those awesome rewards. While this may not be the coolest piece of information on this list, it is still helpful. So next time that you see a challenge that seems impossible to you, just remember that all you have to do is go into the challenges section and click on abandon, that will make things do a lot smoother from here on out.

21 Ride A Supply Drop


Supply drops are those big balloons that you see falling from the sky with a crate attached, when you approach those crates you are able to search them for loot. It turns out though, that these supply drops are useful for a lot more than just loot, you can actually ride the top of the balloon to get a good aerial view of surrounding players.

You can do this by using a launchpad to launch yourself into the air and pull out your glider, landing on top of the balloon.

If seeing the surrounding players doesn't sound like a good reason to do this, then you should also know that you can most likely jump down from the balloon to surprise attack anyone who might be trying to get the loot from it. If neither of those things sounds appealing to you, then look at it as a fun balloon ride to waste some time. Although, there is talk that they might be doing away with this little trick in a future update, so you should probably be sure to try it out while it is still possible to do. There are a lot of people that want this feature to stay. However, players who fall for the surprise balloon attacks all the time want it gone.

20 Wall Hacking


If you have ever played this game and found yourself furious after being eliminated (because there was no possible way that the person who destroyed you could have seen you), then you are not alone. Many people have found themselves being shot at through walls, and it can be very aggravating. Needless to say, it leads us to think that the people shooting us must be cheating. It turns out that there is actually something in this game known as wallhacking. Wallhacking is where a player goes into edit mode on their fort and makes it so that it is translucent to them, but not to any of the players on the outside. You can do this yourself by building a fort, going into edit mode, deselecting all of the blue squares, and confirming it. This will make it so that your walls become see-through, so that you can see any enemies who might be lurking around your fort. Of course, a lot of people do seem to be complaining about this little hack, so it is very possible that it could go away in the near future. This could come with the next update or it could stay for a while, we may not know for sure, but one thing that we do know for sure is that there will be a lot of happy people when this does go away.

19 Riding The Fire Hydrants


This game is filled with a ton of awesome little tricks and hacks to do, and you when you first discover them, you won’t want to stop doing them. A common thing scattered throughout the map —that almost nobody pays attention— are the fire hydrants. I mean they are just there for decoration after all, right? Well, apparently they do more than just look pretty. It turns out that one small hit with your pickaxe and water will shoot out from the top of the hydrant. That’s right, they are functioning fire hydrants. Who would have thought? If you have been playing this game for a long time now and you know it like the back of your hand, then you are probably thinking, “ yeah who didn’t know that?” but wait because there is even more that these things do.

You can even hop on top of them and ride the water into the sky, this can give you a boost to get on top of a house.

Or you can just do it for fun. Either way, this is a pretty neat little trick, and now that people are starting to figure it out, we get the feeling that rocket riding is about to be a thing of the past.

18 Pyramid Attack


This next one is best done while playing with a group of friends, and is actually quite clever. Pyramids are usually used as a roof to whatever you decide to build, but they can apparently be used for other things as well. These pyramids are pretty handy if you know what you are doing when it comes to building. If it is getting close to that final storm, and everyone in your group is still alive, then you can actually make your way toward the center of the circle and build a pyramid over top of yourselves while in the crouched position. This will make it so that when an enemy goes to break down the pyramid they get handed a surprise attack of bullets by you and your entire team. This also works well if you are hiding out inside of a building, usually the person you attack, never even sees it coming. You should also be sure to place other random pyramids throughout the circle before trapping yourself inside of just one, so that it does not seem so obvious, and make sure that they are all generally nearby where yours is. This way if someone starts blowing them up you have time to get yourself out of yours and to safety before being blown up in a trap.

When each round starts, players are lifted over the top of the map by a flying bus, from there, they are able to drop down and skydive until their glider pops out taking them to their destination of choice. Usually, things seem to go pretty slow once that glider opens up, and a lot of players find themselves wishing that there was a faster way to drop down in order to get the best loot first. It turns out that there actually is a way to drop down faster, and it all comes down to where you drop down at. In order to do this...

You need to drop down and skydive directly over the ocean, open your glider and then close it right away again.

This will give you the ability to drop down fast, as long as you make sure to get back to land before you totally drop into the ocean, because that would just end you. Make sure to time out your glider just right, and you can be one of the very first people to hit land. This can be super handy if you plan on landing in one of those bigger oceanside areas such as the flush factory, snobby shores, or even junk junction, all places that have a lot of loot.

