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Getting together with your friends in New World isn't straightforward. Players spawn randomly in one of the regions, designed so that there isn't a massive concentration of players in any one area. However, this means you and your friends can't pick the same starting region.

RELATED: New World: Beginner Tips

Thankfully, there is a workaround for this. Here's how to arrange it so that you can at least complete your starting quests together in the same region. There is a bit of running involved, but not too much.

How To Meet Up With Your Friends In New World

New World sword and shield at the start of the game

At the start of the game, you'll wake up on a beach and go through a short tutorial. This will teach you the basics of using your weapons and navigating the world.

Once you've killed the tutorial boss, you'll receive a quest to check out the nearby watchtower.

Complete quests at the quest-giver by the tower until you hit the "Storm On The Horizon" quest.

This quest sends you to the closest town to continue your game. It's at this point that you need to decide where you want your starting region to be. The quest will be available at any of the starter towns: First Light, Everfall, etc.

Check your map and make your way to the town where your friends are. You will be able to collect the same quests together.

RELATED: New World: Best Weapons

How To Complete Quests With Your Friends

Sandbox Games new world

You need to make sure you don't accept the quest at the wrong town, otherwise you will need to restart your character, as the starting quest location is then locked.

Don't worry about running from town to town. It should take about 15 minutes. You shouldn't encounter too many strong mobs, as long as you stick to the main paths and roads.

As it stands, and this might change, there is no way to co-operatively quest. So, if you have a quest to hunt three Elks, your quest partners will also have to hunt three Elks. Progress is not shared.

NEXT: New World: Complete Guide And Walkthrough