Genshin Impact is a game that has continued to grow and introduce more characters. Albedo is a five-star geo sword-user who has remained a popular choice due to his unique support abilities. If you are lucky enough to pull Albedo, then you're going to want to know how to get the most out of the character.

Related: Genshin Impact: Eula Ascension And Talent Materials

To do this, you will need to ascend him all the way to level 90 and max out all of his talents. This is going to take a lot of materials that come from several different locations in the game. To help you get your Albedo maxed out as quickly as possible, the guide below is here to walk you through every item you need to level him up.

Albedo's Ascension Materials

Albedo sketching

In order to ascend Albedo to level 90, you are going to need to collect quite a few experience books and save up over a million mora. Below is the total cost of getting your Albedo to level 90 in Genshin Impact:

Wanderer's Advice


Adventurer's Experience


Hero's Wit


Mora Cost


If you need more experience books, you can always farm Ley Line Outcrops. These Outcrops pop up all over Mondstadt, Liyue, and Inazuma and can be easily located using your map.

Albedo's Ascension Cost And Item Locations

Albedo growing a plant on his right hand.

In addition to mora and experience, you will also need to gather gems and a boss material to ascend Albedo:

Gem Type


Prithiva Topaz Sliver


Prithiva Topaz Fragment


Prithiva Topaz Chunk


Prithiva Topaz Gemstone


Basalt Pillar


You can get Prithiva Topaz and Basalt Pillars from fighting the Geo Hypostasis located in Liyue. Here are the enemy drops and the type of plant you need to gather for Albedo:

Item Name


Divining Scroll


Sealed Scroll


Forbidden Curse Scroll




Scrolls can be obtained from Samachurls, and Cecilias are located in Mondstadt, where they grow on Starsnatch Cliff and can be bought in small quantities from Flora in Mondstadt city. For more information about Cecilias, check out our guide here.

Albedo's Talent Marterials

Albedo Hillichurl Painting

To make Albedo the best he can be, not only do you need to worry about leveling and ascension, but you will need to focus on his talents to ensure his attacks are dealing enough damage. The chart below shows you exactly what you need to max out all of Albedo's talents:

Item Name


Divining Scroll


Sealed Scroll


Forbidden Curse Scroll


Teachings of Ballad


Guide to Ballad


Philosophies of Ballad


Tusk of Monoceros Caeli


Crown of Insight


Ballad talent books can be obtained from the Forsaken Rift domain in Mondstadt on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. The Tusk of Monoceros Caeli can be obtained from Childe's weekly boss fight.

In addition to this, you will also need three Crowns of Insight if you wish to get the most out of Albedo; these are mostly obtained through special events.

Next: Genshin Impact - Albedo Build Guide