Everyone who has ever played The Sims knows the epic fatal flaws that the game has. If you’re going to spend roughly fifty percent of your life on the same game, creating the same families, going through the same scenarios, and going through the same work/sleep routine you should be using your free time to get away from, then you have to be able to laugh at it! How else are you going to learn to handle the real world!

The world The Sims has made over the decades has created these amusing moments and jokes, which only the most devoted fans would be able to notice. The wide fan-base of the franchise allows for secrets and notable moments to be spread as widely as possible, thanks to the glory of the internet. As samey as The Sims can seem to an outsider, hardcore fans will know that you can play the game for hours and hours and still discover something new every time. There are mountains of careers, scenarios, deaths, and goals to discover, as well as new adventures for your Sims to have. True Simmers understand the distain of the outsiders, who wonder why we waste so much of our own lives improving the lives of our creations. To those people: this list might not be for you!

But if you truly hold The Sims dear to your heart, then venture forward and enjoy! To every one of these comics, we know we’ve all been there!

25 Pushing The Addiction

Those who are truly addicted to The Sims would never deliberately inflict the curse onto another. But as much as we all suffer from this addiction, there is no known cure! If you were theoretically to seek help for your addiction, this is depressingly the only scenario in which they would actually understand.

If there is someone out there who doesn’t understand the reality of The Sims addiction, then fear not, because it’ll reach them eventually. You can run, and you can hide, but someday curiosity will reach them. And then not even you can save them.

24 What If…

After a long session of controlling the lives of your computer people, giving them their own destinies and personalities, one can’t help but wonder what it could all mean…

I’ve heard people say many times that God is playing The Sims as a joke, but no one can really know what our destiny it. After all, your Sims play The Sims, don’t they? So, if your sims play The Sims, then surely their Sims are playing The Sims? And if they’re playing The Sims, then your Sims' Sims' Sims are surely playing The Sims? What if we’re not at the top of the endless chain? What if we’re only the middle…

23 That Escalated Quickly

via puking-mama.deviantart.com

When you observe your Sims' conversations closely, then you know how bizarre the whole relationship system is. Different Sims are compatible with different personalities, and Sims can have better chemistry with other, but ultimately if you talk with someone for long enough then they’ll eventually become their friend. And once they're your friend, you can begin the flirtation! If you are rejected, just talk about cars again for a little while, then try the flirtation again in a little while.

So, in the minds of your Sims, this is pretty much what it would look like! Is there any real transition between the conversations? Maybe your Sims know what they’re doing, but this is what it looks like!

22 Forever Alone!

There is a slightly dark side to The Sims sometimes, particularly with some of the spin-offs such as The Sims Social and My Sims, where you are encouraged to play with your real-life friends! Ha! “Real Life Friends!”

Simmers obviously have real, friends, families, and goals, but after a long session of the game, the doubt can easily wriggle into your head that you are actually alone. Of course, your Sims need you! But they’re not real, are they? Of course they’re real, you created them, and you’re real! Your Sims are your friends! So long as you have Sims you’ll never be alone. Ever.

21 Life Lessons

Perhaps nit-picking the details of a simulated life game can seem pointless, as there are moments with the game that will always be amusing for players. When you take back and take a long look at the game, it really teaches some very poor, but interesting life lessons.

It’s always better to look at the more frustrating elements of The Sims in a comic view, such as inviting people over in the game, which can become very irritating! I love how this comic gets its claws into the small details of the game, such as the Grim Reaper's cell phone, and I always laughed at my Sims when they had to “look out!” for a car that they had just gotten out of.

20 Whichever Is Closer

This is a part of the game that has been there since the beginning, and I even remember reading about it in the original game manual. If your Sim say, collects a pizza from the door or picks up the mail, they will put it down on the nearest available surface, even if such a surface is in the bathroom, which someone is currently using! This got more interesting in Sims 3 when Sims could sit on the toilet with the lid closed!

In the comments section for this one are many Simmers, claiming that this exact thing happened to them. There were plenty of chairs in the house, but the toilet was just presumably a few nanometres closer!

19 True Love

I’m sure a lot more Simmers have experienced this than are willing to admit. Sometimes going out into the world to meet new people is a very daunting concept. But in the world of your Sims, you don’t need to build up the confidence to talk to someone, or worry about reject. Things just go a lot more smoothly and a lot simpler.

Don’t think of perusing romances in The Sims as something that is using time you could use perusing real romances. It’s not wasted romance time. Think of it more as practice for perusing those real-world romances. And if you get rejected in The Sims, then just keep at it! They can’t reject their God for long!

18 Can’t Wait To Go To Work!

I’m sure all Simmers can still laugh at this, as I’m pretty sure we’ve all been there. I remember how excited it was every time a new edition of The Sims was announced. When you just can’t wait to experience all the new things promised for your sims!

But really, when you get it, the concept remains the same. Plus, your Sims still have to sleep, go to work, go to school, do homework, do chores, etc. As a Simmer, you understand how ridiculous this must look to the untrained eye. Even with all these things, there is still plenty of excitement to come out of the lives of your Sims. You know, after they get home from work.

17 Your Sim Roomies

When you’re watching the lives of the Sims, sometimes you can’t help but wonder what goes on in their heads. I’m ninety percent sure that simulated computer people don’t have sentient thought, but if they did I’m not sure what path it would take.

On one hand, when your Sims do something incredibly bizarre or stupid that makes your eyes widen with horror, the other Sims just smile and wave around them like everything is normal. But maybe while they’re smiling and waving, they're dying inside, wondering why their roommates are so weird and keep doing what they’re doing. Come to think of it, why do you keep doing what you’re doing?

