If, like many of the people of Genshin Impact's world, you find yourself enamored with superstar performer Yun Jin, her Hangout Events are required material. Spending time with the star of the Yun-Han Opera can unlock up to five different Hangout Memories to display in your Serenitea Pot. You'll also earn some useful rewards and prestigious achievements, including The Lingering Song.

Related: Genshin Impact - Best Builds For Yun Jin

Your choices during A Song That Knows Grace will determine which ending you receive, but once you've unlocked the Hangout Event you can repeat it as many times as you like to see all the possible outcomes.

How To Unlock Yun Jin's Hangout Event

genshin impact yun jin gold background

A Song That Knows Grace will become available to unlock after you've completed the Act 1 Interlude The Crane Returns On The Wind. As long as your Adventure Rank is 28 or higher you'll be able to unlock the quest from the Hangout Events tab on the Story Quests screen. Doing so costs two Story Keys; if you don't have enough, complete Commissions daily until you've earned the required keys. Every 8 Commissions you do will allow you to claim one Story Key.

Spoiler-Free Endings Guide

genshin impact yun jin over shoulder

If you want to see every ending without spoilers, but aren't sure how to unlock all of them, just follow the steps below for the ending you want. The rest of this guide contains in-depth coverage of each storyline in the Hangout if you need some more details or don't mind having some of the plot revealed.

Hangout Introduction (All Endings)

  1. Speak to Yunning at the Liyue Adventurers' Guild
  2. Find Yun Jin in Lingju Pass
  3. Defeat the Ruin Hunter
  4. Speak to Yun Jin
  5. Return to the Liyue Adventurers' Guild

The Cast Contemplates The Play's Meaning

  1. Side with Yun Jin during the argument
  2. Meet Yun Jin at Feiyun Slope between 6:00 and 8:00 the next day
  3. Answer Yun Jin's questions any way you like - your responses won't change the outcome of the story
  4. Speak to Yun Jin in the suburbs north of Liyue Harbor
  5. Defeat the group of Geo Slimes
  6. Return to Yun Jin
  7. Destroy all the red scarecrows
  8. Speak to Yun Jin
  9. Travel north and speak to Yun Jin again
  10. Destroy all the red scarecrows within the time limit while leaving the blue ones untouched.
  11. Speak to Yun Jin

A Shame That The Road Is Rocky

  1. Side with Yunning during the argument
  2. Meet Yun Jin at Heyu Tea House the following evening between 20:00 and 23:00
  3. Follow Yun Jin downstairs
  4. Encourage Yun Jin to speak with the reporters immediately
  5. Follow Boyi and Shiyun, and fail to eavesdrop on them by getting too close or staying too far away
    1. If you successfully eavesdrop on the pair, you can still get this ending by confronting them at the next decision point without first returning to Yun Jin
  6. Return to Yun Jin

And Few Friends You Shall Find

  1. Side with Yunning during the argument
  2. Meet Yun Jin at Heyu Tea House the following evening between 20:00 and 23:00
  3. Follow Yun Jin downstairs
  4. Encourage Yun Jin to speak with the reporters immediately
  5. Follow Boyi and Shiyun, eavesdropping on them while not getting too close or too far from them
  6. Report back to Yun Jin without confronting Boyi and Shiyun. Be careful not to approach the pair before talking to Yun Jin.
  7. Deliver Yun Jin's letter to Shiyun
  8. Speak to Boyi while he interviews Yun Jin

Brought Together By Common Interests

  1. Side with Yunning during the argument
  2. Meet Yun Jin at Heyu Tea House the following evening between 20:00 and 23:00
  3. Follow Yun Jin downstairs
  4. Encourage Yun Jin to decline the interview for the time being
  5. Meet Yun Jin at Chihu Rock
  6. Speak with Chen the Sharp at his barbecue stand
  7. Play the Hot Pot Challenge with Yun Jin (it doesn't matter how well you do)
  8. When prompted, tell Yun Jin her offstage personality is cute
  9. Speak to Yun Jin and take her photo
  10. Meet Yun Jin at Feiyun Slope

A Souvenir Without Sentiment If Of Little Worth

  1. Side with Yunning during the argument
  2. Meet Yun Jin at Heyu Tea House the following evening between 20:00 and 23:00
  3. Follow Yun Jin downstairs
  4. Encourage Yun Jin to decline the interview for the time being
  5. Meet Yun Jin at Chihu Rock
  6. Speak with Chen the Sharp at his barbecue stand
  7. Play the Hot Pot Challenge with Yun Jin (it doesn't matter how well you do)
  8. When prompted, tell Yun Jin her onstage persona is striking

Related: Genshin Impact - Yun Jin Ascension and Talent Materials

Spoilers Begin Here

Countryside Wandering

genshin impact lingju pass trees

After accepting A Song That Knows Grace from the Hangout Events Tab, visit the Liyue Adventurers' Guild and speak to Yunning. The opera manager is in a tizzy because her star performer has wandered off in search of inspiration. The Traveler agrees to bring Yun Jin back safely in time for the evening's performance.

