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Entering the snowy landscapes of the White Wafers and taking on Stage One in Kirby’s Return To Dream Land Deluxe? There are yet more Copy Abilities to be discovered, secret passageways you might have missed, and more in this frosty stage.

Related: Kirby's Return To Dream Land Deluxe: Best Copy Abilities

With this walkthrough, you can make sure you find all the goodies you need before continuing through the rest of the stages in the White Wafers. Towards the end of the stage, this is especially important, as there are two paths you can take, and only one has the items you’ll want to complete your Energy Sphere collection and take on the miniboss.

First Section

Kirby Enters White Wafers Stage One

Go right and watch out for the enemy on the ice. Continue on and dodge or attack the big ‘Waddle Dee’. If you attack it, it will split into three normal Waddle Dees.

Continue past here, and inhale the Fighter enemy if you wish to gain the Fighter Copy Ability. Continuing right, destroy the blocks and enemies as you slide across the ice. Destroy the blocks that block the path, and collect the three stars at the bottom of the room. Remove the blocks on the other side to exit.

Watch out for another enemy as you exit. It will aim at you from above. Destroy the star blocks for more stars, and attack the big Waddle Dee for some food.

Kirby White Wafers Stage One Bats Above Kirby

Remove the next set of blocks you see to grab two more food items, but be wary of the three bats that will attack you from above. Destroy the blocks to exit once again.

At the next patch of ice, attack or dodge the Waddle Dee swinging from a rope. Attack the vine to clear the path.

Go to the top ledge here, and there’s an enemy you can inhale to obtain the Ice Copy Ability.

Carry on to the next set of blocks and destroy these too. The blocks in here are on fire, so you’ll need the Ice Copy Ability to cool these off and access the blue star.

Drop the current Ice Copy Ability to grab the Fire Copy Ability from the enemy above you. Destroy the blocks again to exit, and watch out for the enemy as you leave.

Kirby White Wafers Kirby Uses Fire Copy Ability

Destroy the ice blocks using your newly acquired Fire Copy Ability to enter the next room, and be wary of the snowman enemy in here.

Blast through the ice blocks in the center of the room to fall down and reach an Energy Sphere.

Exit to the right through more ice blocks. Head up the slope to reach the star door.

Second Section

Kirby White Wafers Stage One Second Section Waddle Dee Riding Pig Approaches Kirby

A Waddle Dee riding a pig will immediately run towards you, so jump over as it approaches. Jump across the three platforms, and watch out for the three more pigs that start to run towards you as you cross.

Grab the cannon on the next area, and you’ll blast through more pigs that start to run at you. Jump up the three ledges and use your cannon to destroy the enemies throwing bombs your way. Jump up the next set of ledges too.

Carry on going right with your cannon, and even more Waddle Dees and pigs will arrive. They’re no match for your cannonballs, though. Go up the ledges again, and then keep jumping up the ledges in the next section.

Kirby White Wafers Stage One Life Up Stamp Ticket

At the top, keep aiming your cannon upwards to destroy the blocks and grab a Life-Up and stamp ticket. Head through the star door on the right.

Third Section

Kirby White Wafers Stage One Third Section

Jump into the cannon on the right. You’ll be blasted across to the right, and then land into another cannon, where you’ll have to choose between going up to the left, up to the right, down to the left, or down to the right.

Go to the top and left, where you’ll pick up a star. You’ll be blasted into another set of cannons. Go for the direction of the red star, and you’ll be shot back to the middle. Next, go to the bottom right (the path with an enemy surrounded by stars). You’ll end up in another cannon to the right.

Keep going right until you see three spiked vine enemies in a row. There’s a secret opening above you.

Kirby White Wafers Stage One Secret Opening

Aim in here to grab an Energy Sphere. Go back down, then continue going right in the next set of cannons until you reach an open area.

Here, you’ll have more options. Grab the stamp ticket by going up to the left, then go down to the right, grabbing the star. Next, aim for the lower right cannon. Here, you can choose to go up to the right, or you can go down to the left, where you’ll just see a cannon poking out at the bottom of your screen.

Kirby White Wafers Stage One Cannon Aiming Down To The Left

Go down to the left, otherwise you will take another path that misses an Energy Sphere, as well as a powerful Copy Ability.

You’ll pick up a blue star on the way, and find a star door at the end.

Fourth Section

Kirby White Wafers Stage One Fourth Section

Go to the right and jump over the spikes, dealing with any enemies you see. Mind the icicles that fall from the ceiling as you continue.

Soon, you’ll spot an Energy Sphere above a set of spikes. Jump onto the ledge beneath it, avoiding the spikes, and grab the collectible. Watch the spikes as you come back down.

Continue right, and inhale the enemy here for the Mike Copy Ability. Grab the star button at the end to open up the path and continue right.

Gigant Edge Boss Fight

Kirby White Wafers Stage One Blocks And Enemies

Destroy the blocks and enemies here — you’ll do so easily if you picked up the Mike Copy Ability — and get ready for a miniboss fight with the Gigant Edge.

How To Defeat The Gigant Edge

Kirby White Wafers Stage One Gigant Edge

The Gigant Edge will primarily swing at you using its sword, so watch out when it starts to lift its arm to swing. It will also charge at you with its sword ahead of it, so jump out of the way when it begins to do this.

Attack when you have the chance, jumping behind it to avoid the swing of its sword.

If you grabbed the Mike Copy Ability, this boss fight will be extremely easy. Use the Copy Ability a couple of times, and you’ll do one final big attack, dealing a lot of damage and reducing most of the Gigant Edge’s HP.

Once you defeat it, you can grab the Sword Copy Ability and continue right. Hit the bomb block to destroy the rest of the blocks and reach the Whip Copy Ability. Use this to grab the Life-Up above you. Destroy the blocks as you exit right to reach the star door and finish the stage.

Next: Kirby's Return To Dream Land Deluxe Review - On Poyo-oint