The Grand Theft Auto series is so diverse that these awesome tidbits might've completely gone over your head.

Open world games might not even hold the importance they do in today's day-and-age if it wasn't for the prominence of one particular series that took over the gaming world by storm with its transition to 3D. If the title of this article wasn't enough of a giveaway as is, then let us state that we're talking about the legendary Grand Theft Auto series. While the first two iterations of this series were pretty tame by comparison, it was the foray into a 3D landscape that truly transformed this series into a behemoth in the gaming industry. You'd be hard-pressed to find a single gamer — casual or otherwise — who is unaware about the sheer importance this series holds in the gaming world.

Ever since Grand Theft Auto III was released, Rockstar knew that they had stumbled upon a goldmine of open-world gaming that would definitely serve as the flagship series of their company for ages. In fact, the series has such a rich and diverse history that there are many aspects that fans have seemingly forgotten about when it comes to this particular franchise. It's understandable why — after all, the sheer wealth of games in this franchise that have graced our screens are numerous, and each of them sports a rich and varied world that's full to the brim with secrets and other hidden stuff. We're about to open the lid on some of these secrets to refresh your memory and remind you just why Grand Theft Auto is one of the best video gaming series of all time.

23 The Infamous Swing Glitch (GTA IV)


Any fan who's played Grand Theft Auto IV can attest to this particular glitch that has become infamous in the game, mainly due to the sheer level of creativity that most people put into the application of this particular exploit.

Using this method was deceptively simple.

Just take the car of your choice and back it up to a swingset in the middle of the park. If done correctly, then you'll be rewarded with a slingshot effect as your car is hurled towards a different corner of the map. It's a fast — albeit inefficient — way to traverse the open world.

22 The Hidden Interiors Universe (GTA: San Andreas)


All the interiors featured in San Andreas actually exist on a different plane of existence in the game. To be more specific, they exist above the sky's limit, above which flying a plane or helicopter is impossible.

This universe can actually be accessed through several means.

Perhaps the most viable one is to take care of everyone in Ganton Gym, then wear a jetpack and phase through the ceiling near the corner where all the punching bags are kept. Doing so will allow you to access this elusive universe with ease.

21 The Ghost Of Mount Gordo (GTA V)


One of the creepiest — and undoubtedly awesome — secrets in Grand Theft Auto, this ghost can be witnessed at a certain point in Mount Gordo during the hours of midnight. However, what's even more impactful than the appearance of the ghost is the story behind it.

The ghost is the embodiment of Joseph Cranley-Evans' spirit.

She was pushed from the cliff to meet an untimely demise. This happened because of her husband, Jock Cranley, who decided to get rid of her after she objected to the idea of moving to the bu

20 Using The Impound Garage To Store Vehicles (GTA: San Andreas)

via by fnxrak

If you happen to get busted in San Andreas while driving a vehicle, then the police stores said vehicle in their impound garage. While it's possible to get this vehicle back, the garage can be used for a better, more useful purpose.

A player can choose to keep the garage door propped up by setting a police vehicle in the middle of the entrance. After doing so, one can store as many vehicles as they want in the garage without any worry of the vehicle disappearing. The sheer size of the garage means that massive vehicles like planes can also be stored for later.

19 A Secret Site That Shows The Location Of Useful Items (GTA IV)


Grand Theft Auto IV marked a new chapter for the franchise, allowing them to make the most of the latest hardware and push their boundaries. Even with the simple integration of a mobile phone and internet functionality, there are so many applications of this technology that it'll blow your mind.

For example, there are various hidden websites that you can access in the game. One such site is called — a site that reveals all of the major hotspots in the game where you can find useful stuff, such as vehicles, weapons, and whatnot.

18 Send Hunting Images To Different Characters For Unique Responses (GTA V)


If GTA IV was a new chapter in the series, then Grand Theft Auto V pretty much comprises of an entire book in itself. There are just so many additions to the latest iteration of the series that it blew gamers' mind. Take the side activity of hunting — at a glance, it might seem nothing more than a distraction, but it's so much more than that.

Take this small detail as an example — the hunting pictures you take can be sent to the contacts in your phone address, all of which have their own unique responses.

Talk about attention to detail.

17 Attack Michael And Steal His Car For A Colorful Response (GTA V)

via by Supersoluce

The protagonists of Grand Theft Auto V are certainly quite memorable, but only one of them is truly well-off at the start of the game. Fans know that we're talking about Michael, and if you're seriously into roleplaying, then you can do something out of spite communicate your jealousy.

If you start blowing up Michael's place or steal his car while you're playing as Trevor or Franklin — obviously — then you'll receive a pretty angry phone call from Michael, who colorfully inquires about your rather questionable behavior.

16 A Sign That Foreshadows The Setting Of The Next Game (GTA III)


Here's a look into an early indication of Rockstar's gaming brilliance.

There was no way that Rockstar could've predicted just how popular Grand Theft Auto III would be. It was a huge gamble by the studio that paid off in dividends when the game sold like hot cakes.

Perhaps Rockstar knew their franchise would shoot off like a rocket — so much so that they actually hinted towards the setting of the sequel (Miami) in a clever poster present in the game. which read out "See you in Miami."

15 Get Tracked Down By The Police (GTA IV)


Remember when we were talking about the wealth of websites that one could access in Grand Theft Auto IV? Well, there are actually some sites that have incredibly questionable content... to the point where you become a felon the very moment you try and access such a site.

