For a limited time, HBO is offering a ton of free movies and tv shows for anyone who wants to watch them amid the COVID-19 outbreak. Detective PikachuThe Sopranos, and The Wire are among the catalogue, giving you plenty to watch while you're sitting at home with nothing to do.

Many streaming services have been offering promotions during the coronavirus outbreak given that millions of people are spending most of their time at home. HBO's promotion, like the others, is likely in place to hook audiences in hopes that they'll pay for a subscription down the road.

Movies like Detective Pikachu, The Lego Movie 2, Crazy, Stupid Love, and Blinded By The Light are now available for free. Not only that, but HBO is offering some of its most iconic tv series for free as well, including Barry, The Sopranos, and The Wire. If you've been putting off watching any of these, you're officially out of excuses!

Even if it may be a marketing strategy, it's great to see companies like HBO offering its content for free in a time where people can really appreciate it. If you're in serious need of a distraction, HBO could very well be the answer! And yes, The Wire, is THAT good.

Source: Polygon

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