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Fischl is a 4-star bow-wielding Electro character in Genshin Impact. With her faithful servant Oz, Fischl is a great addition to almost any team that can utilize constant Electro-based reactions.

Related: Genshin Impact: Barbara Ascension And Talent Materials

Let's take a look at what materials you will need to ascend Fischl and upgrade her talents to the highest level, and where you can find those materials.

Ascension Materials

Fischl Ascension screen to max level

These are the materials you will need to ascend Fischl six times:

Gemstones and Boss Loot

  • 1 Vajrada Amethyst Sliver
  • 9 Vajrada Amethyst Fragment
  • 9 Vajrada Amethyst Chunk
  • 6 Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone
  • 46 Lightning Prism

Common Items and Monster Drops

  • 168 Small Lamp Grass
  • 18 Firm Arrowhead
  • 30 Sharp Arrowhead
  • 36 Weathered Arrowhead

Hero's Wit and Mora

  • 414 Hero's Wit
  • 420,000 Mora

Talent Materials

Fischl talent upgrade screen

To fully upgrade Fischl's talents, you will need:


  • 9 Teachings of Ballad
  • 63 Guide to Ballad
  • 114 Philosophies of Ballad

Monster Drops

  • 18 Firm Arrowhead
  • 66 Sharp Arrowhead
  • 93 Weathered Arrowhead

Rare Items

  • 18 Spirit Locket of Boreas
  • 3 Crown of Insight

Where To Find Fischl's Ascension and Talent Materials

Location of Electro Hypostasis near Cape Oath


Vajrada Amethyst Slivers, Fragments, Chunks, and Gemstones can be obtained from the Electro Hypostasis Boss. This boss can be found near Cape Oath, and it  costs 40 Original Resin to obtain its rewards.

Lightning Prisms can also be obtained from the Electro Hypostasis Boss.

Common Drops and Books

Small Lamp Grass needed for Fischl materials

Small Lamp Grass can be found all over Mondstadt. They are usually found in clumps of three near trees or other dark shady areas. Try using this farming guide for a fast and easy method for gathering Small Lamp Grass.

Teachings, Guides, and Philosophies of Ballad can be obtained from the Forsaken Rift Domain on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. This domain is located near Springvale, and it will cost 20 Original Resin or 1 Condensed Resin to obtain its rewards.

Arrowheads needed for Fischl Ascension and Talent Materials

Firm, Sharp, and Weathered Arrowheads can be obtained by bow-wielding Hilichurls. These enemies can be found all over the map, and often appear alongside other Hilichurls. Try exploring Teyvat if you need more Arrowheads.

Mora Cost

To upgrade Fischl's talents and ascend to the max level, you will need roughly seven million Mora. Most activities you complete in the game will reward Mora, but the best way to gather it quickly is through the Ley Line Outcrop: Blossom of Wealth. It costs 20 Original Resin or 1 Condensed Resin to receive rewards from a Ley Line Outcrop.

Experience and Rare Items

To level up Fischl to level 90, you will need:

  • 414 Hero's Wit
  • 15 Adventurer's Experience
  • 12 Wanderer's Advice

Experience Books can be obtained from the Ley Line Outcrop: Blossom of Revelation, as well as various other quests and activities in the game. The numbers above represent the most efficient method for reaching level 90, but any combination of Experience Books will get you there.

Andrius Wolf of the North Challenge

Spirit Locket of Boreas can be obtained from the Wolf of the North Challenge. You can find this challenge in Wolvendom after completing the story quest The Meaning of Lupical. The boss has a chance to drop three different Rare Materials — the Spirit Locket of Boreas being one of them.

Finally, you will need three Crown of Insight to upgrade Fischl's talents to level 10. These items can only be obtained from time-limited events that occur every so often. Because of this, they are very rare, so be sure to spend them wisely.

Next: Genshin Impact: The Best Story Quests