With so many great RPGs to play, and so many great options to choose to play those games, how you play all comes down to your personal preference. Some people love a controller that they can mash as many buttons as possible on, while others prefer a simpler approach.

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When it comes to the complex mechanics and controls that can be found in RPGs, it only makes sense that something as varied as a keyboard and mouse would be a big help. With that said, it’s also important to note that standard key bindings for games may not always be the best, and a little extra effort may be required to have the perfect play session.

10 Skyrim

An atronach blocks the path to the College of Winterhold's courtyard, player companion dog sits in front of it

Considering the modding scene is always thriving for Skyrim, it only makes sense that most people might want to put their hours with the game into the PC version. That alone is enough to make it worth using a mouse and keyboard, but there are plenty of other reasons.

Skyrim simply feels better with a mouse and keyboard, a trend for first-person games. Knowing exactly where all your bindings are gives you a sense of flexibility and ease when playing the game. Nothing is cramped, and you are capable of making sure you aren’t accidentally attacking when you meant to sheathe your weapon.

9 Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout New Vegas Cover Art

While a case could be made for games based around close-quarters combat to be better on controllers, a lot of players will agree that titles with shooting mechanics are far superior on a mouse and keyboard. Because of that, Fallout: New Vegas is a must to play with those.

The V.A.T.S. system is much more manageable while using a mouse and keyboard, and of course, simply aiming is much more precise. You shouldn’t have any issue surviving the wasteland and its many brutal enemies when you can snap to an enemy with the flexibility a mouse provides.

8 The Witcher 3

Ciri battling wolves and a Leshen in The Witcher 3

Some people have said The Witcher 3 is terrible without a controller. While that is true for the standard bindings in the game, it is possible to make some changes to make the experience much, much better.

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With a little bit of extra work, The Witcher 3 is a fantastic narrative experience with a mouse and keyboard. Once again, since you have so many potential button uses, the wide range of options a keyboard allows can make coming to grips with the journey in the early hours much easier.

7 Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

Knights of the Old Republic lightsaber fight

If you’ve ever played the re-release of Knights Of The Old Republic on the Nintendo Switch, you probably know how jarring it can be to figure out the controls. It can take an entire playthrough before you finally stop accidentally hitting the wrong button for a specific action.

This game feels tailor-made for the PC and for good reason. It is much easier to learn how to play both this entry and its sequel on PC thanks to much better bindings. General exploration isn’t much of a problem for controllers — it’s when combat comes into the mix for your band of heroes; that's when things get shaky.

6 Diablo 3

Diablo 3 a player battles a boss in the Sanctum of Blood

While you really can play any of the Diablo games with a controller with little issue, something about playing them with a mouse and keyboard just feels right. It might be because Diablo feels like it was intended to be played on PC, but the true reason is anyone’s guess.

There may be hack-and-slash elements here, but the dungeon-crawling RPG elements make it feel much more fluid with a mouse and keyboard. This is probably something good to keep in mind as people finally get to dig into Diablo 4.

5 Deus Ex

JC Denton with his mouth open in conversation, wearing shades, in a dark room in Deus Ex.

If you’re interested in trying out classic games, it’s usually a good idea to give them a try on PC. The flexibility that comes from a keyboard and mouse practically feels like a must in the original Deus Ex, though the same could be said for later entries in the series.

Especially for older games, since their mechanics and design choices can feel a bit out of date, the pace of Deus Ex can feel much quicker, and your aim can be much more precise. Playing with a mouse and keyboard also allows for more flexibility when utilizing the different mechanics.

4 Monster Hunter Rise

monster hunter rise hunting shooting at tetranodon in swamp

One of the biggest reasons people have seemed to prefer Monster Hunter Rise with a mouse and keyboard over a controller seems to come down to the game simply running better overall on PC. Controls are great regardless of your preferred play method, so long as you put in some work to bind properly.

There might be a bit of a learning curve early on in Rise for some players on keyboard and mouse, but if you ignore the urge to play with a controller, you’ll end up much better off in the long run since you’ll be able to react even quicker when a hunt isn’t going your way.

3 Disco Elysium

Disco Elysium harry characters holding guns against the cityscape best pc games of all time

Considering Disco Elysium can often feel like a throwback to the days of classic tabletop RPGs, a lot of people suggest playing it with a keyboard and mouse if you can. There’s just something about the experience that feels different from playing with a controller.

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The dialogue-heavy and skill-check-based gameplay will remind a lot of people of some of the early Fallout titles, something that most people couldn’t imagine trying to play with a simple controller. For ease of gameplay, it’s best to go with a keyboard and mouse for this one.

2 Undertale

Undertale - Asgore, Undyne, Toriel, Sans, Alphys, And Papyrus

Undertale absolutely can be played however you’d like, but it’s hard to say that it just doesn’t feel right on a keyboard and mouse. There’s not a big difference either way as the controls are relatively simple when compared with many other modern RPGs.

People who loved playing classic flash games will feel right at home with the keyboard controls that are available to them. The control scheme is reminiscent of that while still offering unique gameplay that will test anyone who’s more than well-acquainted with a keyboard.

1 Mass Effect: Legendary Edition

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Cover Art

Yes, the Mass Effect series is absolutely a blast to play with a keyboard and mouse. Somehow, the control scheme just makes the entire experience feel more personal. The bindings of your skills definitely feel better on a keyboard than a standard controller as well.

The first two games in the trilogy can often feel like a pain when it comes to accuracy when shooting on a controller as well, making a mouse the perfect choice instead. You’ll have Shepard dancing across the galaxy in no time as you race through the series with your tailor-made keybindings.

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