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You may think you're in for a surprising twist when Islets hands you a partner with whom you can take on a boss, but Snoot turns out to be a big disappointment. Instead of contributing to anything, Snoot will just follow your movement exactly, not draw any attacks, and never even try to attack the boss.

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Don't worry, though, because the Swamp Frog isn't too tough, and you have more than enough tools with which to take it down. This fight tests how well you can dodge roll, so we hope you've mastered that trick by now!

Swamp Frog's Attacks

Islets Swamp Frog Second Phase

The Swamp Frog is a stationary boss, so all of its attacks are quite predictable. The trouble comes when it starts weaving them together, something the boss will do more during its second phase.



How To Counter

Stalactite Drop

Narrow pillars will hang from the ceiling for a few moments before dropping to the floor. If they hit you, you'll take damage, and when they hit the ground they'll burst into a small shower of projectiles. The pillars drop in succession.

This is hard to dodge as the showers of projectiles are very fast. A good trick is to try using a sword slam attack as a shower is due to explode near you, as that attack gives you a small period of invincibility and will also harm the boss.

Swamp Frog Statue

After a stream of exclamation points fills the center of the arena, a large statue will drop. This will start to chase you, moving side to side. It will make around four passes at you.

You'll have to dodge through this attack, not away from it. If you dodge in the same direction as the statue's movement, you'll undoubtedly get caught by the attack.

Spear Trap

The Swamp Frog goes underground for a few moments and starts summoning wooden sticks with skulls on the end. They'll starts shooting out to the sides in succession.

Like with the statue attack, you'll need to dodge through these spears. After dodging through, take a few steps in the opposite direction before dodging again to make sure you have enough room to dodge through the successive spears.


A spiraling swarm of flies is released from the Swamp Frog. It uses this attack during other attacks to try and trip you up.

It's difficult to predict when this attack comes out as there is barely any time to react to it. If you see the red glow of the flies, try to move to one side of the stage if it's safe to do so. This might be extremely difficult if used during an attack where you need to consistently dodge roll in one direction, such as Spear Trap.

Bubble Rain

The Swamp Frog releases a cloud of bubbles into the air that slowly drift towards the ground.

Either dodge and weave through the cloud of bubbles, or use this attack to stand inside the Swamp Frog's hitbox and keep performing upwards attacks. If they hit the bubbles, they'll send the bubbles up into the air slightly, keeping you safe as you mash attacks at the boss.

How To Beat The Swamp Frog

Islets Swamp Frog Snoot Killed It

As a stationary boss, the Swamp Frog is quite susceptible to certain strategies.

  • Mashing the attack button is a surprisingly viable option in this fight, as the Swamp Frog rarely ever moves, and when it does, it's to use an attack that necessitates getting away from it anyway. Stay close and only move when absolutely necessary.
  • If you've acquired lots of upgrades to your sword slam attack, using that is going to be a fantastic way to shorten the fight. The shockwaves will deal massive damage, and you can even benefit from the small period of invincibility the attack brings.
  • Take special note of the fact that you can knock away the Bubble Rain with your sword. This can keep you safe, especially if you use it to knock them up into the air while also attacking the boss.
  • The Swamp Frog doesn't have that much health, so persistent attacks during the periods where that's possible are the way to go.
  • As mentioned previously, this fight is ultimately a test of your dodge rolling ability, thanks to how much you'll need to use that technique to counter the Statue and Spear Trap attacks. In addition, the Swarm attack will complicate things, and the Bubble Rain technique will also stick around a lot in the second phase of the fight. If you've managed to get this far in the game without learning and mastering the dodge roll, you might have more trouble during this fight - but it's a great place to learn!

NEXT: Islets: How To Beat The ClockMaker