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The adorable Diona entered Genshin Impact a little while ago, and you really can't blame the fans for loving her. She's incredibly cute and very capable in battle, as long you know how to set up her equipment. Diona is a talented archer, but her primary abilities don't focus on shooting down enemies, but instead making the rest of your team that much more capable in battle.

Diona is a unique Cryo character as she could very easily be used as either a Support or a Healer character, depending on what you need in your team, and we're going to break down what's best for both of these roles right here.

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Best Weapon for Diona in Genshin Impact

Diona is an archer, so she'll need a powerful bow to pair with her Cryo attacks. The first bow you should have your eyes on is the Favonius Warbow. Diona's healing ability is her Burst attack, and without it she can't do much for the rest of your team, which makes her not as capable as some of the other Healers in the game. To counter that, the Favonius Warbow makes it easier to use Burst as it generates Elemental Orbs which you can collect.

If you want Diona to be more focused on supporting the rest of your team, which is wise, then perhaps go with The Stringless, another powerful four-star bow. This will boost Diona's Cryo elemental damage, and she'll be able to deal damage from a distance, all while behind an icy shield.

Diona using shield

Best Artifacts for Diona in Genshin Impact

Since Diona could either be a Healer or a Support character in your team, depending on what you're looking for, there are two sets of artifacts which could best suit her.

If you want Diona to be a healer, you should aim for the Maiden Beloved set bonus, which can be attained with the following artifacts.

  • Maiden's Distant Love
  • Maiden's Heart-stricken Infatuation
  • Maiden's Passing Youth
  • Maiden's Fleeting Leisure
  • Maiden's Fading Beauty

This set offers big buffs to Diona's healing ability, her Burst attack, which heals any characters within the AOE range she sets down. If Diona is your only Healer, then she needs this set for the challenges ahead.

Meanwhile, if you're looking for Diona to be more of a support character for the rest of your team, then perhaps take a look at the Noblesse Oblige set bonus, which can be attained with the following artifacts.

  • Royal Flora
  • Royal Plume
  • Royal Pocket Watch
  • Royal Silver Urn
  • Royal Masque

This set will offer up +20% Burst damage with two pieces, and all four gives you +20% ATK to your entire party after a Burst for 12 seconds. If you want Diona to support and back you up, this is the way to do it.

Diona's Playstyle in Genshin Impact

Diona is not a character to fight enemies head-on, which is a general rule for all of the archers in Genshin Impact, really. Instead, she focuses on buffing herself and her party members to turn the tide of battle. Her Burst ability, which has been mentioned several times here, is by far the most useful, as it leaves a field of Cryo AOE damage, and also heals party members inside it. Combine that with Hydro, Pyro, or Electro for Frozen, Melt, or Overloaded respectively, and watch the damage stack up.

NEXT: Qiqi Genshin Impact Build Guide