Hitman 2 was released last November and has been going strong since with regular updates and content. Part of the reason for the game's success is the attention to detail put into every part of the game's levels. Beyond the main mission stories that guide the players through each target, there are countless other things that are never so much as mentioned. Whether it's an unconventional way to exit the mission, a hidden strategy to take out the targets, or turning people into flamingos, Hitman 2 is full to bursting with secret content. Here are 10 things the game doesn’t tell you about in just the Miami level alone.

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10 Send The Flamingo To His Doom

One of Hitman 2's mission stories sees you stealing the flamingo mascot costume from a man blackmailing Sierra Knox, one of your two targets. This allows you to get close enough to her to take her out by pushing her down a chute without anyone else noticing. However, you can also choose to help the blackmailer instead of choking him out and stealing his clothes. If you retrieve his keys for him, he’ll make it to the meeting with Sierra himself, where his evasive attitude and nervous demeanor do not serve him well as Sierra decides to cut loose ends and kills him by throwing him down the same chute.

9 Give Robert An Eye-Full

Your other target, Sierra's father Robert, has a severe facial burn scar from an accident as a racecar driver. In the upper levels of the Kronstadt building where he roams about, you can find an eyedropper that he uses to keep his injured eye moisturized. 47 can then poison the drops and use the air conditioning in another room to switch from humid air to dry air. This causes Robert to need his eye drops and when he uses them, the poison kills him almost instantly. This method isn’t part of any mission story, although your handler Diana will comment on your actions as you set everything up to give Robert an eye full of poison.

8 Help Out Your Friendly Neighborhood Florida Man

Another way to poison Robert is by following a mission story where you impersonate the vendor of his favorite food stall. This vendor, the imaginatively named Florida Man, can be found fishing on the pier. Stealing his disguise allows 47 to open his stand and poison Robert, but much like the blackmailing flamingo, you can choose to help Florida Man instead.

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If you listen to his phone conversation, he mentions that he's waiting on a delivery of sugar from one of the race's food vendors. Equipping this disguise and finding a bag of sugar causes Florida Man to open the stand on his own, drawing Robert out of the Kronstadt building without hurting a soul.

7 Steal An Ambulance

The name of the game is Hitman 2, not Grand Theft Auto, but you can still steal vehicles at the Global Innovation Race if you’re determined enough and wearing the right disguise. After you’ve completed your mission and taken out both Robert and Sierra Knox, the game asks you to find an exit. While you could choose to walk through the front gates, take a speedboat, or duck down a manhole into the sewers, wearing a medic disguise allows you another option. In the medical setup at the back end of the map is an ambulance that 47 can steal, letting him slip away under the radar.

6 Send An Explosive Message

Yet another way you can take out your targets also allows you to emotionally devastate Robert Knox. In a security building, you can find a race marshal being interrogated after having been hired by Robert to sabotage Sierra's competition at the race. 47 can choose to execute the plan, rigging Sierra's car to explode instead. You then deliver the detonator to Robert and watch as he unknowingly executes his own daughter, dropping the switch in shock as he realizes what he’s done. A short speech from Robert follows as he deduces who 47 is and who hired him, during which time you can throw him over the side of the railing to his death, finalizing the poetic justice.

5 Exit In Style

This next hidden exit takes bit more work to find. You'll have to infiltrate the pit building locker room and find the Pale Rider disguise. Then, you need to eliminate your targets while wearing it before hightailing it back to the Kronstadt pit and finding the white racecar. This triggers a short, humorous line from Diana about 47 and his exploits before you race off. The exit is a reference to the character of the Stig from the British television show Top Gear. In the show, the Stig wears a similarly white set of driver's gear with his face concealed and many amusing anecdotes have been shared about him over the course of the series' history.

4 Take Out Two Birds With One Accident

It’s actually possible in the Miami level to take out both Robert and Sierra Knox at the exact same time. You can do this by infiltrating the Kronstadt building and finding a laptop key for a communication dish on the building roof. This allows you to sabotage the computer, leading Robert to come fix it.

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While in the process of doing so, he’ll lean out over the edge of the roof, which coincidentally happens to be positioned next to the racetrack. If you push him at just the right time, he’ll fall right onto Sierra’s car, taking out both of them in one fell swoop.

3 Ride The Dolphins

The last secret exit on this list takes some doing to find. First, you’ll need to either find a fish in Miami or bring one with you. Then, once you’ve finished the mission, head to the dolphin fountain in front of the Kronstadt building. Running along the tiles that surround the fountain in a very specific pattern unlocks a hidden exit icon. When activated, we are treated to the sight of 47 escaping from the Global Innovation Race atop a pair of dolphins, gracefully gliding over the waves and into the distance.

2 Partake In A Drinking Game

Once the race is over, regardless of who won, 47 can engage Sierra Knox in a drinking contest where one of the shots available has been spiked with extra-hot hot sauce. To do this, you’ll need to disguise yourself as Moses Lee, Sierra’s main rival, and then enter the drivers' lounge above the pit building. Once Sierra arrives, she'll issue a challenge, which lets you kick things off. Depending on whether or not you poisoned the drinks beforehand and if you can keep track of the hot shot, the contest can end in several ways, including 47 drinking the hot sauce himself.

1 Unleash The Pink Army

Finally, Hitman 2 lets you turn every non-crowd NPC in Miami into a flamingo (seriously). You need to execute a rather convoluted series of actions to accomplish this, though. First, you need to find a flamingo disguise for yourself. Then, you need to get a picture of the flamingo mascots, which you can find just inside the race entrance. After that, you’ll have to find someone wearing a flamingo costume and knock them out. You'll then need to drag them up to the android demo room in the Kronstadt building, where you can scan the picture of the flamingo on the android’s facial recognition screen, causing it to kill the unconscious flamingo mascot. After this, every single NPC in Miami will be equipped with the flamingo disguise, flooding the map and granting you the achievement "Pink Army."

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