Horizon Zero Dawn is an incredibly fun game that throws the player into a world where mankind has regressed into a primitive existence threatened by wandering machines that are slowly terraforming the planet.

The frustration in fighting these difficult machines is immediately forgotten once players develop the ability to override practically every machine in the game and force it to act as a companion fighting by their side. Here are the ten best machines that players can use to wreak havoc on their enemies.

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10 Charger

The only mountable machine on this list, Chargers serve as powerful mounts that can carry the player wherever they wish to go while still acting as a fearsome fighting machine. When threatened, Chargers are capable of running down baddies and using the chainsaws in their ram-like horns to carve up enemies. They are also capable of fierce kicks when fighting in close quarters.

While not nearly as powerful as other machines on this list, the ability to ride these creatures into battle should not be underestimated, and crafty players can take down multiple enemies while astride these mighty beasts.

9 Fire Bellowback

Fire Bellowbacks are strange dinosaur-looking machines the purpose of which is to carry the flammable substance known as Blaze. These combustible monstrosities can spit out streams of fire at their enemies or in a circle around themselves. If the enemy decides close-range brawling with this mobile flame thrower isn’t ideal and backs off, the Fire Bellowback will lob fireballs.

It doesn’t rank higher on this list because it’s weakness, a massive sac full of Blaze, is displayed prominently on its back and easy to strike. But if it loses its fire abilities, the Fire Bellowback is surprisingly agile and will charge down enemies.

8 Behemoth

Behemoths serve as great fighting companions for their versatility and unpredictability in combat. The large behemoths can charge at surprising speed for devastating damage, once close to an enemy, it can raise up and then slam to the ground dealing a brutal shockwave.

Yet, these machines are no pushovers at distances. With top-of-the-line technology, they are capable of grabbing boulders from their surroundings and hurling them at enemies or unleashing multiple boulders for a devastating barrage around itself. It’s even capable of firing rock shrapnel from its mouth.

7 Ravager

Ravagers are devastating companions to have in battle thanks to their speed. Resembling a very large dog, these machines will fire upon enemies with a large energy cannon on their backs. When enemies get too close or the Ravager is weakened, it can create a cocoon of electrical energy that shocks any opponent who gets too close.

The Ravager really shines up close when in melee combat or if the canon is knocked off. Like a feral wolf, it will unleash multiple slashes, claw at enemies and even charge its jaws for an electrical bite.

6 Stalkers

Considering how much of a pain these are to take down for the player, they’re even worse for the enemy. Their powerful dart guns can drop a human in one shot from long range. When the enemy gets closer it can toss proximity mines to give it a layer of defense so it can escape or continue firing upon the enemy.

Its most powerful feature it the ability to cloak itself to near invisibility and close in on its prey for powerful melee attacks. Enemies will be blindsided by this puma-like machine that will slash and claw while remaining practically invisible. It could be argued that Stalkers might be better than the top five because they respawn, which allows them to be reused, while the top five don’t. But, because of how powerful the top five are, Stalkers had to go here.

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5 Fireclaw

Found in the Frozen Wilds, these bear-like monstrosities are built to hunt down humans, and they do their job very well. These fiery adversaries serve the player well by launching themselves into the fray and dealing out devastating fire-based attacks.

Unique to the Fireclaw is the ability to fight either on all four legs or upright on their hindquarters. The bipedal stance enables them a number of defensive capabilities and brutal melee attacks. On all fours, they can unleash meteor showers and lunge at enemies. It’s unfortunate that there are only a handful in the game that can be overridden because they make brutal companions.

4 Scorcher

Also found in the Frozen Wilds, Scorchers are similar to Fireclaws in that they are devastating enemies in close combat. What makes them marginally more useful is that they are faster in combat and they can launch mines that anticipate an enemy’s movement.

Another powerful ability they have is their rocketing lunge that propels them at high speed towards enemies and slashes at them with their fiery claws. Enemies will have a hard time reacting to this barreling monster of teeth and claws, which makes them powerful allies. Like the Fireclaw, there are only a few that can be overridden, making their companionship a treat rather than a consistent strategy.

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3 Rockbreaker

At number three, the Rockbreaker is a formidable foe and considered one of the bosses in the game. These gargantuan machines can burrow underground, diving through the rock and dirt like a nightmarish leviathan, and are completely invulnerable in this state.

When they do attack, they launch themselves out of the ground like a shark and munch on their enemies with their massive jaws. They can also fire off a barrage of rocks that pummel their enemies in a surprisingly large radius. There are only two that can be overridden in the entire game.

2 Stormbirds

The only aerial machine on the list and one of the largest, the Stormbird is a legendary opponent that makes a frightening companion for the player. They shine while in the air and are capable of lightning attacks, ground pounds, and a devastating carpet bomb electrical attack.

The reason they don’t take the number one spot is, once their wings are clipped, they are severely hindered in battle. Granted, they are still formidable on the ground with brutal melee and a screech blast that stuns enemies, but players will definitely want these fighting from the air.

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1 Thunderjaw

The Thunderjaw is the thing of legends and nightmares; responsible for the deaths of some of the most renowned warriors in the game, it's a massive machine resembling a T-Rex loaded with various armaments they use to barrage opponents.

With razor-sharp discs that can pepper an area or home in on the enemy, fan-shaped laser beams, multiple cannons, and some of the highest hit points and armor ratings in the game, this machine is a beast. Even when all of its weapons are disabled it wades into battle with awesome prowess, stomping, slashing, biting, and tail-swiping its opponents like a mechanical Godzilla. There aren’t many to override, but watching one that's been hijacked utterly annihilate enemies is an epic feeling.

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