Travel to Lingju Pass and go to the objective marker to speak with Yun Jin. She's lost in her own thoughts and is almost ambushed by a Ruin Hunter, which you'll need to defeat. This enemy is capable of dealing significant Pyro damage, so be prepared. Once it's no longer a threat, speak to Yun Jin. She will reluctantly agree to come home.

Upon returning to the Liyue Adventurers' Guild, Yunning and Yun Jin get into an argument over the star's behavior. Which character you side with will determine the next phase of the story.

Yun Jin: So... what's your honest opinion, Traveler?

Response 1: Ultimately, safety should come first...

Siding with the manager causes Yun Jin to focus on her current performance and put training on hold for the time being. She thanks you for saving her from the Ruin Hunter and invites you to meet her at the Heyu Tea Hose after the show. The Hangout proceeds to After the Curtain Falls.

Response 2: You made a good point, Yun Jin...

Siding with Yun Jin upsets Yunning, who implores the Traveler to keep Yun Jin distracted so she doesn't wander into danger again. The two concoct a scheme to have Yun Jin train the Traveler as an actor, and the Hangout proceeds to First Glimpse of Meaning.

After the Curtain Falls

genshin impact heyu tea house backdrop

After siding with Yunning at the Adventurers' Guild, wait until the following evening (20:00-23:00 the next day) then travel to Heyu Tea House. Yun Jin is being doted on by some fans, but they leave quickly as soon as the Traveler arrives. She asks you to follow her downstairs.

Yun Jin can't get a moment's rest; once you're downstairs with her she is ambushed by reporters asking for an interview. She asks your opinion as to whether she should sit for the interview now or make the reporters schedule an appointment with her manager. Your response will determine the outcome of the Hangout Event.

Yun Jin: Actually, I'm afraid there's somewhere I need to be, and I'd really need to clear this interview with my manager...

Response 1: Make the most of it. You may as well talk to them.

If you encourage Yun Jin to sit for the interview, she gets flustered by the questions and asks for a break halfway through. She's worried about being seen as a diva and confides in the Traveler that something seems off about the reporters. She asks you to see if you can dig up anything suspicious on them, and the Hangout proceeds to Backstage Suspicions.

Response 2: Let's play it safe and book the interview in with your manager.

If you tell Yun Jin to stand firm and make the reporters go through Yunning, they leave in a hurry. Yun Jin asks you to come with her and squeeze in what little downtime she can with the rest of the evening. The Hangout proceeds to Half A Day's Leisure.

First Glimpse of Meaning

genshin impact blue scarecrow gorou

After asking Yun Jin for acting lessons, meet her at Feiyun Slope the following morning between 6:00 and 8:00. She will begin by asking you how many pigeons you saw on the way. The correct answer will either be seven or none, but getting it wrong won't impact the Hangout Event beyond some minor dialogue changes. Yun Jin will ask you more questions, and no responses are right or wrong so answer however you like.

After the initial exercise, Yun Jin tells you to meet her in the suburbs north of Liyue Harbor. Speak to her there and she will task you with defeating some Geo Slimes nearby. Once that's done, return to her and she will set up a mock battlefield with red scarecrows. Destroy all the red scarecrows and talk to Yun Jin once more. She will travel further north to prepare for another exercise.

Speak to Yun Jin at her new location and she will task you with another mock battle. This time you need to destroy the red scarecrows while leaving the blue ones unharmed. There is also a time limit, and if you run out of time or break a blue scarecrow Yun Jin will make you start over. If you can complete this exercise perfectly without damaging any blue scarecrows, you'll receive the achievement A Strict Master Trains A Talented Pupil.

Once you've completed this final exercise, speak to Yun Jin one last time to conclude the Hangout Event and receive the ending The Cast Contemplates The Play's Meaning.

Related: Genshin Impact - Best Team Members For Yun Jin

Backstage Suspicions


After Yun Jin's interview with Shiyn and Boyi, follow the reporters and eavesdrop on their conversation. You'll need to be at just the right distance from them; if you're too close or too far they will get away, forcing you to return to Yun Jin and conclude the Hangout with the ending A Shame That The Road Is Rocky.

If you succeed in listening in on the reporters' conversation, it's revealed that they're not from the reputable publication they say they are and they intend to print libel about Yun Jin. At this point, you'll have a choice to step in and confront the reporters or quietly bring the info back to Yun Jin.

Shiyun: ...Why oh why did I sign that contract...

Response 1: No need to check in with Yun Jin. This ends now!