16 No Rest For The Sims

One thing I often think about when playing The Sims is that your Sims never really get a chance to sit down and do nothing. There have been days when I’ve just sat down and played video games or watched TV for hours on end. But there is no such joy for a Sim! Sure, you let them sit down and watch TV or read when their fun is low, but as soon as it gets back up it’s off to finish the dishes, take care of the baby, or do laundry.

On autopilot, my Sims often go off to find a book or start a computer game, and I get mad at them and make them do something else. Never do I consider that they had really been looking forward to having some Sim-time.

15 Becoming The Sim

This is exactly what it feels like after a long, long Sim binge. When you eventually stop playing because you’ve had enough, not because you had to eat or sleep or interact with other human beings. Wandering into your kitchen, you feel as if something is controlling you on the way there, as if you can’t do anything without first telling yourself to do something. Then your flatmate comes in and you’re startled because you don’t remember creating them.

I have never reached a point before where I’ve started speaking Simlish, but I can imagine it’s only the next logical step in this magical, never ending journey.

14 Being Productive!

To any non-Simmers who have ventured forth on this list, are you wondering how The Sims fans find the time to play a game this much? Well, simply, you make time! Or at least The Sims makes time for you to play it!

You can wake up and promise yourself that you’re going to have a productive day. That you’ll finish that essay, catch up with all your work, or reply to all those emails that have been sitting in your inbox for the last three months. But shortly after you sit down, The Sims begins to call you, saying that there is nothing more productive you can do then play with your people! What would those people ever do without you?

13 Where’s The Ladder?

via snackrat.deviantart.com

You can always tell an old school Simmer from a new Simmer, who's only ever played The Sims 4 or possibly 3. Where’s the pool ladder?

Deleting the ladder to drown your Sims was one of the most iconic moments in the series, and I was literally angry when they got rid of it. How could they do that? Now it’s slightly more difficult to get rid of annoying Sims! No hardcore Simmer has never not deleted the ladder. Don’t lie to yourself!

The creators themselves made the ladder iconic to the series, drowning Mortimer this way in the strategy guide comic book The Sim Turns and introducing the late Skip Broke in The Sims 2, who “died in a suspicious pool ladder accident.”

12 It Could Be Worse

Yeah, we can torture our Sims, destroy all their relationships, ruin their career and refuse to let them go to the toilet, but you’re still giving them your attention. There is still something in your mind telling you that you can just carry on and on, and they’re still the ones getting the short end of the deal.

I love the idea of this comic. The idea that we think we are the torturers, but really there is someone else torturing us and not letting us get away from the computer. I think it’s a thought that has crossed many Simmer's minds during a long session.

11 Just A Moment!

This is a reflection on when Sims don’t really understand the concept of urgency. This exact same thing happened to me. My Sims partner had driven to the hospital and I assumed that the pregnant Sim was in the car with him. When I couldn’t see her, I centred in to find that she had ridden her bike to the hospital!

Other classics include my Sim running to the bathroom to throw up, only to stop and get frustrated because someone else was using the bathroom before casually moving on to a new activity. That, and realizing at around twelve in Sim time that my Sim hadn’t gone to school because something had been blocking his car! Maybe if something had been blocking the pregnant Sim's bike, she might have just not given birth.

10 Creepy Moments

Occasionally, your Sims may say or do something that will make you go: “What the heck!” A personal favourite of mine was when one of my Sims started telling her parent about her sibling woo-hooing, to which they nodded casually. Another was General Buzz Grunt literally slapping his child Ripp across his face, then going over to him to tell him a joke!

When you look at moments like this comic from the prospective of a watcher, they must seem weird, but really, they’re not that different from real random thoughts. I assume quite often when you have a baby, they’ll pop into your head throughout the day, like when you go to the fridge for a snack. Especially when you’re a ghost.

9 Distracted Date

This is something that’s been part of the series since Hot Date. You can be watching two Sims have a date, maybe the first date, fifth date, or maybe they’re an old married couple just out for a night to themselves.

The couple could be having a lovely romantic dinner, where they talk, laugh, flirt, and share food, the pinnacle of their evening. Then all of a sudden, one of the Sims will get up and go and do something else! One time when I had two Sims on a date, they were talking happily, then one of them suddenly went off to play chess with a complete stranger!

Sometimes, you just can’t understand Sims.

8 Stop It!

via: onewingedmuse.deviantart

This comic can be interpreted in many different ways, all of them relatable. One of them being how sometimes Sims can just make something ridiculously awkward! Like when some Sims I made of me and my best friend decided to hook up of their own accord… ew… Seriously, what the heck were they thinking?

But also, how Sims can help you live out your fantasies. Like, maybe you do have friend that you’d really like to take to another level, but don’t want to ruin what you already have. Then make it happen on Sims! (Also, if you have someone who makes you angry, just lock them in a room and burn their face off!)

7 I’m Working!

I understand that you have to have a specific career in order to relate to this. I can’t really see an accountant having to go on The Sims to figure out their… numbers or whatever!

But several times I’ve had, yes had, to go onto Sims to sketch body outlines, get clothing inspiration, explore characters, and story lines. And no, there was nothing else I could have possible done rather than go on The Sims!

I think you definitely have to be a Simmer to understand how The Sims can affect and inspire various different aspects of your life. While I’ve most definitely played way too much Sims, there have been times when it’s been there to help!

6 You’re Playing It Wrong!

This is accurate. So accurate!

I image this is most relatable to someone who still lives at home with their siblings, or someone with a too noisy flatmate. But even if you live alone in the middle of nowhere in a vast wasteland, with no cars or stores for miles and without leaving a forwarding address before you arrived, then at some point this person will still come along. They’ll tell you how stupid The Sims is and how you’re wasting your life or that you’ve spent too much time on the game–before gradually becoming sucked into the world and telling you over your shoulder that you’re doing everything wrong!