Hit NBC series, The Good Place, is not shy in their disfavorable impression of PewDiePie. A recent episode of the acclaimed show saw characters listing off "random bad people." Making the cut were Elizabeth Holmes, Henry Kissinger, and, of course, PewDiePie.

PewDiePie may not be complicit in war crimes or responsible for fraudulent business practices, but he's still included in The Good Place's kitchen sink of detestable characters. The clip from the show was immediately shared on social media by a number of users, the majority of which seem to find humor in—if not support of—the show dragging PewDiePie.

There are only a handful of household names in the streaming community and PewDiePie might as well have his own guestroom. His name makes headlines almost every week, and not always for the best of reasons. A number of character-harming allegations have been thrown at PewDiePie over the last few years—most of them warranted. Many will point to his on-stream use of the 'N' word or his anti-Semitic jars as the most abhorrent among them, but there's a long trail of unappetizing content that follows PewDiePie all the way up to the present.

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Only a few weeks ago, for instance, PewDiePie was banned in China for comparing the Chinese president to Winnie the Pooh. Sure, the Chinese government isn't exactly a shining example of upstanding moral beliefs, but even governing bodies have beef with PewDiePie. It's easy to write off his transgressions as social ineptitude, but it's more accurate to classify them as blatant insensitivity and racism.

In light of Pewdiepie's innumerable lapses in judgment and character, he still manages to hold on to his viewer base unapologetically. That is until his name got caught up in the wave of white-nationalist-driven shootings that became commonplace during the middle part of this year. What started as a playful ploy to get more subscribers quickly turned into a meme that steamrolled its way through every corner of the internet. It ultimately finished as “inspo” for two mass killings.

The alt-right and sardonic jest are so closely tethered that you'd be a fool to lay any stake in claims that tie PewDiePie to the Christchurch and Poway shootings. However, the fact that white nationalists feel the need to attach themselves to Pewdiepie's name at all does say something. What exactly it says, however, is still up for debate.

Source: Twitter

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