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Hoyoverse has created one of the best open-world exploration games out there, and it gets better and better with every update. Genshin Impact takes you on a journey to learn the story of Teyvat as you explore multiple regions in the game. They also release new characters regularly to keep the game fresh.

RELATED: Genshin Impact: Ascension Materials For Cyno

Candace is a four-star Polearm wielder who possesses a Hydro vision. Being one of the first characters from the Desert area of Sumeru, she has an aesthetically pleasing design, almost giving her the vibe of a five-star. Further, Candace has one of the unique kits in the game.

Candace's Ascension Materials

Genshin Impact Candace Back Angle In Desert

Everything you need to ascend this character to the maximum level, summarized in a simple table down below.

Ascension Phase

Maximum Level



Regional Specialty

Mob Drops

World Boss Drops




1x Varunada Lazurite Sliver

3x Henna Berry

3x Faded Red Satin





3x Varunada Lazurite Fragment

10x Henna Berry

15x Faded Red Satin

2x Light Guiding Tetrahedron




6x Varunada Lazurite Fragment

20x Henna Berry

12x Trimmed Red Silk

4x Light Guiding Tetrahedron




3x Varunada Lazurite Chunk

30x Henna Berry

18x Trimmed Red Silk

8x Light Guiding Tetrahedron




6x Varunada Lazurite Chunk

45x Henna Berry

12x Rich Red Brocade

12x Light Guiding Tetrahedron




6x Varunada Lazurite Gemstone

60x Henna Berry

24x Rich Red Brocade

20x Light Guiding Tetrahedron

It is important to note that the materials mentioned above are the requirements for Candace's ascension only. You will have to spend extra Mora and EXP materials like Hero's Wits to level them up for ascending them further.

You can only ascend a character to the next level after you've reached the maximum level for the current ascension.

Where To Find Henna Berry

Genshin Impact Candace In Desert

Henna Berry is a special red-colored flower that can only be found in treacherous weather and area, such as the Desert of Sumeru. The flower is known to survive many hardships, making it perfect for an elegant and scary character like Candace.

Since it's exclusive to one region, you won't be able to farm all 168 of these that are required in one day to ascend Candace completely. Another way to get them is to hop into a co-op world since you can take specialties from other worlds as well.

Where To Find Red Satin, Silk, And Brocade


With the launch of Sumeru, a new type of enemy called Eremites was released in the game. These people belong to the Desert and are angry after what happened to their god called The Scarlet King. Eremites can be found all across Sumeru, and they're also exclusive to this region.

Eremites work similarly to Fatui in a way that there are mini-bosses for them that are much tankier than the normal mobs. Defeating any Eremite almost guarantees you a Faded Red Satin drop, with a chance of giving you the better Silk or Brocade.

Where To Find Light Guiding Tetrahedron

Genshin Impact Semi-Intransient Matrix

Along with the release of the Desert area of Sumeru in Version 3.1, two new World bosses were added. One of them is named the Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network. Fighting this boss gives you a chance to get two to three Light Guiding Tetrahedron every time.

There is a three-minute cooldown after you fight the boss once, where you'll need to teleport far away if you want it to respawn after the time is up. Also, you require 40 Original Resin to collect the rewards after defeating a boss, and you get one of these every eight minutes.

Where To Find Varunada Lazurite Crystal

Genshin Impact Candace Burst

There is a crystal counterpart for every single element that you can acquire in Genshin Impact. Varunada Lazurite is one of them, and it belongs to the Hydro element. You can acquire this crystal in a lot of ways, but the most common one is to defeat certain World or Weekly bosses.

Apart from that, you will also get bits of these from limited Genshin events that are released regularly. The bosses you can acquire Varunada Lazurite from are:

  • Oceanid (Liyue)
  • Primo Geovishap (Liyue)
  • Hydro Hypostasis (Inazuma)
  • Stormterror (Mondstadt)
  • Tartaglia (Liyue)
  • Azhdaha (Liyue)

Candace's Talent Materials

Genshin Impact Candace Close Up

Talent Level


Talent Books

Mob Drops

Weekly Boss Drops



3x Teachings of Admonition

6x Faded Red Satin




2x Guide to Admonition

3x Trimmed Red Silk




4x Guide to Admonition

4x Trimmed Red Silk




6x Guide to Admonition

6x Trimmed Red Silk




9x Guide to Admonition

9x Trimmed Red Silk




4x Philosophies of Admonition

4x Rich Red Brocade

1x Tears of the Calamitous God



6x Philosophies of Admonition

6x Rich Red Brocade

1x Tears of the Calamitous God



12x Philosophies of Admonition

9x Rich Red Brocade

2x Tears of the Calamitous God



18x Philosophies of Admonition

12x Rich Red Brocade

2x Tears of the Calamitous God

Talent Books can be acquired from various domains in Genshin Impact. There is one domain in each region that cycles all the Talent books depending on the days of the week. You can find the Admonition books in the Steeple of Ignorance domain.

They're featured every Monday, Thursday, and Sunday. You can use Condensed Resin inside domains. It's recommended to save up some on the previous day, so you can farm more when they're featured.

Some events that are exclusive to Sumeru also feature these books as event rewards. Usually, you'll be able to get around four Guide to Admonition, and two Philosophies of Admonition from one of these events as well.

Where To Find Tears Of The Calamitous God

Genshin Impact Raiden Shogun Boss Fight With Raiden Shogun

There are very few weekly bosses in Genshin Impact, and only one gets released every five or six updates. Raiden Shogun is one of these, and she gets unlocked after you finish the second story quest for Ei (Raiden Shogun) in the game.

To unlock the required story quest, you need to finish the entire Inazuma main story arc, and also the first story quest for Raiden. After that, you'll be taken on a journey with Ei where she fights to end the stillness caused by her puppet.

Upon defeating this boss, you can claim the rewards for 30 or 60 Original Resin, and you'll have a chance to get one of her three special drops. Tears of the Calamitous God are one of these drops.

NEXT: Genshin Impact Complete Guide