16 Predicting Where The Circle Will End Up


Wouldn’t it be great if you could know exactly where the circle was going to end up at the end, so that you could gather your supplies and find somewhere to camp out there until the end? Well, apparently you can, people who play this game religiously know just how to figure out where the circle is going to come down to, giving them a pretty big advantage in the game. Knowing where the circle is going to be in the end gives you the opportunity to be there before anyone else, and if you can find a good attic to hide in until the numbers drop down low enough, or some good high ground, then you can easily make it down to that final shootout. Which is why this is such an important thing to know.

You can figure this out by keeping your eye on the storm and the supply drops. The circle almost always comes down to where the storm is closest to it when it is moving in, and the supply drops will never start to drop in an area where the circle will not be. Combining the knowledge of these two things together gives you the ability to know just where to go, in order to be ready for that final shootout to win you the game.

15 Rocket Riding


Rocket riding is something that became much more known when the game mode, explosives, came out. It even has its very own emote now, but yet not everyone knows how to do it. The game mode for explosives has since been taken down, but the rocket riding abilities still remain. In order to rocket ride, you need a friend playing with you and of course, a rocket. You should then build a pair of stairs, however high you want them to be, and then have your friend shoot the rocket slightly below your feet, at that same exact time you need to step off of the steps and onto the oncoming rocket. This will send you riding away on top of a rocket, don’t be afraid to bust out some of those notorious Fortnite dances when you do this either, because what is a good rocket ride without a little dancing in midair. This can launch you right into enemy territory for a quick sneak attack, or it can just help you get into the circle faster, whatever the case may be, it is definitely a fun thing to do, and just about everyone who plays should experience it at least once.

14 A Bush Within A Bush


When it comes down to that rare bush camouflage, people seem to have mixed reactions to it. They either love it, or they totally hate it, and anyone who uses it. If you are an avid bush user, like me, then you know just how fun these little things can be, even though they are very rare to come by. Some people seem to think that being a bush is a dead giveaway, and doesn't actually help keep you hidden at all, but we would have to disagree with this. Especially because other players aren't walking around looking into bushes, they are instead keeping their eyes peeled for other obvious players that are running around and look like them. A great way to use the bush, that not many people seem to think about, is to find another bush that looks just like it, crouch down, and hide inside of both bushes. Watch as people just continue to run past you, never even taking notice of you. Or, shoot them down the minute that their back is turned, either way, this little trick is definitely a handy one. Another helpful tip to make you even less noticeable is to make sure that you do not have one of your weapons out when you are trying to remain hidden, so that there is nothing sticking out of the bush.

13 Getting Around Those Loud Footsteps


Anyone who plays Fortnite knows just how obnoxiously loud the footsteps in the game are. Even your own footsteps can totally throw you off of your game and make you think that someone is nearby, it is a bit of an overkill, and something that the creators should probably look into fixing. So, if you are not in a hurry, and not in the way of the storm, then a good way to get around your own footsteps being so loud is to get down into the crouching position. This is especially good if you are inside of a building and hear someone else, because while their walking may be giving their position away, yours will not be.

Walking in the crouched position almost totally eliminates the sound of your own footsteps, making nearby players less likely to hear you.

Of course, this does mean that you will move much more slowly, but it can be very helpful if you know that there are other people nearby. This might not be the coolest trick that there is in the game, but it can come in handy if you need to be a little sneaky. Who knows, maybe this is something that will be fixed in a future update, we can only hope.

12 You Can Play Soccer


Who doesn't love a little soccer? Well, apparently the creators of this game were pretty fond of it themselves, because they placed various soccer fields throughout the map. Some people might think that these soccer fields are just for show, but they would then be shocked to discover that they are actually fully functional soccer fields. While not everyone might have the time to give these a try because they are being shot at, or are shooting someone else, it is something that everyone should try at least once. Even if it means possibly getting themselves ended while trying to score a goal. Stand on the field and a soccer ball will appear, make a goal and confetti will burst out, and your achievement will show up on the scoreboard. Sounds pretty fun, doesn't it? For some of you gamers out there, this might sound a little familiar, because in the game Destiny 2, they did the same exact thing in the main hub. Of course, gamers everywhere are excited for a silly opportunity to play soccer with each other whenever a ball would magically appear. Although things like this serve no real purpose to the game itself, it is a fun extra little thing to do that adds an interesting touch to the gameplay.

