Currently, the most prominent topic of discussion among Overwatch players is the recent introduction of the game's new role queue system, but the title's brand new hero Sigma has also been causing quite a bit of noise in the competitive playlist. Sigma is a main tank who can output a significant amount of damage, knock down enemies, and protect his team, but he also requires quite a bit of skill to master.

Outside of examining how to get the most out of Sigma's abilities many players have also begun to figure out what types of team compositions he can perform the best with. Considering this we decided to put together our list of five heroes that work well with Sigma and the five who don't.

10 Good: Roadhog

Roadhog is an off-tank that can work with almost any team in the competitive ladder due to his ability to disrupt enemy teams, secure kills, and heal himself. Additionally, his self-sustain can allow him to jump in front of teammates to block damage in a pinch or when a friendly barrier is destroyed.

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In terms of his synergy with Sigma, Roadhog's hook is excellent at pulling in enemies for him to finish off and Sigma's Accretion ability is perfect for holding opponents in place for an easy hook.

9 Bad: Zarya

To say Zarya and Sigma can't work together at all is a bit extreme, but there is quite a bit of communication needed to make the pairing work that the average Overwatch competitive match does not typically have. This is due to the fact that for Zarya to be truly effective, she needs to be maximizing the value of her bubbles, which can be hard to do with how Sigma's barriers work.

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Ultimately, the main thing working against Zarya is that other off-tank options simply require less work and coordination to pull off with Sigma.

8 Good: Mei

Regardless of the main tank chosen Mei in the current meta is one of the best damage heroes in all of Overwatch, but she does also have abilities that can work well when paired with Sigma. For example, her Ice Wall can help her team fight in chokepoints where Sigma's barriers alone are not providing enough protection.

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Additionally, Mei's ability to freeze enemies in place with her primary and ultimate will allow Sigma players to maximize his damage output and easily secure kills.

7 Bad: Symmetra

Sigma players may find it hard to work with Symmetra simply due to the two heroes having different playstyles. Typically Symmetra wants to be more defensive and force her enemies into positions where they can't escape her turrets, whereas Sigma is a main tank who wants to be aggressive and push opposing teams.

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Similarly to Zarya, this is a pairing that can work if teams want to try and pull off a sneaky play involving Symmetra's teleporter, but the level of coordination needed often means that another pick would probably be better.

6 Good: Lucio

Lucio works well with Sigma for a lot of the same reasons he works well with Reinhardt; his speed boost ability instantly makes Sigma more powerful as he is now much more mobile and can respond to the other team's movements a lot faster.

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Additionally, Sigma works best when he is continually pressuring the enemy team, and Lucio's speed boost allows Sigma to push through barriers and chokepoints quickly to roll over opposing players.

5 Bad: Torbjörn

Overwatch 2 Torbjorn Blackbeard Skin Angry Face

Torbjörn is hard to pair with Sigma because much of his playstyle focuses on being able to play around his stationary turret. Blizzard has changed Torbjörn over time to make him more effective at fighting without the turret but if you are underutilizing this part of his kit you might as well be playing a different hero.

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When playing as the attacking team on a payload map, there could be a situation where Torbjörn's turret and Sigma's barriers can work as a mini pirate ship, but this is somewhat situational.

4 Good: Reaper

Similarly to Mei, Reaper is quite dominant in Overwatch's current meta and can work in quite a few team compositions including ones with Sigma as the main tank. Sigma's high damage and ability to aggressively push teams works perfectly with Reaper's powerful close-range attacks.

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Additionally, Reaper's ultimate is an excellent follow up to Sigma's ult as once the enemies have been slammed back into the ground Death Blossom can quickly clean up any weakened opponents who are still alive.

3 Bad: Bastion

Bastion's trouble with working around Sigma is similar to the issues that Torbjörn and Symmetra have but amplified due to the fact that he turns into a turret himself. This combined with his limited mobility makes it hard for him to keep up with Sigma players who are constantly shifting the position of their barriers to adapt to the enemy team.

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It is also much riskier for Bastion to attempt to set up a pirate ship with Sigma when compared to Torbjörn because even if Torb's turret is destroyed, he is still alive.

2 Good: D.Va

D.Va is arguably the best off-tank to pair with Sigma since her Defense Matrix in combination with his Kinetic Grasp can be very frustrating to deal with. Both of these abilities are not only capable of absorbing most heroes primary attacks but also some of the most popular ultimates.

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Being able to deny such powerful abilities can be critical in winning a match, especially with the recent changes to ultimate charge times. Players will be able to get the most value out of Defense Matrix and Kinetic Grasp if they are communicating to stagger their usage, but this is not absolutely necessary.

1 Bad: Tracer

Sigma's playstyle can be hard to play with flanker characters like Genji, Doom Fist, Sombra, and Tracer due to the fact that it is hard to keep up with them, but this is especially true of Tracer because she is the weakest of them in the current meta. Doomfist's ability to knock enemies around and the power of Sombra's and Genji's ultimates have allowed them to remain competitive, but despite a recent buff Tracer's kit makes it hard for most players to outplay her shortcomings compared to similar heroes.

Tracer can still be effective in certain situations, but usually, the team needs to work around her by picking dive heroes.

NEXT: Overwatch: Beginners Guide To Sigma