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Everything in the world of Genshin Impact is based on different types of reactions, and it always felt a little incomplete because Dendro didn't have any presence in the pool until the Version 3.0 update. In this update, different Dendro reactions were added alongside a new main region, Sumeru.

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Before this, reactions were significantly straightforward, and you wouldn't have to strategize around them too much. But, Dendro changes this completely as Hoyoverse has added a new depth and the reactions are carefully detailed. One of these reactions existed in the game from the very beginning.

Updated December 15, 2022 by Sanyam Jain: While the game hasn't gotten the much-anticipated Dendro reactions with Cryo or Anemo, there have been a few characters that use different Dendro reactions to boost their kit. Both Nilou and Nahida have some special traits that can determine the kind of reactions you trigger with them.

How Burning Works In Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact Dendro Reactions Burning

This is the only reaction that existed in the game from the beginning. The Dendro slimes would stay under the ground until you hit them with a Pyro attack, which caused Burning. At one point, this reaction used to deal a ton of damage to your character, besides the enemy.

While you could still have the Burning effect without Dendro, the application of Dendro from a Samachurl made it last a lot longer. Knowing all this, a lot of players were excited to be able to use this reaction themselves, but it was nerfed once again before the release of Dendro.

Burning is triggered whenever you apply Pyro to an enemy that already has Dendro applied to it. This is pretty easy to identify as the enemy has flames all over them and they take multiple instances of Pyro damage every second. It can be a good supportive damage reaction.

Burning goes away pretty fast, and to keep an enemy in this state, you have to apply a lot of Dendro to them.

How Quicken Works In Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact Dendro Reactions Quicken

One of the reactions added to the game in Version 3.0, Quicken is triggered whenever Dendro meets Electro. This reaction can be applied in both ways, and it doesn't matter which element is applied first. Quicken doesn't do a lot by itself, but it is one of the strongest reactions because of what follows.


Genshin Impact Dendro Reactions Aggravate

Once a target is quickened, you can apply Electro to it once again to trigger the Aggravate reaction. Once this reaction triggers, your next Electro attack will have increased damage based on the Elemental Mastery of the character. This damage buff is significantly high, indirectly buffing Electro heavily.


Genshin Impact Dendro Reactions Spread

Similar to Aggravate, Spread can be triggered when you apply Dendro on a quickened enemy. This increases the Dendro damage dealt to that enemy, and it has a slightly higher multiplier than Aggravate.

While these reactions can constantly increase your damage from a certain element, some of these attacks have an in-game cooldown of 2.5 seconds before another reaction triggers, which also applies to these.

How Bloom Work In Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact Dendro Reactions Bloom

This is the most interesting reaction in Genshin Impact as it's the only one that spawns an entity that can be further interacted with. Bloom is triggered when Hydro meets Dendro, and it spawns a Dendro seed on the ground near the target that has multiple functions.

Firstly, there can only be up to five seeds on the field. If a sixth seed comes to the field, the first one will instantly blow up, dealing Dendro damage to the surrounding enemies. Further, any seed that comes to the field blows up after six seconds, dealing Dendro damage once again.


Genshin Impact Dendro Reactions Hyperbloom

As mentioned above, the seeds formed by Bloom can be interacted with to activate more different kinds of reactions. If you apply Electro to the seed, it triggers Hyperbloom. When this happens, the seed will fly to one of the enemies around it and deal Dendro damage.


Genshin Impact Dendro Reactions Burgeon

Similarly, applying Pyro to the seed triggers Burgeon, during which the seed blows up dealing more damage in a larger area than it would have if it exploded normally. It is important to note here that this will also deal damage to your character, even though it'll be much lesser compared to the enemy.

While Hyperbloom might seem worse against Burgeon, it deals a lot more damage to a single target and doesn't deal damage to your own character, which is great for characters like Hu Tao or Kuki Shinobu who need to stay on low health.

Non-Reaction Elements

Genshin Impact Collei Ayaka Team

While the reactions mentioned above are very detailed and completely different from anything we've seen in Genshin in terms of reactions, there are a few that actually don't have any reaction with Dendro. The first in line is the Cryo element, which is very surprising.

Whenever you deal Cryo and Dendro damage at the same time, you will simply see raw damage from the two elements, and there'll be no reactions. This makes Cryo and Dendro teams completely useless because the game is balanced around reaction-based damage.

Further, Anemo and Geo are the two elements that have the same reaction with every single element, except Dendro. There is no Swirl or Crystallize with this element. If you're using a mono-Dendro team, characters like Kazuha are not that useful in them anymore.

Swirling an element with the Viridescent Venerer artifact set also gave some elemental resistance reduction, which is not possible with Dendro. Further, you can't gain any crystallized Dendro shield either.

Nilou's Exclusive Bloom Reaction

Genshin Impact Nilou Smiling Happily In Watatsumi Island

Nilou is a five-star sword-wielding character in Genshin Impact who possesses a Hydro vision. Her kit makes her a little niche but it also makes her the queen of Bloom reactions. This is because of her passives called Court of Dancing Petals and Dreamy Dance of Aeons. Both of these passives only work if your team only has Hydro and Dendro element characters.

You need to have one character from Hydro and Dendro element each as well. While this is a specific requirement for the passive, you will need these elements in your team for Bloom reaction anyway.

Whenever you finish all the dances of Nilou's Elemental Skill, Court of Dancing Petals passive grants all your party members the Golden Chalice effect. When your party member has this effect, their Elemental Mastery increases every time they take Dendro damage. Moreover, the cores produced by Bloom reactions are converted to Bountiful Cores.

These cores are exclusive to Nilou and they explode much faster than normal Dendro Cores with a larger AoE, which is essentially automatic Burgeon. Bountiful Cores cannot trigger Burgeon or Hyperbloom, making Nilou exclusively for Bloom reactions.

Dreamy Dance of Aeons passive increases the damage dealt by Bountiful Cores by nine percent for every 1,000 health you have over 30,000. While Nilou has two different stances for her Elemental Skill, all these buffs make the flower stance the most effective.

Bloom reaction is not the best reaction in the game by itself. It can be better if you use an AoE Electro character to deal single-target Hyperbloom damage, but Nilou gives the true power to this reaction.

How Dendro Reactions Affect Nahida

Genshin Impact Nahida Winking And Smiling

Nahida is the fourth Archon that the players of Genshin Impact got their hands on. As expected of an Archon, her kit is quite unique and interactive. Upon using her Elemental Skill, Nahida marks a bunch of opponents and binds them together. Whenever you trigger an Elemental Reaction on these opponents, this mark will deal Dendro damage to them.

While this effect has its own cooldown, Nahida's party members can change different things about the effect when you use her Elemental Burst. Here are all the changes you can see:


Increases the damage dealt by Nahida's mark.


Decreases the cooldown between two instances of damage from this effect.


Increases the amount of time your Elemental Burst stays on the field.

Only the elements that can interact with Dendro have an effect in Nahida's Elemental Burst. Moreover, the effect of a certain element is increased if you have two characters with that element in your team.

This makes the Quicken reaction series one of the best with Nahida since it lets the effect trigger quicker and deals extra damage after triggering Spread.

NEXT: Genshin Impact: How To Unlock The Underwater Waypoint In Sumeru