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The third and final trial within the Colosseum Of Fools, the Trial Of The Fool, might just be one of the hardest things to do in Hollow Knight. It's an onslaught of tough enemies and obstacles that even the best players may struggle with. At times, it's borderline unfair how tough this trial gets. Considering the paltry reward you receive at the end, it may not even be worth doing at all.

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However, this guide is for all the fools out there who dare to attempt this trial. This guide is here to tell you what you should expect and how you might be able to survive. So no more fooling around, let's try to make it out of the Trial of the Fool in one piece.

Updated April 13, 2023: The Trial of the Fool offers one of the toughest challenges in Hollow Knight, and that's saying something considering how many tough bosses there are in this game. To help you make it through the trial, we've outlined everything you can expect in this guide.

How To Begin The Trial And What To Expect From Its Waves

hollow knight trial of the fool banner

As with the other two trials, there is a banner you can walk over to place your mark and initiate the trial.

It'll cost 800 Geo to begin it, and you should be prepared for a very stressful series of encounters.

There are 17 waves of brutality within the Trial of the Fool. Here's the layout of each of these waves. May god have mercy on your soul.

For completing the Trial of the Fool, you'll get around 3000 Geo and the Fool achievement.

Extra Tips & Tricks

hollow knight fool trial tips

General Tips

  • This trial is something you should attempt close to the end of the game. Before you begin to even think about trying this trial, you should have all the nail upgrades and nail arts, along with as many mask shards, vessel fragments, charm notches, and charms as you can find.
  • You want as much health and soul as possible. You should also have every ability and spell available. At the bare minimum, you should have the Monarch Wings and the Shade Cloak.
  • Heal as much as possible during the lulls between waves. If you keep easily dodgeable enemies like Shielded Fools and Sharp Baldurs alive at the end of a wave, it will delay the arrival of the next batch of enemies and should give you enough time to recover health. Definitely make sure to heal before Wave 14 starts as you won't get an opportunity while the spikes are up.
  • Some good charms to equip include Mark of Pride and Longnail, as being able to strike enemies like the Brooding Mawlek from a distance will make your life easier. These are also good during Wave 14 and 15, as they'll give your nail jump attacks extra range.
  • Quick Focus can help you heal faster, and Hiveblood can passively heal you when you don't have a chance. Charms that help you gather soul like Grubsong and Soul Catcher can make sure you have enough soul to heal and use spells. If you are going to use spells, equip Spell Twister to reduce their cost.

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