Gran Turismo 7 returns to the series' roots, with a classic level progression and credits gameplay system straight out of 1998, which will no doubt confuse modern sim racers who are used to everything being open to them right from the start in most modern driving titles.

Related: Gran Turismo 7 ReviewNot only are the tracks only unlockable on a leveling up basis, most of the game's features are as well, and Gran Turismo 7's version of objectives, Cafe Menus, must be completed to unlock them. As a result of this, the Livery Editor (one of Gran Turismo Sport's most beloved features) is not available at the start of a new game.

What You Need To Do To Unlock The Gran Turismo 7 Livery Editor


The Livery Editor is accessible in Gran Turismo 7 through GT Auto - the showroom-looking building in the bottom right of the map. However, when you start the game, GT Auto isn't yet available. You need to complete Menu Book Seven (yes, seven - you'll have a bit of grinding to do) before GT Auto is unlocked.

  • The quickest way to do this is to not spend any credits on anything during the first few menu books (including at the Tuning Shop) so that you can buy some of the required Menu Cars at the Used Cars shop without having to race for them. You can also complete licenses at the License Center, once that is unlocked, for extra credits.
  • If you're playing on PS4 (without a solid-state drive), this is particularly useful as most of your time in the early game will be taken up by the game loading menu screens and tracks. Additionally, if you are wanting to get to the livery editor as fast as possible, skip as much of the game dialogue/tutorials as you can by hitting Circle when it comes up. Unfortunately, unless it is patched in an update in the future, there is currently no choice but to grind through the early game if you want to design your liveries.

You can import your old Gran Turismo Sport liveries into Gran Turismo 7. If you are on the same PSN profile that you used for playing Gran Turismo Sport, they should appear automatically in the Showcase, and you can load them from the Customize Cars section of GT Auto with the Load Livery button.

NEXT: Gran Turismo 7: Getting Started Guide