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Playing League of Legends alone can be a slog and just isn't the same as starting up a game with a group of friends, especially when you pull off the greatest and sickest moves of your LoL career with no one there to say they saw it. With Challenges, you don't need eyewitnesses to prove what a god you are at this game.

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Leveling up similarly to your profile level but measured in metal tiers like your rank, Challenges are a way to show off what you do best in the world's favorite MOBA.

What Are Challenges

lLeague of Legends Challenge Tab Always On Time

Challenges are a new way to measure some of the smaller but still awesome moments in your games. There are five categories, each of which focuses on different elements of gameplay and have many challenges within. There is a sixth category called Legacy, which tracks your rank in seasonal challenges, which will end up unattainable at some point.

There are smaller groups within each of the main five ones that the player can earn points towards by leveling up the individual challenges, just to make things even more complicated. So, within Expertise, there's a capstone called Domination which focuses on being better than your lane opponent. Challenges within this group include being three levels higher than the enemy player in the same role (Top, Mid, etc.) as well as ending the game with 20 percent more vision score. You'll need some serious experience with the game to attain these.

How Are Challenges Measured

League of Legends Game Lobby Platinum Challenges Tokens

Each challenge is measured from unranked to master, just like in games. The capstone group this challenge is within then gains points towards the next rank too. There is also an overall Challenge rank in the top left when you've navigated to the client page through your Profile tab. This climbs as you earn points in any challenge and the orb changes color. This is visible in the loading screen on your player card at the top.

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Each tier of challenges only holds space for a certain number of players per region, so you will have to keep honing your skills to continue climbing or else fall down the ladder. Some challenges are also mode-specific, such as Wild Rift, Ranked 5 Man, or ARAM.

How To Show Off Your Achievements

League of Legends Game Loading Screen Mastery Challenges

Once you've started leveling up these challenges, you will unlock tokens. These can be displayed on your profile, on your player card on loading screens, and when friends hover over your name banner. Images depicting what you're best at will show up, and the color will change depending on what rank you are. They're a great way to show off your prowess.

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Choose these tokens by clicking on your summoner icon and then the tab of the same name. This will show every challenge you have a rank in. You can choose up to three, and to change one you've already selected, just click on it at the top of the window next to the search bar. Some challenges even go up to Master tier, but getting to that select group of players is going to take dedication, time, and a whole lot of skill.

What Are Titles?

League of Legends Challenge Capstones Early Bird Gets The Wurm Title

Yet another part of this update is the introduction of titles. These can be earned in certain challenges when a particular rank is achieved. This happens after you have met the challenge's requirements plenty of times and can be kept track of in the Challenge tab on your profile. Only some challenges can get you a title, such as 'Gets The Wurm' in the Monsterhunter group of the Teamwork and Strategy capstone. Taking a Baron Nashor within a minute of it spawning awards you a point in this, and once you get to gold in this challenge, you can pick up the Early Bird title. This appears under your summoner name on your player card.

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Not every achievement relies on combat either, as Riot plans to slow down fighting within games. To choose which title you sport, click on your summoner icon and choose the Title tab next to Tokens. Here you can see every title available and maybe pick the one you want to work towards,

Keeping Track Of Your Progress

League of Legends End Of Game Screen Progression Challenges

At the end of each game, the final screens now show the individual progress that you made in that game. Every challenge that your play contributed to will show, as well as eternals that you've added to, though eternals are an entirely different system - as is honor. Going to the challenge tab, you can see which challenges you're close to leveling up with and where your friends are in comparison.

These achievements are still tied to every other player in your current region, so the necessary points to rank up will increase throughout the season as the majority of players gain more too.

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