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Gorou's appearance on the Genshin Impact playable roster had been anticipated for a number of reasons, including his role as the great general of the Watatsumi Island army, which has gained him the respect of all subordinates thanks to his fantastic leadership and military strategy expertise. He is the most loyal follower of Sangonomiya Kokomi and also good friends with Kadehara Kazuha.

RELATED: Genshin Impact: Best Builds For Gorou

Gorou is a Bow user with the Geo vision, the first character with this combination. He is an excellent support character for your team. Especially if you were lucky enough to obtain Aratakki Itto.

Inazuma Regional Expert

Gorou reading a book in Inazuma

Hunting for the particular regional specialties of Inazuma can be a daunting task. Especially with all the different islands and Waveriders. But Gorou’s Passive talent, Seeker of Shinies, helps out tremendously.

His Passive Talent will help you find all the regional specialties of the Inazuma region. When he is in your party, the nearest regional specialty will be marked by a hand on your minimap.

Easy Gorou Build

Gorou in-game

Remember all those great artifacts with DEF as their Main Stat? Guess what, they finally have a use. Each character is Genshin Impact scales their damage based on a particular stat. While most characters need a high ATK stat, Gorou needs DEF.

So if you are just starting to build Gorou, the best option right now is to give him artifacts with DEF% as the main stat. But as backup, you can also use Geo DMG Bonus and Energy Recharge to increase Geo damage and Elemental Burst uptime respectively.

Artifact Set Bonus

Gorou with the Noblesse Set

If you plan to use Gorou for your main team then you should consider grinding for the best artifacts with the appropriate set bonuses. Artifact set bonus is very important and should be given priority when building a particular character.

You can use the 2-piece set of Husk of Opulent Dreams to get a +30 percent boost to your defense. For the other set bonus, you can go with 2-Piece Noblesse Oblige for +20 percent buff to your Elemental Burst. Alternatively, a 2-Piece Emblem of Severed Fate can be used if you want +20 percent Energy Recharge.

Gorou’s Weapon Of Choice

Gorou equipped with Favonius Warbow

Gorou is a support character, and you will be only using him for his Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst. So, the best weapon for him would be one that enhances his support capabilities and enables him to effectively deal more damage through his talents.

RELATED: Genshin Impact: Best Weapons For Gorou

Keeping this in mind, Favonius Warbow and the Sacrificial Bow are the perfect weapons for him. Both these weapons have Energy Recharge as their Bonus Stat. This ensures that Gorou will be able to use his Elemental Burst frequently.

Focus On Energy Recharge

Gorou Canine Warrior

When building a character, you need to increase their damage and cover their weaknesses if they have any. One such weakness that Gorou has trouble with is his Energy Recharge. His Elemental Burst has a high energy cost and cannot be used frequently if you don't have the right build.

When building Gorou, focus on giving him artifacts and weapons with high Energy Recharge. Make sure you have at least one artifact with Energy Recharge as the main stat and Bonus effect for a bow. Ideally, you should aim for 180 to 200 Energy Recharge.

C4 Gorou For Bonus Heals

Gorou Constellation 4 unlocked

If you love Gorou’s character design and playstyle, you can opt to get some constellations and increase his overall damage potential. But know that most of his constellations are designed around a Geo DPS team and help that specific playstyle.

Constellations 1 and 2 are excellent to start off with as they decrease the cooldown of the Elemental Skill and increase the duration of General’s Glory, respectively. But at C4, Gorou will be able to heal active characters after using his Elemental Burst! This bonus heal can come in quite handy in a pesky fight.

Talent Priority

Gorou Talents

Since Gorou has a high Energy Cost, upgrading his Elemental SKill to generate energy is very important. Your Elemental Skill will do more damage and generate energy particles.

The next talent to upgrade will be his Elemental Burst as it can generate an elemental Shard every 1.5 seconds. This ensures your party is shielded at all times and survive for longer durations.

Understanding His Elemental Skill

Gorou using his Elemental Skill

Gorou’s Elemental Skill, Inuzaka All-Round Defense, deals AoE Geo damage and creates a General’s War Banner. The buffs provided by the General’s War Banner will depend on the Geo characters in your party. His elemental skill can be used optimally if you have three Geo characters in your party.

If you have a single Geo character (only Gorou), it will buff his defense for that duration (Standing Firm). But if you have another Geo character, it will also increase resistance to interruption (Impregnable). At three Geo characters, it will deal additional Geo damage (Crunch).

Elemental Burst Buffs

Gorou on Watatsumi Island

His Burst gives him the same bonuses as his Elemental Skill, but it also triggers crystal collapse, which deals AoE Geo DMG to opponents. Every 1.5 seconds, Gorou will drag an elemental shard from the AoE of his burst towards the active character. The Crystallize reaction can easily provide your characters with a shield.

When Gorou's Elemental Burst is in the ‘Impregnable’ or ‘Crunch’ states, having his C4 gives you access to healing. This heal is based on 50 percent of Gorou's DEF and occurs every 1.5 seconds. This applies to all active characters within the AoE of the field.

Building A Team Using Gorou

Gorou Team Composition

Gorou is a niche support character, and you will need to build your team specifically around his talents. With his Elemental Skill being most effective when there are three Geo characters, you will need a Geo DPS like Aratakki Itto in your party.

Along with him, another Geo support character like Noelle, Zhongli or Albedo will increase the overall effectiveness of your team. The fourth slot in your party will be customizable based on what type of enemies you are fighting, but generally, an Elemental DPS or support is recommended.

NEXT: Genshin Impact: Gorou Hangout Event Guide