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In the world of Gamedec, your main job is to be a detective. However, as an independent investigator, there will be a wide range of scenarios that you'll face during cases. Some will be simple enough to handle with your base skills, but you'll need to rely on additional ones to cover more ground.

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By accepting multiple Professions, you'll gain extra knowledge and skill-sets during the course of the game. It's good to have as many as possible, but it can be costly. Each one requires a combination of three to four of the different types of points you can earn. You'll have to use every opportunity to gain points based on the personality colors of Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green.

How To Earn Red Skill Points

Outside The Gamedec Club

The flame symbol defines points associated with the Red personality type. During cases, you'll encounter people who are very ambitious, headstrong, passionate, and intimidating. Those in the Red type can be volatile, which can make them a threat down the line.

You can also choose to embody this personality in order to earn Red points. The quickest way to do this through dialogue is by choosing options where you take control or make a show of strength through speech, one of your Professions, and pushing forward.

How To Earn Yellow Skill Points

Gamedec Powers In Virtual Worlds

With the Gamedec society depending so much on virtual reality, designers and artists work hard to create very real and vibrant games. You'll get to experience these whenever you decide to dive into them for cases. You'll get to see many examples of creative thinking and artistry which is what defines the Yellow personality type.

By behaving this way, you'll earn Yellow points as indicated by the light bulb symbol. Whenever you're faced with a choice situation, you can earn them easily by showing curiosity, sharing ideas, and expressing yourself in unconventional ways.

How To Earn Blue Skill Points

Outside The Gamedec Club

Considering how much technology dominates the Gamedec career as the Realium society in general. You'll come across a number of different machines from simple analog devices to more advanced digital symbols. Whether your detective knows a lot about these things, they'll still need to deal with them on the job.

As such, sometimes the best way to view things is in a clear and straightforward manner. That's why those defined by the Blue personality type are much more logical and use reasoning to convince and argue. To earn Blue points identified by a puzzle piece, you must behave similarly. When dealing with machine issues or participating in conversation, choose actions and speech that appear technical in nature.

How To Earn Green Skill Points

Inside The Gamedec Club

Although you'll be surrounded by a lot of artificial features, the human element still plays a major role. As a Gamedec, an important part of your job is talking to anyone who may have something helpful to share. However, depending on the circumstances and personality type, they may not be open people. You can change this by showing that you care as a Green personality type would.

Defined by a classic heart symbol, Green points are earned through compassion and sensitivity. Whenever you're talking with someone, take the time to focus on them and hear out their problems so that you can earn Green points.

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