The site gets you flagged by the police for obvious reasons. Trying to access this site instantly nets you a 5-star rating, guaranteeing an entertaining pursuit for all the wrong reasons.

14 Ride — And Derail — A Train (GTA: San Andreas)


San Andreas truly took the details present in the Grand Theft Auto franchise and propelled them to a whole new level. Case in point — not only can you board a train to travel to different places, but you can also become the driver of said train. Why, you ask? Just because you can.

If that wasn't cool enough as is, riding the train past a certain speed will cause the coaches to derail, sending you sliding across the countryside in a rather hilarious fashion.

13 The Mystery Of The Monster (GTA V)


The sheer number of secrets in Grand Theft Auto V is truly immense and fans have been clamoring to figure out the story behind all of these easter eggs. Perhaps the most interesting tidbit of them all must be the case of the Infinity Killer.

The name of this serial attacker is Merle Abrahams, and his exploits are not to be heard by the faint of heart. He ended a total of eight people, and his infatuation with this number can be seen in the graffiti scattered all across the landscape.

12 A Literal Easter Egg (GTA: Vice City)

via by LlamaGuy69

Let's talk about an easter egg that's both lazy and brilliant.

There's no end to the secrets present all across the world of Vice City, but it must be said that this particular hidden tidbit takes the cake... or in this case, the egg.

By climbing up to the roof of the Vice City News building in the Downtown area, players can jump into a seemingly unsuspecting window to reveal an actual easter egg, neatly placed on a pedestal.

11 Shoot The Moon To Change Its Size (Multiple GTAs)


The Grand Theft Auto 3D universe games truly have a lot of odd things that one should definitely mention, and one such oddity stems from the fact that a person can actually change the size of the moon if they wished.

All the player needs to do to facilitate this change is to take a sniper rifle and shoot at the moon while aiming down the scope. Doing so will make the moon shift between three phases, and give you with literally no sense of satisfaction due to how inconsequential this action is.

10 The Scooter Brothers Scene That Originated From A Viral Video (GTA V)

via by Inceptionate

If there's one thing for sure, it's that Rockstar definitely knows how to take good care of its fans. Take the fact into account that a simple video a fan made in Grand Theft Auto IV interested the Rockstar developers so much that they actually added the scene in Grand Theft Auto V.

The Scooter Brother video is well-known amongst the GTA faithful, and Rockstar made this an easter egg of sorts when one switched over to Trevor. It's a great — and pretty hilarious — move on Rockstar's part.

9 The Porter Tunnel (GTA III)


Perhaps one of the most defining glitches of all time, the Blue Hell of Porter Tunnel is certainly something that any self-proclaimed Grand Theft Auto fan should know about. After all, it allowed the player to enter a whole new area before they were even supposed to have access to it!

It's a rather convoluted method, but following the steps to a T will allow players to enter Shoreside Vale well before they're supposed to — at the cost of permanent damage to one's eyeballs.

8  A Hidden Minigame Involving A Beachball (GTA: Vice City)


There are a ton of hidden things across multiple Grand Theft Auto games, but it must be said that the beachball minigame in Vice City is truly one of the most unknown secrets in the entire franchise. And yes, we do get the irony of discussing something that's supposed to be such a major secret in the first place.

To initiate this minigame, simply find one of the many beachballs and interact with it. The ball will start bouncing, and a counter will start off. This number entails the total number of times you made the beachball bounce before it touched the ground.

7 Steal The Fighter Plane From The Military Base With Ease (GTA V)


Military bases in any Grand Theft Auto game are a pain to infiltrate. The moment you enter or fly over these secure enclosures, an instantaneous 6-star (or in GTA V's case, 5-star) rating will be slapped on your character, which pretty much guarantees your doom. However, this can be subverted in GTA V with some clever trickery from Franklin.

Simply stay as close to the entrance as possible with a vehicle, then activate Franklin's ability. Drive all the way to the fighter plane in the base, then quickly get out of the car and board the vehicle. If done seamlessly, then you'll attain a great fighter place without any strike on your record.

6 Buy Tickets At The Airport To Travel (GTA: San Andreas)


San Andreas truly is a game where the developers went all out and pushed the boundaries of the hardware that existed back then. There's just so much detail in this series — something that the train incidence we've already mentioned before should indicate. Well, that's not the end of it.

Not only can you board a train, but you can also buy tickets at the airport to travel to different corners of the map! The worst part is that most people simply glossed over this detail, but it's still pretty cool nevertheless.

5 A Rockstar Video Game Store In A Rockstar Video Game (GTA: Vice City)


Talk about an entirely next level of inception.

Rockstar is no stranger to bragging about their gaming mettle. There are various instances of Rockstar proclaiming themselves as the kings of the gaming world (this might be a gross oversimplification), but the sheer audacity they showcase in Vice City deserves a special mention.

Imagine being so haughty that you end up placing the store of your own company in the game you've made! Okay, we might be reading into it a bit too much, but this certainly is quite a weird thing to do nevertheless.

4 The Existence Of Bigfoot (GTA V)

via by RocketofRice

Bigfoot has always been one of the enduring secrets in the Grand Theft Auto series, ever since the rampant speculation that surrounded San Andreas. It seems that Rockstar finally accepted this image in Grand Theft Auto V.

In the mission "Predator," players can actually locate a figure through their thermal scope that looks eerily similar to the famous sasquatch. The mission "The Last One" also features the Bigfoot, although he turns out to be nothing more than a crazy man in a costume. This also might be a nod to the events of the Undead Nightmare DLC in Red Dead Redemption.