11 The Tomato Tunnel


There seem to be hidden rooms scattered throughout the entire map, just about every major town has at least one, if not more, and tomato town is no stranger to this. Of course, the hidden room in question isn’t exactly in tomato town itself, but rather the tomato tunnel. In this tunnel, you will see numerous cars, one of those cars will be parked somewhat up against a wall. You should smash that car and then begin hitting the wall behind it with your pickaxe. Behind that wall, you will find the hidden room that we are talking about. There are always a bunch of loot boxes in this room, at least three each time, and you are guaranteed to hit the mother load of loot. Since the tunnel is usually disregarded as empty and useless, it is kind of the perfect spot to drop down at and stock up on weapons and ammo before heading out into the actual tomato town. No one ever really goes through this tunnel unless they are running through it strictly to get into the circle, so you should be lucky enough to be the only one in there when you do this. So next time you play, make sure to head on over to tomato town, because loot awaits you.

10 The Disappearing Teddy Bear


Have you ever noticed teddy bears in various different parts of the maps? Have you ever pointed a gun at them, only to have them disappear, and then reappear floating, only to disappear again for good? If you have, then you probably know just how creepy this can be, and at first, we kind of thought that it was some sort of glitch, but apparently it is just another silly little thing that they decided to throw into the game. Some people were pretty freaked out the first time that they saw this, and we can certainly understand why, after all, it is like something straight out of a horror movie. Obviously, this is something that serves no purpose at all in the game, but it is a weird little trick that people just love showing off to their friends to freak them out a little. So next time you come across a teddy bear in the game, go ahead and point your gun at it to see this weird little trick for yourself. There is some talk that is just a weird bug in the game, and that it will eventually be fixed, but for now, it is a neat little thing to check out and show your friends.

9 Keep Your Eye On Pathways


No matter where you find yourself on the map, there are always pathways to help guide you through to the next big area of the map, but you might not want to follow those pathways after all. Besides, it is not like if you venture away from the path you will get lost, because you always have your map and compass to help guide you along the way. Any good player knows that following the pathways makes anyone who dares to do so, a good target for other players. Instead of walking the pathways, you would want to walk through the grass and on top of the hills, or heavily wooded areas, because this gives you a slightly smaller chance of being seen. A handy little tip is to find yourself a sniper, and then make your way to the top of a hill or mountain where you can then keep an eye on those pathways. You are bound to shoot down some new and inexperienced players with almost no issue at all, and the best part about it is that you will be so far away that they will never know where the bullets are coming from.

8 The Secret Kayak


Here we go again with these secret items and hidden rooms, the people who created this game must have really been into hiding things, and we can’t say that we don’t like it. Finding hidden things that not everyone knows about is definitely exciting in a game, and it is just the kind of thing that keeps us playing, in hopes of finding something new each time that we play. Next up on our list of places with hidden things is none other than, Greasy Grove. In order to get to this, you are going to want to drop down in Greasy Grove. Don't drop down just anywhere though, because you need to land on the highest building there in order to find what it is we are looking for. The ceiling that you are now standing on should have air vents, make sure to smash out the ceiling beneath you, you should then drop down onto a set of stairs. This might not seem like a huge deal just yet, but above the stairs that you landed on you will see a kayak. Smash the kayak and a loot crate will appear, this is something that very few people actually know about, so you should have no problem getting to it before someone else.

7 More Surprise Loot


Some people might think that loot boxes are kind of hard to come across, but they would be very wrong, because loot crates are literally everywhere on the map. The Lonely Lodge is one of those places where you can usually find at least five loot crates, but there is one in particular that a lot of people seem to overlook. Head east of the lonely lodge, toward the edge of the island, hanging off of a cliff you will find a tractor trailer. Most people would assume that they should not go anywhere near it, in fear that they might fall in the water and eliminate themselves, but you can actually hop on top of the truck with no issues at all. You might even be surprised after hopping onto the truck and realizing that there is some surprise loot in the back of it that always contains some very rare items. So, if you want to go somewhere that you know you will end up with some really good items to get you through the game, then this is definitely the spot for you. Just make sure to be careful if dropping down directly onto the truck, because you do not want to end up in the ocean before the game even starts.

6 Secret Treasure Maps


Not many people pay attention to graffiti or papers that appear on the walls of different buildings, but they probably should because it turns out that some of these things can lead them to loot. If you ever happen to come across a piece of paper plastered on the wall inside of or even outside of a building, then you should not just pass them by because after looking at for about a minute you can easily figure out how to get to one of those llamas that contain loot. These “maps” typically have an x that shows where you are, if you follow the map from that x, then you should stumble across a llama.

These llamas are usually pretty colorful and if you search them loot should explode from the llama as the llama disappears.

These usually contain some pretty good and rare items as well, so it is always worth it to go look for them if, of course, you have the time to before you have to outrun the storm. This is not, however, something that you should be doing if you have not yet found a single gun, because you want to make sure that you armed for your trek to the llama.