Confronting the reporters causes them to back off once they realize that the Traveler is watching out for Yun Jin's interests. Later, Yunning chastises Yun Jin for agreeing to an interview without clearing it first, and the Hangout Event concludes with the ending A Shame That The Road Is Rocky.

Response 2: I should stay hidden for now and check in with Yun Jin.

After choosing this option, return to Yun Jin immediately and do not approach Shiyun and Boyi. Doing so will alert them to your presence and end the Hangout Event in failure, causing you to receive no ending.

Upon hearing what you learned, Yun Jin asks you to bring a letter to Shiyun while she distracts Boyi with the rest of the interview. Return to the reporters, who are still arguing. Once Boyi goes to speak with Yun Jin, the Traveler gives the letter to Shiyun. The letter informs Shiyun that Boyi's threats against her don't carry any legal weight, and that if he tries anything shady with her contract he can be reported to the authorities. Shiyun asks the Traveler to confront Boyi with her.

Upon returning to Boyi and Yun Jin, the group causes the editor to second-guess the legality of his business practices and he leaves. Yun Jin offers to sit with Shiyun for a legitimate interview that she can submit to a legitimate paper in hopes of getting a new job. This concludes the Hangout Event with the ending And Few Friends You Shall Find.

Half A Day's Leisure


After declining the interview with Boyi and Shiyun, Yun Jin asks you to travel with her to Chihu Rock. Speak to her there and she will invite you to visit her favorite barbecue spot, owned by Chen the Sharp. Follow the objective marker to speak to Chen and sit down to a meal. It doesn't matter how you order your meal, and after a lengthy conversation Yun Jin will challenge you to the Hot Pot Game. She adds an ingredient to the pot and tasks you with guessing what she put in. You don't have to get the right answers, but if you want to impress Yun Jin al lthe same the solutions for each hint are as follows:

"Knock It Back" Clue

"Savor the Flavor" Clues

Correct Answer

  • The complex flavors of a rich soup hit the back of your throat.
  • Nothing at first, but then a tidal wave of umami with a whiff of the sea.
  • There wa something solid floating in the drink. It tasted great and refreshing...
  • The complex flavors of a rich soup hit the back of your throat.
  • Crab Roe, Tofu, and Salt
  • A syrupy sweetness hits the back of your throat.
  • It has a smooth texture and a rich, dairy taste...
  • It seems to be hiding the distinctive flavor of some kind of spice.
  • A syrupy sweetness hits the back of your throat.
  • Cream, Pepper, and Sugar
  • It's gooey and hard to swallow, but there's something familiar about this viscocity.
  • You feel a kind of icy texture in your mouth.
  • You can feel a sweet and sour flavor on the tip of your tongue, with a fruity finish.
  • It's gooey and hard to swallow, but there's something familiar about this viscocity.
  • Mint, Jam, and Slime Condensate

After playing the Hot Pot Challenge, the Traveler comments that Yun Jin presents a very different persona in person than she does onstage. Yun Jin will talk about her lifestyle for a bit, then you will have a choice of how to react. Your decision will determine the ending you receive for the Hangout Event.

Yun Jin: I can write back, but I have to be very careful about what I say. Likewise, when I get invited along to banquets and so on, I have to make sure to keep myself calm and composed the whole night...

Response 1: That's a shame. Your offstage personality is definitely the cuter one.

After calling out the Traveler's creepy comment, she confesses that she's glad to have someone she can be herself around. Yun Jin agrees to take a photo together at Chen's food stand. Talk to her while she's posing and take the photo. She will then ask to take your picture at Feiyun Slope. Meet her there and the Hangout Event will conclude with the ending Brought Together By Common Interests. Unlocking this ending will also earn the achievement May This Moment Be Made To Last.

Response 2: Your onstage persona is more striking. That's unavoidable.

Yun Jin seems disappointed that she can't be herself around the Traveler. She agrees to give you a signed photograph and calls it a night, concluding the Hangout with the ending A Souvenir Without Sentiment Is Of Little Worth.


genshin impact yun jin full small

Each time you unlock a new ending for A Song That Knows Grace, you'll receive a reward along with a new Hangout Memory. Which reward you get is based on the number of endings you['ve already seen, including the current one.

Endings Unlocked



  • 100 Adventure Experience
  • 20 Primogems
  • 3 Guide to Diligence


  • 100 Adventure Experience
  • 5 Hero's Wit
  • 3 Prithiva Topaz Fragments


  • 100 Adventure Experience
  • 20 Primogems
  • 5 Cloud-Shrouded Jade


  • 100 Adventure Experience
  • 5 Hero's Wit
  • 3 Prithiva Topaz Fragments


  • 100 Adventure Experience
  • 20 Primogems
  • 3 Guide to Diligence

Next: Genshin Impact - Best Weapons For Yun Jin