We all need a good laugh now and then, and sometimes unwinding with a goofy game is exactly what you need to boost your mood. Serious, dramatic, story-driven games get a lot of love and attention, but some of the best games out there are funky, feel-good, and weird as can be.

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It's important to take a break from the grind now and again to spend time on something that makes you smile! Whether you're taking a break from your latest playthrough of a Soulsborne game, looking for something lighthearted after a long day at work, or trying to find something you can enjoy with your friends, these games are guaranteed to get a giggle (or at least a grin).

10 Human Fall Flat

A group of plain doll-like characters hanging off of a car on a cliff's edge

The goofy obstacle course of Human Fall Flat is perfect for gamers of all skill levels, as it is equally frustrating for all. Because of this, it makes for a great party game! The funky physics add a healthy dose of physical comedy to keep you laughing, and the various maps and puzzles make it hard to get bored easily.

Who doesn't love a little slapstick? Tackle the obstacle courses on your own, or go at it with friends for even more laughs. It's hard to beat watching your buddy ragdoll after a good smack from an oversize golf club.

9 Graveyard Keeper

A graveyard by a church with a man standing in the doorway

For lovers of the grim and gruesome, Graveyard Keeper is the perfect pastime for anyone who has ever dreamed of managing their own graveyard. Lovers of Stardew Valley will enjoy foraging, farming, crafting, and tracking down quirky characters at odd hours.

A talking skull with a drinking problem and an attitude will help guide you through this dark medieval world as you make friends with witches, religious refugees, and a talking donkey. Are you above selling human meat? It's time to find out!

8 West Of Loathing

Stick figures in a hand-drawn old west town

Stick figures, skeletons, and demon cows, oh my! This black-and-white comedy RPG is full of puzzles, jokes, and good ol' turn-based, slapstick combat. West of Loathing's clever dialogue will keep a smile glued to your face as you tumble(weed) your way through wild west adventures.

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If the simple and charming animation isn't enough, the fantasy elements are sure to win you over. West of Loathing is perfect for anyone looking for an easy-going good time. Hand-drawn graphics, open-world exploration, and a drunk horse — what more could you ask for?

7 Portal 2

Two androids, ATLAS and P-body

Portal 2 is a fan favorite, to say the least. The witty writing, dry humor, and charmingly sarcastic characters have made this game a classic for players of all ages.

If you somehow have not heard of the Portal series by now, welcome out from under that rock! Portal 2 is a mesh of brain-bending puzzles and sci-fi adventures. Even though it launched in 2011, the game holds up impressively well. It's a much meme-d, constantly quoted game for a reason. If you've never dipped your toes in the Portal pool, there is never a bad time to start.

6 The Stanley Parable

An office desk with the overlayed text "PLEASE PRESS Q TO QUESTION NOTHING."

Are you ready to get meta? The Stanley Parable is all about playing with and deconstructing the relationship between video game creator and player. It toys with narrative tropes and conventions, ideas of predestination and choice, and exists in a state of perpetual contradiction. Prepare for the obnoxious, pseudo-intellectual narrator to attempt to guide you through your exploration.

If this sounds a little it's leading you down the path to a full-blown existential crisis... maybe it is? But it's going to make you laugh while doing it.

5 Octodad: Dadliest Catch

Octopus in a suit throwing a basketball at an arcade game

Do you ever feel like you are pretending to be someone you're not? Does it sometimes feel like a chore to blend in with "normal" people? Are you an octopus masquerading as a human man? Well, you can be!

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Octodad is another game where the humor lies in your attempting to navigate the physics of the world, and of course the endearingly absurd premise. Having eight arms might sound useful, but mundane daily tasks quickly become chaotic when boneless, sticky appendages get involved.

4 Hatoful Boyfriend

Two pigeons in pink dresses facing each other behind a dialogue box

Hatoful Boyfriend is a game for those who love the ridiculous, the absurd, and the birds. It's a dating sim unlike any other. Because you are dating sentient birds.

Imagine all the drama, intrigue, and romance of an interactive visual novel, and then add some feathers. As the only human at a prestigious high school, there are many interesting conversations to be had. The replay value is high, too, due to the branching narrative style and various possible endings. It's the perfect game for those of us who enjoy heartfelt conversations with pigeons.

3 I Am Bread

A slice of bread looking down at a kitchen

If you want to take your goofiness and gluten content to the next level, I Am Bread is for you! As the name implies, you play as a simple slice of bread. You have one mission: to become toast. As you tackle this deceptively challenging task, you will fly through the air, flop across countertops, and fling your way through the different rooms of an ordinary house.

Sometimes it's the simple things in life that put a smile on your face. In this case, that simple thing might be a very-difficult-to-control slice of plain bread.

2 Untitled Goose Game

Two geese in a garden honking at a cross-armed woman

They are one of nature's most chaotic, diabolical, and mysterious beings: geese. Untitled Goose Game is for those who enjoy making a little mischief. But how much mischief can you make as a simple waterfowl? You might be surprised.

Being a goose is the only excuse you need to be the ultimate agent of chaos. Your to-do list consists mostly of messing with people for no reason, so if you've been looking for a good excuse to practice your diabolical cackle (or honk), now is the time!

1 Resident Evil 4

Leon and Ashley from original RE4

One of these things is not like the others. A horror game isn't what you might reach for when looking for a laugh, but the camp is strong with this one.

Our protagonist, Leon, has an attitude straight out of an '80s buddy cop movie. He's brooding, he's rugged, and he's had it up to here with these monsters. Just when things are getting a little too intense, he is there with a snappy one-liner to break the tension. You wouldn't expect a gag in the midst of all the blood and gore, and yet a groan-worthy pun is sometimes just what we all need.

Next: The Quarry: Gags That Made Us Laugh The Hardest