There’s a deeper theme to the Hitman series than meets the eye. On the surface, it might seem like your standard stealth and espionage game, but the story is a fair representation of what goes on in the mind of an assassin.

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There have been several memorable characters and storylines in the series, with the main protagonist being particularly engaging despite his signature lack of emotions. Over the course of the games, there have been many times where certain quotes hit the theme of the series exactly right, and these should be recognized. Here are the best quotes from the Hitman series.

Updated February 24th, 2021 by Saim Cheeda: With the release of Hitman 3, the series has now been completed in a way that fans can assess each character and situation without worrying about future events changing these up. The final entry in the World of Assassination Trilogy left players with some more notable quotes that are worth looking into, along with highlighting 47’s characterization so well that his quotes from earlier games have aged better too. Due to this, it’s a good idea to look back at 47’s sayings that weren’t as clear in memory before, as the appreciation for his role in the series has only gotten higher.

15 "It's Good To Be Back."


At the end of Hitman 3, 47 returned to working with Diana after having been MIA for a year. 47 was always seen as a stoic who never showed his emotions, but this was the one time he did display a sense of humanity when he flashed a smile.

This was his confirmation that being in the assassin life is what he had figured out he was meant to live in, as he reconciled his killing ways to be necessary to keep global elites in check. With the game serving as the conclusion of the current series, the quote is what 47 signed off with.

14 "My Suit Is At The Cleaners."

hitman 2 47 mascot Cropped

In his own way, 47 is actually a pretty funny guy since he uses his dry sense of humor quite a lot. In the Miami mission of Hitman 2, he reflected this attitude when he was waiting for his target to approach him in his mascot costume.

During the waiting period, another person tried to make conversation and asked him why he was wearing the costume, to which 47 replied that his actual suit was at the cleaners. It was also a nod toward his intentions as taking someone to the cleaners means to defeat them completely, and 47 was about to do just that to his target.

13 (Butler): "I Only Hope You Are As Good As They Say" (47): "Don't Worry I Am."

hitman butler

As part of his disguise to infiltrate the mansion in Sapienza, 47 took on the appearance of a psychiatrist to take out Silvio Caruso. His target was a man plagued with multiple issues, which made his faithful butler nervous if psychiatry would work.

Upon meeting 47 in his psychiatrist disguise, the butler asked him if he really was as good as his reputation, to which 47 gave his confirmation. Of course, this was his way of actually making reference to his skills as an assassin, which were definitely top-notch since the killing of Caruso went without a hitch.

12 "I Find It's Best To Wait...For The Perfect Kill"

hitman 2 agent 47

47 doesn’t lie as much as one might think he would as an assassin, as he finds a loophole here by using his exact words. When asked over his methods as a potential high profile guard, he replied with this quote to make it appear as if he was careful.

In actuality, he had already plotted the exact manner with which he was going to finish his target, as 47 operates in a way that he’s constantly checking his surroundings to think of a way to carry out his task to make it appear as a total accident.

11 "Yes, Ma'am, In The Meantime, Watch Your Back."

hitman 2016

In Hokkaido, 47 was tasked with taking the life of the Yakuza fixer Yuki Yamazaki at an upscale spa and treatment center. One of the ways to kill her involves shoving her off the cliff, which 47 accomplishes right after making a clever pun.

Having disguised himself as the hospital director, he let Yamazaki go on her rant against him as she positioned herself at the cliffside. When all was set, he uttered this quote and did the job. At least no one can accuse him of not giving Yuki a warning.

10 "The Name 'Agent 47' Is Just A Whisper On The Lips Of The Dead."

There’s no doubt that Agent 47 is one of the best antiheroes in gaming. His moral ambiguity is what makes him so engaging. It doesn't matter who his target is; he’ll get the job done regardless.

This quote sums up how he’s perceived in-universe, with the only ones to fully see him being the people who were seconds away from their deaths. For most, his name are the final words they utter.

9 "I'll Seek Justice For Myself. I'll Choose The Truth I Like."

The franchise has been likened as being close to the Assassin’s Creed series for many reasons. One is the mindset that the protagonist has over his assassinations. In Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, 47 tried to start life over away from all the killing, only to realize that life would always find him again.

