There's already been a ton of new events and minor updates added to Genshin Impact since it launched, but Mihoyo is preparing for its first major update in early November with Genshin Impact patch 1.1. Included in this update will be four brand new characters, including Childe, Xinyan, Zhongli, and Diona. Not everything has been revealed about these new characters just yet, but there is more than enough to get excited about. Here is everything you need to know about Genshin Impact Diona.

Everything You Need To Know About Diona In Genshin Impact

This brand new update, expected to hit on November 11, will bring the game to version 1.1. Alongside the new event called Unreturned Star Off, the most exciting addition comes in the form of the new characters. Diona is one of four expected, and has a lot of interesting things to look forward to.

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What we know of Diona so far is that she is going to be a 4-star rarity character who wields a bow as her primary weapon. She will be affiliated with the Cryo element, and is supposedly going to be a healer class, with her Elemental Burst supposedly being a thrown projectile that doubles as a damaging Cryo AOE on any enemies it makes contact with. Interestingly, this projectile also heals whichever party members stand in its radius, making it twice as valuable.

In terms of ascension, Diona will need the Shivada Jade Silver Elemental Material for the first level, then Hoarfrost Cores and Calla Lily, and then either Firm, Sharp, or Weathered Arrowheads. If you're looking for a new Cryo healer type and want to be ready for Diona, you can get started on building up your stock of these materials now.

In terms of the character herself, we know very little about Diona except that she is from Springvale and is the daughter of Draff. She will be a waitress at the Cat's Tail Bar in Mondstadt.

In terms of what her Elemental Skill, stats, and constellations are, we will just have to wait for Diona to join our rosters in early November, or hope for more information from Genshin Impact leaks.

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