GTA Online is a sprawling open world full of both veteran players and newcomers but with so much variety of different player and skill levels comes a bunch of very experienced players that have been grinding on the game since its release. Unfortunately, considering these players are such a high level, they have also experienced the worst that the game has to offer and there are some things that only higher level players will understand. Some of these details may seem benign to lower levels but most of them are super annoying and only high-level players are fed up about them!

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This list will explain 10 absolutely annoying things in GTA Online that only long time players understand the pain of. From the repetitive map to the unrealistic vehicle physics, here are 10 things that annoy the heck out of GTA V players that are over level 500!

10 The Local Establishments Are Repetitive

Newer players won't notice how similar every building is to each other on the map of GTA V. However, they are all extremely similar and a lot of them are just copies of each other.

It seems like this would make sense because it's such a large game world and most developers would utilize a copy/paste idea for the different buildings in the world. However, because of how much time GTA Online players spend in the expansive open-world, it's quite noticeable how repetitive the landscape is. This detail is especially noticeable for fans that have spent thousands of hours in the game, both on and offline.

9 Most Players Are Stuck At Low Levels

Unfortunately, a lot of players in GTA Online are newcomers and although this isn't an issue at all, it brings attention to the problem of seasoned players being paired with inexperienced ones.

High-ranking players will end up getting matched with much lower levels that are boring to fight. On the opposite side of the same coin, rookies get unfairly matched against incredibly skilled veterans. A lot of newbies don't notice how many players in most lobbies are newcomers like them but for veterans, it can be quite obvious that their allies and enemies aren't really worth fighting with or against.

8 The Combat Isn't Very Polished

The combat in GTA V isn't renowned by any means. It's extremely repetitive and the controls are mediocre at best, so many players of the famous crime game easily get sick of them. This is especially true for veteran players of the franchise.

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It's easy to see why veterans would get sick of the annoying movement and bad gunplay that plague the game because after 500 long levels, it's easy to notice just how unpolished it is. Hopefully, Rockstar will develop a better more in-depth combat system. However, that is unlikely because they tend to stick to a certain style and drive it to the ground.

7 The Vehicles Are Unrealistic

A lot of fans that first played GTA V don't know too much about the different kinds of vehicles. This leads them to believe that the vehicles are pretty realistic because of how smooth the driving is. Unrealistic vehicles aren't necessarily a bad thing however, the problem occurs once real-world vehicles in the online mode have unrealistic and downright crazy mechanics.

After playing for a long time, high-ranking players will start noticing how motorcycle physics and even cars flip and maneuver in annoying ways that take the immersion right out of the game.  At best, some of these mechanics are unrealistic but it's also extremely fun to see the physics engine go wild, so lots of fans can easily ignore this annoying detail.

6 The Heists Are Boring

heist gta 5

There are only a few heists and although a couple more have been added throughout the years, they're still not nearly enough and high-level players have easily gotten bored of them.

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It would be nice if Rockstar added a plethora of new heists instead of just one or two per large content update because they are the most interesting type of mission in the game. Veteran players want something new to complete, and a new heist (or a variation on it) isn't just welcome, but needed.

5 The NPCs Are Very Dumb

The Non-Playable Characters (NPCs) in GTA V have lots of interesting dialogue that they can recite to the player while they're interacting with them. However, after 500 levels or more, the dialog gets stale and annoying and players start to realize that these NPCs aren't intelligent at all, despite having a decent amount of dialog.

There's really no point to the most of the NPCs, with the exception of a few story-relevant characters. Fans wish that these NPCs had more interactivity because if they did, they would be much more interesting and fun even at Level 500.

4 Most Vehicles Explode Too Easily

This fact makes no sense because vehicles in other games usually take a lot of damage before being destroyed. It's easy as a low level player not to realize just how easy vehicles can blow up in GTA V because they haven't experienced that many gunfights yet.

However, veteran fans are sick and tired of being blown up so easily and having to buy the strongest armored cars if only to get an incremental increase in resistance to enemy fire - so much for expensive designer cars! This is one fact that only high-level players will notice because they, unfortunately, experienced getting their sweet rides blown up by a puny handgun way too many times.

3 The Map Has Barely Changed At All

This annoying detail was noticed by long time fans only after a few years of online play. Unfortunately, Rockstar doesn't believe that it is necessary to update the map and only releases content updates that add new missions, factions or items.

There are so many ways that they could expand on the map even in subtle ways. Long time fans find it quite annoying that the map hasn't introduced any new major locations or changes in years.

2 Buying Everything Is Impossible

Buying everything in GTA V is a behemoth of a task and players won't be able to accomplish this... ever. Longtime players may have a large collection of vehicles that they have amassed over the years but they probably won't have everything - especially with the content updates that continue adding even more vehicles to obtain.

This is worth noting because it would be great if a rich player could purchase every single item in the game, but it just isn't realistic. Just the cost alone would require players to have ridiculous amount of cash but also factoring in how much garage space they'd realistically need among other things, it just isn't an achievable goal.

1 There's No Reward For Having A High Level

Being a high level player will give fans seniority status but that's about it. A lot of players were hoping that being a higher level would give them a bunch of new equipment to use or some other bonus reward however after around the first 200 levels there is no reward for being a higher level than everybody else.

Fans were upset by this because of how Rockstar could have easily implemented a money reward for leveling up. This could be an easy mechanic to add in the future, however, it's unlikely that Rockstar will do so because if they wanted to do it they would have done so already. The fact that there's barely any reward for being a high level makes players that are Level 500 and beyond extremely annoyed!

NEXT: The 15 Best Weapons In GTA V, Ranked