The expansive League of Legends universe is always growing, with new characters being added to the roster all the time. But what about the champions that we know and love? How well do we really know them?

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This list of unexpected interactions and ties might surprise even the most wizened League of Legends players. A lot of characters are connected to each other based on their backstories. How much do you know about your favorite champ?

7 Cassiopeia, Katarina, And Talon Du Couteau

League of Legends Cassiopeia Katarina

The Noxian general Marcus Du Couteau had two beautiful and vicious daughters, trained as lethal weapons to fight for the Grand General Darkwill's army. But the high standards of ruthless fathers always seem to lead dedicated daughters astray, and Cassiopeia strayed right into the enemy's arms. Sent forth by their mother, the once human Cassiopeia set out into the Shuriman deserts in search of the power to stop Swain's coup of Noxus. In the sandy tombs she was attacked by a guardian, turning her into the slithering horror she is now.

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Meanwhile, Katarina was assassinating the wrong people, trying to earn her father's favor. Instead, she earned her own execution at the hands of another protégé, you guessed it, Talon. Fortunately they were too evenly matched, and she escaped with the scar across her eye, and Talon escaped only to be adopted in Katarina's place. Funnily, Marcus Du Couteau has since gone missing.

6 Anivia, Ornn And Volibear (And Four Forgotten Siblings)

League of Legends Anivia Volibear Ornn

Seven great sibling beasts ruled the frigid wastes of Freljord, though not always peacefully. These demi-gods helped to shape the world despite each having their own ideologies and visions for the future. Followers of Volibear are known as the Ursine, manifested as twisted beasts lusting for blood and untamed lands. These clashed with Ornn and his clan, who thought that building and civilization was the way to go. Anivia manages to remain the peacekeeper, as she represents sacrifice for the Frejlord, the cycle of life and hope. Champions such as Ashe and Nunu are guided by her.

And then there's the Iron Boar, the Seal Sister, the Raven, and the Lynx, whose legends have been lost, or possibly even rewritten by Lissandra, who still attempts to quiet the rumors of her betrayal. Maybe one day these four will be resurrected from True Ice and emerge as new champions.

5 Pantheon And Aatrox

League of Legends Aatrox and Pantheon

Atreus was a pretty poor Targonian soldier, but ridiculously stubborn, refusing to stay down even when beaten to a pulp. Apparently that's a pretty cool trait to a floating, formless space god, and the Aspect of War inhabited Atreus, renaming him Pantheon. Most hosts are a little more willing than Atreus, but he was stubborn by nature, coming to hate this Aspect that stole his body for its own purposes.

During a war (who would have guessed?), the sentient weapon form of the imprisoned Darkin, Aatrox, slew Pantheon. Now, you might think the mortal host, Atreus, would be the one to die here and the Aspect of War would float back up into the sky. Turns out no, Atreus was just that stubborn that Aatrox managed to kill one of the Aspects his Darkin kind abhor, and Atreus stood right back up again. Unsurprisingly, Artreus has since sworn to protect mortals from the likes of Aspects, Darkins, Ascendeds and Demons.

4 Zoe, Pantheon, Leona, Diana, Taric, Morgana, And Kayle

League of Legends Taric Zoe Diana Pantheon Leona Aspects

League lore can get pretty complicated, with so many gods, demigods, and just plain powerful spirits all vying for power or glory or just, you know, fun. So here's a little more about the Aspects mentioned previously. There are currently seven champions which embody Aspects, or gods, on the material plane.

Morgana and Kayle were born on Mount Targon as the twin Aspects of Justice, Morgana representing rehabilitation of the guilty and Kayle representing justice by fiery death. When Kayle rained down fire on Demacia, Morgana flew up to stop her, and in the ensuing calamity their father was a casualty. Kayle fled to the skies, but is still often seen as a just hero.

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Another juxtaposing pair are Leona and Diana, who also found their calling from the Aspects at the summit of Mount Targon, the highest point in Runeterra. The worshippers of the Sun, Solari, were rigid in their faith and scorned Diana's inquisitive nature. Leona, on the other hand, had flourished in the structure of their religion. Once friends and lovers, the pair were ultimately chosen by the Aspect of Sun and the Aspect of Moon, tearing them apart.When Diana was imbued with the Aspect of Moon, it caused massive strife between them.

As mentioned previously, Pantheon was once a lowly grunt in the Targonian army, chosen by the Aspect of War to fight for someone else's team.

Taric has quite a sad history with Garen, as they both fought for Demacia once, but Taric could never muster the motivation to adhere to the strict army regiment. He was more peace, love and brown rice despite being good with a sword. When Garen found a battalion completely slaughtered, and Taric wandering about in the forest enjoying life, he was encouraged to execute Taric for abandoning his comrades, but they had been good friends for a long time. Instead, Garen exiled Taric to climb Mount Targon (can you guess where this is going?), hoping he would just run away instead of attempting what was certain death. But Taric's guilt weighed heavily, pushing him to reach the summit, where the Aspect of the Protector chose him as its host. Considering Taric's abandonment of his friends this all seems a little ironic.

Finally, there's Zoe, whose Aspect of Twilight chose her solely because she's carefree and joyful. The powers it imbued her with include time travel and space hopping using portals, which she uses to deliver messages between Runeterra and the gods.

3 Illaoi And Gangplank

League of Legends Gangplank and Illaoi

You may have heard of the nymph Calypso from Greek mythology, famous for seducing Odysseus for seven years of his journey, and then trying to kill herself when Zeus forced her to release him. But, being an immortal being all she did was suffer. This story has been the inspiration for many couples throughout time (like in Pirates of the Caribbean) and Riot Games has jumped on the bandwagon.

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The priestess Illaoi and old seadog Gangplank were lovers not too long ago after he passed her holy test of will. They seemed a perfect match, both strong and determined individuals. But they served opposite sides in the Blackmist saga and so can never be together.

2 Senna, Thresh, And Lucian

League of Legends Lucian Senna Thresh Purifier

Long time LoL fans may remember a time before Senna, when Lucian and Thresh hashed it out on the battlefield over Lucian's long-lost wife, captured by the reaper himself. However, since her release in November 2019 Senna has divulged a whole lot more of this trio's backstory. Cursed to die to the Blackmist, Senna joined the Sentinels of Light under the tutelage of Lucian's father. Upon his father's death, Lucian trained under Senna and eventually fell in love.

For years, Senna's soul lived on within Thresh's lantern, but her indomitable strength meant she ended up controlling the Blackmist, using it to free herself and fight against undead next to her husband again. How romantic!

1 Mordekaiser, Leblanc, And Veigar

League of Legends Veigar and Mordekaiser  Elderwood

Mordekaiser has existed in one form or another for millennia, refusing to die and learning necromancy from the realm of death itself. An equally ancient champion is Leblanc, playing advisor and manipulator to many important groups throughout time, with no clear motive to it all. She currently supports Noxus but at one point worked for Mordekaiser, helping him to build his bastion after his revival.

During her time in Mordekaiser's inner circle, Leblanc worked with Veigar who had been imprisoned and forced to serve the warlord. Veigar's yordle mind and body were perverted into the tiny ball of hatred and chaos he is known as today. Ultimately, Leblanc betrayed Mordekaiser, banishing him back to the realm of shadows and death, where he now rallies an army of undead, ready to be revived again.

Next: League of Legend Champions That Need To Be Removed From The Game