Season of the Chosen is here, and with it came a lot of changes to Destiny 2. Swords got a 15% damage nerf while rockets got a huge damage buff. The Umbral Engram system is back with a new set of weapons and armors to focus on, and there's a brand new seasonal event where you kill a whole bunch of Cabal warriors.

But the change that Guardians seem most excited about is a simple QOL fix for the humble Gunsmith. Instead of only being able to deposit 20 Gunsmith Materials at a time, players now only need to click once to dump as many Materials as they have towards the next rank-up. This cuts down the number of clicks players typically needed from five to just one.

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On the surface, this might seem like a tiny and almost insignificant change, but to Destiny 2 veterans, this is like finding the Holy Grail and climbing the Matterhorn on the same day. There are more than a few long-haul Destiny fans that have over 10,000 stacks of Gunsmith Materials just because they couldn’t be bothered to hand them in to Banshee-44. Cutting the time it takes to get your rank-ups down by one-fifth is a huge time saver and something that players have been asking about for ages.

via Bungie

It’s not just the Gunsmith either. Handing in Vanguard Tokens to Zavala now uses the same one-click system. Shaxx doesn’t even need you to hand-in tokens anymore. That system was deprecated with Season of the Chosen so that there’s a new Valor rank-up system that provides PvPers with masterwork materials at certain tiers.

On top of that, the weekly bounty grind has been replaced by a new weekly challenge system that should cut down on player FOMO. If you miss a week’s challenge, you can always do it later in the season to make sure you never miss out on that sweet sweet Bright Dust.

Source: Reddit

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