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You'll quickly learn that Goldys are an essential component of Humanity. After all, the mysterious voice instructing your doggy persona highly values these idols. Furthermore, the voice will reward you handsomely when you deliver more Goldys to them.

Related: Humanity: Beginner Tips

Getting every Goldy is not a requirement to beat Humanity. However, you'll need a minimum amount to unlock pivotal trials. In addition, the rewards you'll receive, especially early on in the Prologue, are beneficial. What's more, these Goldys are a sinch to attain!

This guide offers several step-by-step instructions. All turn commands listed in these instructions relate to where the humans are facing at that point in the path.

Prologue Goldy Chart

A mysterious voice introduces you to a Goldy in the Goldy Retriever trial of Humanity.


Goldy Count

01: To Begin With


02: Goldy Retriever


03: Baby Steps


04: Switch Hitter


05: Jump Start


06: Crowd Surfing


Total Goldys


Prologue 02: Goldy Retriever

A crowd of humans travel in a circle, through a tunnel, to retrieve a Goldy and reach the light in the Goldy Retriever trial of Humanity.

Goldy Retriever is a straightforward puzzle introducing two vital concepts: Goldys and climbable walls. If you try to approach the Goldy from the front, your humans will perish because their bodies cannot handle drops higher than two cubes. So instead, you must approach the Goldy from behind.

  1. Turn left from the doorway to the corner platform.
  2. At the corner platform, make another left toward the climbable wall.
  3. After ascending the climbable wall, direct your humans left toward the tunnel.
  4. Your humans will pick up the Goldy and walk straight to the light.

Prologue 03: Baby Steps

A path of humans navigate a spiral staircase of platforms in the Baby Steps trial of Humanity.

The Baby Steps trial replicates a spiral staircase effect. Therefore, mastering this puzzle requires you to effectively guide your humans down each step to the light at the bottom.

  1. From the doorway, turn left to the closest ledge.
  2. Make a right at the ledge to descend to the small strip wrapping around the structure.
  3. At the corner of the strip, make a right.
  4. Once you reach the tree, make a right, a quick left, and a quick right. You'll pick up Goldy 1 after the last right turn.
  5. Descend to the next platform, then turn right into the tunnel.
  6. Turn left at the end of the tunnel and descend to the trial's ground level.
  7. Make a left at the corner of the center platform.
  8. Wrap around the center platform with another left turn to retrieve Goldy 2. Then, make a quick right turn at Goldy 2, followed by another sharp right.
  9. Make another right turn at the edge of the ground floor to direct your humans and Goldys to the light.

Prologue 04: Switch Hitter

A line of humans navigate three pillars in the Switch Hitter trial of Humanity.

Switch Hitter introduces People Switches. These mechanisms remove obstacles when humans walk over them. However, humans must continue to walk over a People Switch to maintain its effect. If no humans are on top of the switch, its effect will turn off.

  1. Turn left toward the platform featuring Goldy 1.
  2. Turn right at Goldy 1. Your humans will climb up the next platform, then drop to the platform with the People Switch. This switch deactivates the glass wall around the light.
  3. Make a left at the People Switch, followed by a quick left.
  4. Once your humans climb the center platform, make a right to drop down a platform.
  5. Make another right to direct your humans up the climbable wall and through the tunnel.
  6. After exiting the tunnel, turn right toward Goldy 2 and a quick left to the climbable wall.
  7. At the top of the platform, turn right to enter the light. (Don't forget to set this command after the people switch deactivates the glass wall!)

Related: Humanity: Complete Goldy Rewards Guide

Prologue 05: Jump Start

Two lines of humans form an infinity loop in the Jump Start trial of Humanity.

Jump Start introduces the Jump command, which makes humans jump in the air, often to higher platforms. The Goldy in this trial is suspended in midair. So, your humans must jump to get them. There are two paths to direct and two lights to enter.

  1. The first turn for each path of humans is preset.
  2. At the next corner, turn each path toward the center. Place a jump command directly after these turn commands.
  3. Place two more jump commands in the spaces leading into the center Goldy. One of your paths will catch the Goldy while performing the jump.
  4. Place two more jumps on the spaces before the final platforms. Then, your humans will jump up and walk to their respective lights.
  5. Once finished, the puzzle should look like an infinity loop from above.

Prologue 06: Crowd Surfing

Four crowds of humans swim through pools toward a center light in the Crowd Surfing trial of Humanity.

The final prologue trial teaches Crowd Surfing, a maneuver that lets you travel through humans. Crowd Surfing is a vital tool for reaching locations you cannot access on foot.

  1. Four pillars lead to the center light. All four pillars, except one, have preset commands for their humans. Use crowd surfing to ascend the unmarked pillar, then copy the commands from the other three pillars. Your humans will pick up Goldy 1 while following these commands.
  2. In addition, place a jump command at the end of the pillar's ledge. This jump will allow your humans to swim through the pool and turn on the People Switch. This switch turns on the jump command on the other three ledges.
  3. Place one jump at the end of each platform perpendicular to the People Switch platform.
  4. Goldy 2 is in midair above the platform opposite the People Switch platform. So, first, place a jump command at the end of the pool to attain Goldy 2. Then, quickly place a second jump command at the platform's edge to lead the final group toward the light.

Next: Relaxing Puzzle Games