War and rivalry takes on a whole new meaning when you start looking at this battle royal. The fans who love Call of Duty are in a constant state of war between the fans of Battlefield. The two franchises are synonymous with the first person shooter genre, exploring both past and present states of warfare among warring nations. Whether it's the horrors of World War II or the possible expansion and fights for control of other worlds, these two franchises have delved head first into the gritty world of politics, law enforcement, and military life. The stories bring a human and emotional look into the men and women who serve our nations, risking their lives to protect the innocent from the wicked. Yet multiplayer abandons those notions, instead focusing on a brutal sandbox world where everyone is out for themselves and no one is safe.

In these two heavy hitter franchises, there is a lot of tension and brutal gameplay that goes on both in the game and behind the scenes. Each side has a set of loyal fans who look down on the other game and revere their beloved franchise as if they are the only game that matters in the genre. In a rivalry filled with so much tension, some much-needed humor must present itself, and thanks to the internet we have a plethora of memes that can fill that void between franchises. Filled with some humorous looks into the games and the industry as a whole, these are the memes we need in our lives, so let's look at the 25 most hilarious Call of Duty vs. Battlefield memes on the internet!

25 Where Are The Bullets?

via For Better Gaming - blogger

Reloading is a very important function in any first-person shooter franchise. You are tasked with fighting entire battalions of soldiers, terrorists or criminals. It's up to you to constantly keep an eye on how much ammunition you have left in your weapon and be on the lookout or fallen weapons or ammo to utilize in your fight against the enemy. However, when you go to reload in both franchises, there seems to be a big difference. In the Battlefield games, you can clearly see the bullets being loaded into the weapon magazine, while in Call of Duty it appears to be an empty magazine. Yet, you somehow get a fresh stock of ammo whenever you do reload in the game. How does this make sense? It's so hilariously ridiculous that you can't help but laugh. However, I must ask once more: where is all of the bullets?

24 Missing House

via Memedroid

In this meme, we get to see another big difference between the mindset of Call of Duty players and Battlefield players. Multiplayer games get pretty intense in general. People are very competitive and everyone has a different mindset in regards to certain player traits. One such trait is the camper. A camper is someone who stays put in an ideal spot to continue a kill streak and stay hidden or unreachable. In the meme, we see the Call of Duty player scrambling to call out for help in dealing with the camper set up in a house in the multiplayer map. Yet, when the Battlefield player enters the scene, they simply ask what house they are talking about, and we see that the house and the camper have all but been obliterated (Battlefield's destructible environments). The stark difference between the two players is hilarious to watch unfold in this meme.

23 Head Shot, Bro!

via Memedroid

In this next meme, we get to see the big achievement in any multiplayer first-person shooter game at work, and that's the headshot. In this meme, we see the comparison not only between the two game franchises but also the franchise Rainbow Six. You can clearly see Battlefield and Call of Duty having their graphics and gameplay on display, with Call of Duty actually taking the lead as we see an update graphics system and advanced targeting system that makes Battlefield look tame and basic in comparison. Of course, the headshot becomes irrelevant and hilarious in this meme as they move onto Rainbow Six, which showcases the destructive power of that game when they simply launch a missile attack from space on the spot where the player is standing. Of course, this is the best play possible. Who can stop a space missile heading right for your head?

22 Map City

via Pinterest

The rivalry continues in this next meme. We begin to explore new differences between the two franchises, as we see game maps come into play. When Call of Duty: Ghosts first came out, the big feature in the game had to be the new dynamic maps in the franchise. It was something that blew Call of Duty fans out of the water, and yet it isn't enough when compared to Battlefield. You see, Battlefield 4 comes along and shows Ghosts that it was here first with the dynamic maps. Not only that, but they prove to be the superior game once more, showing a much more detailed and realistic dynamic map than Call of Duty has ever had. It's a funny way of showing the dominant game as the two images are easily compared with one another, and clearly, Battlefield sports the better dynamic mapping system lol.

21 Knife To A Gun Fight

via Pinterest

In this next meme, we get to flip the table and see how Battlefield fans view themselves in comparison to Call of Duty fans. Battlefield is a complex world that explores everything from futuristic wars with China to fights between wrongly convicted cops and the corrupt police that put him away. It's a world that is known for its realism and incredible action sequences, and in the grand scheme of things, they are often compared to the incredible work of the Halo franchise, as seen in this meme. Here we get to see the beautiful artwork of both Halo and Battlefield, showing that incredible realism that we've all come to know and love. However, they also show how Call of Duty looks, at least to them, as we see a bunch of stick figures running around a black and white screen shooting at each other like the kids from South Park.

20 Likes For Days And Days...

via YouTube (「їziiѺ 」 ヅ)

In this next meme, we get to see the biggest difference between Battlefield 1 and Infinite Warfare, and that is overall popularity. On YouTube, a video's popularity is partially determined by the number of likes it gets. The other factor is definitely views, but for this meme let's focus on likes. In this meme, we get to see the biggest difference between the two franchises, showing that Infinite Warfare got over 200 thousand likes, while Battlefield 1 got over 600 thousand likes. It's a clear indication of which franchise and game won the battle that year, making the Battlefield franchise gain a serious hold over the COD franchise. I mean this meme is a direct link to what game is the better video game. You can't argue with numbers, and the numbers show Battlefield being the dominant game in the battle. The number difference is hilarious to look at.

