The free-to-play RPG Genshin Impact has been gaining a lot of attention in recent months. From incredible profits to numerous awards it’s building a mass of fans who can’t get enough of the Gatcha mechanics.

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That being said there are some individuals who are less than impressed with what the game has to offer. There are also some individuals who have issues with the complaints some of the fanbase have against their favorite game. Here are just some of the unpopular opinions people on Reddit have against Genshin Impact.

10 Bennett Is Over Rated

Genshin Impact Bennett

Bennett has quickly gained popularity among the fanbase for his indominable spirit and unfortunate backstory. He also happens to rank very highly in many tier lists as a powerful Utility champion. He may not be all that great for Exploration, but for Bosses, Dungeons, and the Abyss he’s considered essential.

While this redditor doesn’t go too much into their criticism of Bennett others in the comments were more than happy to chime in. One user felt that Bennet is overrated for his auto-attack capabilities. Aside from this the complaints against Bennet seem more about the character than the warrior.

9 Bosses Should Be Harder

Genshin Impact Childe Boss

The difficulty of bosses is always a hard aspect of games for developers to manage. Make them too hard and players will get frustrated and not want to play. But make the bosses to easy and players feel like they’re being coddled.

This redditor is in the latter camp feeling that the bosses are too easy. The player specifies that they didn’t realize the Pyro Plant had a special attack because it dies too soon. Many players point out that the Abyss solves this problem, but ultimately players will make any boss fight easy given time. Look at speedruns of Dark Souls for proof of this.

8 Playing Blind Is Best

Genshin Impact Open World

For some players games are explorative experiences meant to be savored and enjoyed through trial and error. For others getting to the endgame and winning is the point and they’ll use any walkthrough, exploit, or guide on efficiency to do it.

This user on Reddit argues that the game was meant to be played ‘blind’ with players taking their time to explore. They also point out that those who rush to the end are often the same people complaining there isn’t enough to do in the game.

7 Just The Dailies

Genshin Impact Daily Comission

Games are meant to be enthralling experiences that bring players back for more and more. MMOs in particular are incentivized to keep the player logging in every day and staying engaged with what the game has to offer.

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This redditor believes that Genshin Impact is nice because it doesn’t nag at the player to spend hours grinding. The player can simply do their daily tasks and log out without feeling like the game wants them to stay longer. Some argued that the fact the game is a Gatcha disproves this opinion, but there is something to be said that the game doesn’t bombard the player with prompts to do more.

6 Gatcha Rates Are Good

Genshin Impact Wish

Gatcha games have a fine line when it comes to delivering value and incentivizing long-term play. This is further compounded by the free-to-play aspect. New champions should come at a steady rate while encouraging players to spend money.

This user is of the opinion that the game is rather fair with the Gatcha mechanics. The currency comes at a steady rate and the Pity mechanic helps players get the heroes they want. They even cite the fact that five star champions aren’t necessary to do everything in the game.

5 Exploration Should Be Encouraged

Genshin Impact City

Genshin Impact is unique from many Gatcha games in the sense that exploration is an integral ascept of the game. Most are designed to have a player isolated to a few arenas to grind out currency to obtain more heroes.

This Reddit user feels the game should lean even more into the exploration side of things by revisiting Resin. If Resin drops increased it would lead to less exploration and more grinding in their opinion. It’s not hard to see why this would be an unpopular opinion among those who value efficiency over exploration.

4 Party Combinations Are Better Than Tier List

Genshin Impact Party

With many Gatcha RPGs like Genshin Impact the right hero is important to successful progression. As a result many players place a high priority on certain heroes with valuable skills and abilities.

This user thinks that players should turn this model on its head and create party combinations rather than tiers. In their minds each hero has potential if they’re with the right allies, but the tier model overrates a few heroes at best and discourages using any others.

3 There Is No Pay Wall

Genshin Impact Dragon

Many players enter a free-to-play game expecting a pay wall of some kind. It could be a hard pay wall where players need to fork over cash to progress or a soft one that brings progress to a snail’s pace. Many believe Genshin Impact suffers this to some degree.

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Which makes this user’s opinion that there is no paywall so controversial. In their mind the game is generous with currency, decent heroes, and rewards. They believe any complaints about paywalls come from those who are unskilled or simply impatient and are trying to rush the game.

2 Childe’s Voice Acting Is Bad

Genshin Impact Childe

Since Childe’s introduction in Chapter 1 he has gathered quite a few fans. This became even more pronounced when he became a playable character and players were clamoring to add him to their teams.

Yet this Reddit user argues that the voice acting in English can be a little rough sometimes. They chalk it up less to the skill of the voice actor and more of trying to match the original voice in Japanese. Or as he puts it the ‘generic anime dub accent’.

1 There’s Plenty To Do In The Game

Genshin Impact Combat

No matter what the game is at some point the player will run out of things to do. Continual content releases help stave this off, but eventually the average player will get bored and move on.

But this reddit user believes that the complaints of boredom from fans has less to do with the game and more to do with the players. They believe that the average player is rushing and grinding their way to the endgame and complaining when there’s nothing left to strive for. Like a cake the fun comes from eating it one bite at a time and most players are shoveling it in and complaining once it’s gone.

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