Genshin Impact Version 2.6 introduced a slew of new content for the game, ranging from a fresh Archon Quest to an entirely new region called the Chasm. Not only did Hoyoverse give us these new activities to explore, though, but also a new character to experience them with: Kamisato Ayato. As head of Inazuma's Kamisato Clan, the Yashiro Commissioner, and also Ayaka's older brother, it's no wonder why Ayato has been too busy to appear in the game until now.

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Whether it's his fluid fighting style or his silver tongue that drew you to him, anyone who acquired Ayato will have a strong Hydro Sword wielder to lead their team. Hydro-based reactions are some of the most potent in Genshin Impact, meaning that Ayato can be used effectively in a wide variety of team compositions. Although he is designed as a main-DPS character, he also offers some flexibility thanks to his supportive Elemental Burst. However, you want to utilize Ayato in your team, this guide will show you some of the best team compositions to ensure Ayato makes a splash.

Enacting The Shogun's Political Policy

Genshin Ayato Fischl Beidou Bennett Comp

As the head of one of Inazuma's major families, Ayato oftentimes has to negotiate political conflicts for the Shogun. Of course, Raiden Shogun's political policy involves lots and lots of Electro damage, which is the primary feature of this team composition. "Taser teams," as they are often called, are extremely strong in Genshin Impact due to their ability to constantly proc Electro-Charged reactions between multiple enemies. Kokomi and Xingqiu have been strong drivers of this type of team in the past, but Ayato also excels at this job.

Fischl and Beidou are a classic pairing that can support Ayato's field time by supplementing his attacks with Electro damage. Simply activate their Skills and/or Bursts before sending Ayato into battle, and then Hydro damage from his Skill and Burst will rapidly cause Electro-Charged reactions. This type of composition shines against multiple enemies so that the electricity can arc between them and cause extra damage. Just be careful that you don't shock yourself in the process.

The exact members of this composition are also quite flexible, so you can adapt it according to which characters you own or enjoy using most. Raiden Shogun or Yae Miko can be substituted for Fischl or Beidou if you want heavy-hitting Burst supports to back up Ayato. For the final slot in this team, consider a Pyro user like Bennett or an Anemo user like Sucrose. Bennett provides a lot of extra damage as well as healing, while Sucrose can reduce enemy RES and group enemies together for easier targeting. Feel free to experiment with this slot and deploy whichever character suits your needs.

Like Sister, Like Brother

Genshin Ayato Ayaka Xingqiu Shenhe Comp

Ayaka became playable a long time before Ayato, but her frosty playstyle is no less relevant today. Ayato complements Cryo characters like Ayaka very well and can be a valuable asset to Freeze teams. Freeze teams offer exceptional utility against opponents that can be Frozen (most Bosses cannot be), allowing you to manage multiple foes easily and remove their offensive threat.

A dual-DPS/dual-support composition works well to make the most out of Ayato in teams like this. Ayato's Burst applies enough Hydro to enemies that you can keep them permanently Frozen when dealing damage with Ayaka or Ganyu, while an off-field Cryo Burst from Ganyu, Shenhe, Diona, Kaeya, or Rosaria will keep enemies Frozen during Ayato's Skill. There is a bit of energy and cooldown management involved in a team such as this, but the payoff is worth it. An Anemo character like Kazuha or Venti can also be useful here to shred enemies' RES and make sure they stay grouped up inside your range.

When using Ayato in a Freeze team, consider equipping him with Blizzard Strayer Artifacts and subsequently bumping up his Crit DMG stats. As long as he is hitting opponents that are Frozen or are affected by Cryo, he can benefit from this Artifact set's effect as much as any Cryo character.

RELATED: Genshin Impact: Ayaka Build Guide

Normal Attacks, Exceptional Damage

Genshin Ayato Yun Jin Yoimiya Zhongli Comp

When putting together a team for Ayato, it's crucial to remember that his Hydro-infused sword slashes during his Elemental Skill count as Normal Attacks. This qualification allows his Skill to benefit from a wide range of abilities, from Yun Jin's Flying Cloud Flag Formation to Beidou's Thunderbeast's Targe. Ayato's Elemental Burst is another ability that can buff his Normal Attack damage.

When paired with another character like Yoimiya who also relies on Normal Attacks, you can form a solid tag team in which both members can take advantage of the same buffs from the rest of your team. Ayato and Yoimiya can be swapped out to cover each other during their Skill downtimes, but not before passing on their Bursts to help their partner. Ayato's Burst strengthens Yoimiya's Normal Attacks and allows them to Vaporize, while Yoimiya's Burst can let Ayato Vaporize some of his hits as well.

The other members of this team composition can vary, but Yun Jin is a strong option in this style of team. Her Normal Attack bonuses are significant, but she can sometimes struggle with generating enough Energy for her Burst. Consider pairing her with another Geo character like Zhongli or Albedo to give her extra Energy and grant your team Geo Resonance as well. Alternatively, ATK buffers like Bennett and Anemo users like Jean (especially with her C2) are always welcome on teams that are trying to funnel bonuses into their main-DPS characters.

NEXT: Genshin Impact Complete Guide And Walkthrough