19 Missed Shot

via Meme Center

In this meme, we get to see another COD fail as we see how players view the gameplay system of both games. Battlefield games are known for their precision gaming tactics, making shots between players a unique gaming experience. They are able to line up the perfect shot and when in front of a person or enemy they are able to make the shot without having to worry about missing the person. In Call of Duty, however, this isn't the case. Instead, in this meme, we see the perfect example of failed weaponry. There have been so many instances where a player will take a shot with no more than a couple feet between themselves and the enemy, and yet the shot will miss them completely. Not just a couple inches to the left or right mind you, but an actual miss where the shot goes into the wall behind you instead. WTF?

18 Stealing Ideas

via Meme Center

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. At least according to the creators of Call of Duty: Ghosts. In that game, this meme shows that the franchise began to pull out key gameplay mechanics from other franchises. The "lean from cover" is from the popular game Call of Juarez, while the "leap from cover" gameplay mechanic is from Battlefield 3. Oh snap, shots fired. Yes this COD game copies the third game in the Battlefield franchise, making it a miniature copycat scenario. Granted, the people behind Battlefield don't own the rights to leap from cover gaming exclusively. Yet this revelation is hilariously portrayed in the meme when we see the final panel of the meme take all of this information and simply say, "Innovation". This man in the meme has become a meme classic, and using him in this way ensures a humorous look at the games.

17 Skewed Views

via Meme Center

In this next meme, we get a hilarious look at the various ways fans of each franchise view the competitors. Taking the games COD, Battlefield and Titanfall, we get a look at the way players view themselves in their favorite game, (often heroic and bad to the bone), while also viewing their enemies, (often goofy and kind of dumb). The way we compare ourselves and other gamers is often hilarious, and seeing it visually like this is something that totally split my side. It shows how skewed our views of ourselves and one another can get, especially when the competition between two games arises. I especially love to see how COD players view Battlefield players as just tiny children clutching a Modern Warfare 3 game in their arms. It's so stupid and ridiculous that you can't help but laugh. It brings much need humor to the rivalry.

16 Bitter Gamers

via The Fenomen of Travaller

The debate continues between fans everywhere in this next meme. In this meme, we see a graphics comparison between Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare I believe. We also get to see the logic of a Battlefield fan boy as the Battlefield 4 graphics are clearly pristine and beautiful with it's artwork and display. However, the COD graphics are also great, and feature a canine companion. Despite their equally impressive graphics, the gamer in this meme calls the COD game the most unrealistic game in history. I think this is a bit of an under sale though, as it's clear the graphics are similar. It's so hilarious to see this meme call out the fan boys out there in the world and their inability to relent and accept that COD could have some great qualities as well. It shows how blinding our fan love can be to us.

15 Ready...FIGHT!

via Meme Center

In this next meme, we get to see both Battlefield fans and COD fans get physical in their rivalry. We have seen just how serious gamers can be about their favorite games. Yet what would happen if these gamers met in real life and the rivalry became a full out battle between one another? You'd get this next meme, as we see what happens when the two video game fans come to blows. The hilarious part about this meme, however, is not just the fighting between the two, but what happens when we see how other game fans deal with one another in a more civilized way. What is it about COD and Battlefield that draws such deep affection and deep-seated hatred for one another? Is it the genre? Or perhaps is something more. Something casual gamers will never be able to understand or comprehend. I wonder...

14 Graphics Issue

via Home | Memes.com

In this next meme, we see the comparisons rise once more concerning the graphics in both Battlefield 3 and COD: Black Ops 2. In the first game, we see on just high settings that the game is much crisper and clearer in its delivery. However, on the ultra settings for the COD game, we see that the graphics are a bit duller and less pronounced. Is it possible this is an exaggeration, or is this a real representation of the differences? It's true that this industry is changing rapidly, and you have to be able to compete in such an already competitive market. Graphics are becoming more and more realistic. Although the franchise has seen an improvement in those graphics and realism, Black Ops 2 just did not live up to the same level of realism that Battlefield did. In all reality, Battlefield fans may have a point in this meme.

13 Revenge Of The Nerds

via YouTube (water bro gaming)

In this meme, we see the nerdy Spongebob and Patrick make a stand as they witness you make a serious error against the Call of Duty franchise. Stepping away from the Battlefield camp for a minute and looking at the die-hard fans of the Call of Duty franchise, we see here both Spongebob and Patrick in their full-on jellyfish fishing gear looking at the screen intensely. The meme makes it appear that they know you switched from Call of Duty to Battlefield. It's a grave error on your part clearly, as COD fans are pretty serious about their gaming and switching sides is a heinous affair. The seriousness of the meme is totally overshadowed by the hilarious use of Spongebob and Patrick, who both look goofy AF as they sport their big glasses. I can't imagine what their reaction would be if you switched over to Rainbow Six: Siege.

