It's a beautiful day. You awaken, boot up your computer, and pull up your favorite streamer. You immediately renew your tier-3 subscription, hoping for a positive remark from a person you may-or-may-not have a crush on. Then, right before your eyes – Hasan Piker foils all of your plans; he steals away the heart of your special someone.

This situation is all-too-relatable for many. Consequently, Twitch users have uncovered the perfect phrase to express their emotional dismay, referencing a heart-wrenching moment from Breaking Bad.

Jesse Pinkman is right – he can't keep getting away with it. Lately, Hasan's been developing his reputation as the ultimate Chad of Twitch, attracting attention from various (mainly female) personalities.

Essentially, the "he can't keep getting away with it" meme has become a staple on Hasan's channel. Anytime a female shows visible interest in the streamer, he is framed as a smooth-operator, a Mr. Steal-Yo-Girl. One recent example came from fellow Twitch streamer JadeyAnh, who denied any relations with Hasan. She did, however, make it quite obvious that she wasn't opposed to the idea. The comment came at the utter dismay of one of her tier-3 subbed moderators.

If "f**k" and "no Jade no" doesn't perfectly capture the dying spirit of the human soul, then nothing does.

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This isn't the first time Hasan has had a clear effect on female personalities. In fact, his entire saga can be summarized quite succinctly by a clip from his IRL friend, Willneff.

After seeing the female streamer ogle over Hasan's less-than-gracefully-yet-equally-suggestive workout routine, Willneff loses all hope. Throwing on Imogen Heap's "Hide and Seek" and screaming Pinkman's famous phrase towards the heavens, Willneff embodied the emotions of every person who's had their significant other swiped away before their very eyes.

At the end of the day, it's all in good fun. Hasan never seems to intentionally seek these situations out, but his Twitch chat never fails to comically pin him as a stereotypical bad guy regardless. The popular, good-looking Chad archetype is as old as theater itself, and unfortunately (or fortunately) for Hasan, he's stumbled into the role for the time being.

Sources: YouTube, Twitch

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