By the end, he resigned himself to agreeing that he couldn’t escape the assassin life even if he wanted to. However, he did grow enough to have a renewed sense of morality, something that had never been there before.

8 "There's A Bullet For Everyone. And A Time. And A Place. An End."

While he might not be among the A-list voice actors in gaming, David Bateson, the voice actor for 47, deserves credit for bringing poignant moments to life. This quote most certainly sounds both intimidating and fitting coming from 47 himself.

It’s probably one of the reasons why he’s so good at carrying out assassinations, as 47 has a level of respect for how death is a finality. The bullet in question is more symbolic than literal, as 47 argues that everyone has a bullet to their name in the end.

7 "I'm Sorry. You're Safe Now. It's Okay."

Although it’s at his killing that 47 best shines as a character, it was a welcome change to see him display his humanity. One of the things fans want in the next game is to have more of this humanized 47, the one Victoria from Hitman: Absolution saw.

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After freeing her from Blake Dexter’s grasp, 47 went so far as to console Victoria, which was a stark departure from his usual stoic self. It’s almost surreal listening to him actually feel sorry for someone, which has the effect of making even a killer like him relatable.

6 "It's Not Every Day I Get To Kill Me A Legend."

The targets that saw their lives end at the hands of 47 might not have known about him beforehand, but fellow assassins definitely did. The Saints, the group of killer nuns in Hitman: Absolution, had what could be considered the closest thing to respect for him.

They were more than willing to take his life, but their leader wasn’t shy in admitting that she saw 47 as an absolute legend. In the end, her efforts were for naught, as 47 used his powers of stealth to systematically take out each and every one of the Saints.

5 "Yes, Your Majesty. All Sources Are Online Again."

This quote, coming from Diana Burnwood, sent a feeling of relief among the fanbase, as it confirmed the ICA was back in business. It closed out the storyline that had started from Hitman: Contracts to Hitman: Blood Money, where the ICA was targeted and brought to its knees.

However, the real eye-opener was that, presumably, even the Queen had connections to the ICA, seeing as Diana received a call from the “Majesty” of all people. It went to show just how deep the connections of this agency went, and for whom 47 had been carrying out the assassinations.

4 "One Day, I Will Think Of This As Just Another Job. After All, This Is What I Do."

47 uses all the tools and weapons he has at his disposal to come away with the kill, usually without remorse. And yet, he had just that at the beginning of Hitman: Absolution, where he was the one dispatched to take his handler Diana’s life.

Although he was willing to go through with it, 47 voiced out his reservations in an inner monologue, admitting he felt a sense of loyalty to Diana. Like every other decision, though, he ended up convincing himself that one day the Diana hit would feel like another part of his job.

3 "...You Will Never Know."

Hitman: Absolution’s end saw the big reveal that 47 had never actually killed Diana as everyone had thought. However, Travis, the antagonist of the game, had the curiosity of Diana’s fate on his mind, even during his final breaths.

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In what is one of the better levels in the series, 47 went through all of Travis’ forces, and ended his life without letting Travis know what he did to Diana. The last words Travis heard were 47 denying him the answer, before the gunshot rang.

2 "Inspector, You've Obviously Learned Too Much About Me. I Can't Have That. Even In My Death."

Suffice to say, 47 keeps his cards very close to his chest. To him, his identity is his most prized possession, unwilling to give it away even at death. In Hitman: Contracts, he went after a target mainly because the inspector knew who he was.

47 could die knowing he was bested, but he couldn’t succumb to any injury with the knowledge that someone knew who he really was. Having 47 after your life is one thing, but him being after you for personal reasons is even scarier.

1 "Names Are For Friends, So I Don't Need One."

It’s clear that 47 is never going to make any friends. Being in the life that he has, there’s no room for socializing or having relationships of any kind. Due to this, he’s more than content not having an actual name, with the “Agent 47” moniker suiting him just fine.

On the occasion of this quote, he was asked what his name was, to which he pointed out that, since he had no friends, he had no business having an identity. The funny thing is that the person he said this to was knocked out the next second for asking too many questions.

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