12 Teamwork Vs. Me-Work

via Meme Center

In this meme, the differences between the players takes a much more personal turn. While players are often left to their own devices in single player mode, the multiplayer mode tends to bring out the best or worst qualities in a player. In this meme, we see how different the gamers are from one another. In the COD games, we see players are much more selfish, taking care of themselves rather than work as a team to gain control of their objective. They often shoot one another to be the one to achieve the task at hand. However, this is a much different strategy than the Battlefield fans are used to taking. In that game's multiplayer mode, we see a much more cohesive unit taking on the task, with players communicating with one another calmly and working together to achieve their goals. It's a much friendlier gaming experience overall.

11 One DOES Simply

via Meme Center

In this next meme, we get to see how Boromir would react to the two first-person shooter franchises. By the old gods and the new, he clearly spots the Call of Duty fans as a superior video game player. The Battlefield fans may become real Uruk's if they hear about this, and Boromir's's sure to lose his head once word gets out he's chosen sides in the war of the first person shooters. The inclusion of Lord of the Rings in this meme is hilarious, allowing fans of Call of Duty to feel like a real hero in the fight for video game dominance as they take on the Battlefield fans and the game they love. You see, Boromir of Lord of the Rings fame recognizes the superiority of Call of Duty players, (in his opinion), and wants to call out the Battlefield fans. Watch your head, Boromir!

10 Squidward Down!

via Meme Center

In this meme, we get to see our favorite pineapple under the sea get incorporated into the battle between these two powerhouse franchises. The lack of enthusiasm for Infinite Warfare continues in this meme, as we see Squidward, that grouchy neighbor that Spongebob just won't leave alone, is huddled into a ball on the floor, utterly defeated as the lack of excitement or care for the game is shown to have affected him deeply. Meanwhile, we see the stone age Patrick and Spongebob walking out of a cave, their ancient and old way of doing things improved with the use of modern weapons as they represent Battlefield 1. It shows that the past has become superior to the future, and delving into the world's past wars is much more interesting to gamers now than futuristic wars in our colonized solar system. It's quite a hilarious comparison between the two games.

9 Do We Need To Choose Sides?

via Pinterest

In this meme, we get a hilarious and obvious question asked to both COD and Battlefield fans: do we need to choose sides. I'll admit it, I love both COD and Battlefield. The games are exciting, enjoyable and full of tons of action and adventure. I love the story that plays out in both franchises, and the little differences don't dissuade me one way or another. So this meme made me laugh because as a fan of both franchises, it always interests me to see how big of a divide there is between fans of one franchise over another. I always sit there and laugh when I read comments downplaying one game over another, and so when I look at this meme, I always say to myself, "Totally Me." Yes, loyalty to one game over another is common and totally cool, but like the meme says, why not both?

8 What A Schmuck

via YouTube (SACRII)

In this meme, we get a look at something both Battlefield and Call of Duty fans recognize: the vast difference between Treyarch and Infinity Ward. The first company is known for games like the Black Ops series of games while the second company is known for the modern warfare series, a much more popular and well-regarded franchise of games. The debate about which company makes the best Call of Duty game is something that has been around for a long time, and most likely will never go away. The hilarious thing about this meme is that the two companies are associated with the main characters from the film Dinner for Schmucks, a comedy featuring Steve Carrel as the Schmuck and Paul Rudd as the man trying to trick the other into going to a dinner party to be humiliated. It's not the most highly regarded of films, and associating these two companies with the movie is considered quite a major burn. I bet the Battlefield fans are having a great chuckle right now.

7 Dogfight Over Quahog

via YouTube (Ben Stockdale)

In this next meme, we get to see a hilarious representation of player's view of Battlefield 1 versus the Call of Duty franchise. As we've already covered, the Battlefield 1 game is so highly regarded that it pretty much blows the Call of Duty games out of the water. Or in this case, out of the skies of Quahog. That's right, this meme depicts the fight between the two franchises using everyone's favorite show with a talking baby, Family Guy. The Seth MacFarlane animated comedy has become a staple of the FOX network for over a decade, and in this meme, we are treated to an episode of the show that is particularly hilarious. We see Miley Cyrus, shown to be a robot made by Disney, on a never-ending rampage in Quahog, while Quagmire and Peter have to shoot her down in a biplane. Miley represents the Call of Duty franchise while Quagmire is clearly Battlefield 1, and it's hilarious to see this scene unfold in the meme.

6 Emoji Madness

via YouTube (Abfucker)

In this next meme, the poop emoji takes center stage as the players angrily voice their views on the way Infinite Warfare turned out. The game was less than a critical success, with many gamers eager to move onto the games that made the franchise so popular, to begin with. In the wake of Battlefield 1, it was clear that Call of Duty had suffered a major loss in the battle between the franchises, and Infinite Warfare is considered absolute poop, (although there is a much stronger word being used on the internet. You know what I'm talking about here...). The poop emoji makes the fact that Infinite Warfare failed to live up to expectations for most gamers a lot more funny and humorous and a lot less frustrating. It's a much-needed break from the reality of the situation and a hilarious way of viewing the game overall.