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Just like how people can have multiple ethnicities, cultures, and homes, JRPG characters can have makeups that one wouldn't normally expect. You'll frequently meet those who are human and half god, demon, beast, or something else.

RELATED: Genshin Impact: Xiao Build Guide

It only gets more confusing when you wonder how and why these beings interacted with each other, but Genshin Impact tries not to think about that. There are so many characters on the roster that look human but with various non-human features. This can usually give an idea of their background, but Xiao is a bit more mysterious. He's a hybrid of sorts oozing mystical energy and allure.

Who Is Xiao?

Xiao Character Portrait

There are multiple magical beasts and beings living in the world of Genshin Impact, and Xiao is just one of them. His other name is Alatus, which comes from him being one of the Adeptus, creatures endowed with supernatural powers and the duty to protect the realm from evil spirits and demons.

Because of this, Xiao became a member of a group of demon hunters called the Yakshas and was sent to Liyue to hunt down evil. He has introverted behaviors as he tries to avoid crowds, but he has been known to work with others using his mastery of Anemo and the polearm.

The Best Team For Xiao

Xiao Outside In The Sunlight

Xiao is an interesting DPS in that his abilities let him be more mobile as well as give him attack boosts. Bane Of Evil vastly improves his jumping while Tamer Of Demons gives him a passive increase to attack DMG that can be stacked. As such, it's smart to set up Xiao with a balanced team.


raiden shogun boss

There are two key parts to a perfect storm: Wind and lightning. If Xiao has got the wind part of things covered, then Raiden has certainly got the lightning part with her Electro element and polearm. Although much of Raiden's abilities can be used for attacking and AoE damage, she can also use them to make the most of Xiao's attacks.

Her Baleful Omen can grant the Eye Of Stormy Judgment to him, so his attacks will be accompanied by additional Electro-strikes as well as raise his Elemental Burst DMG.


Zhongli Portrait

The greatest opposing force to the wind is earth, and it is necessary to have both on the same side of a balanced team. To act as a foil to Xiao, you can have the polearm-wielding Zhongli add stability with his Geo element. Having control over stone, Zhongli can use it to attack as well as protect.

By using Dominus Lapidis, Zhongli can create damaging pieces of the earth and a Jade Shield to protect his teammate. With Resonant Waves, the shield can be made even stronger.


Genshin Jean Dandelion Portrait

The wind gets stronger from the wind, but Xiao lacks supportive skills and ways to effectively heal himself. Thankfully, fellow Anemo-user sword-fighter Jean can fill in the gaps with abilities. She can definitely help out in combat with her Gale Blade, which creates a storm to deal massive damage across the field.

To help out Xiao and the rest of the team, Jean has Dandelion Breeze to create an aura of healing and Wind Companion to heal everyone passively by attacking.

Next: Genshin Impact: Xiao Ascension And Talent Materials