Every game of League of Legends pits teams of five champions against one another. The decision for which champion to go with can be overwhelming, especially to new players. With well over 100 champions to choose from, it can be hard to tell who may be a good pick.

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Balanced team composition is of course key to winning any MOBA game. That said, League of Legends features a few champions that synergize so well together they can almost become a two-champion team. Take a look at some of the strongest champion synergies so far.

10 Lulu And Tristana

Lulu and Tristana from League of Legends

These two little Yordles can easily be overlooked, especially by those who believe the damage at any cost play style. Lulu and Tristana can become a force to be reckoned with if both players focus more on damage per second, rather than burst damage.

Tristana's whole kit revolves around firing as many shots as possible in as little time as possible. Lulu can overcharge Tristana if the player focuses on maxing their Whimsy ability. This is untraditional as this ability is typically for turning enemies into harmless animals for a brief period. A lesser-known secondary effect is that Whimsy will add up to 35 percent attack speed to an ally. Apply this to Tristana as she builds Crit items, and watch the damage snowball.

9 Kalista And Rell

Rell and Kalista from League of Legends

Kalista's Ultimate Ability has lost some popularity lately. It is generally an unattractive idea to be hurled directly into the enemy team. This unattractive notion suddenly seems rather magnetic with the right personality involved.

Rell's kit focuses on durability and lock-down. Many enemies will avoid Rell at all costs, as getting hit by one of her abilities can easily lead to more than five seconds of immobility. A tanky enough Rell can be thrown into a mass of enemies, knocking up the first, and engaging the rest. This is a great guerilla fight tactic to initiate team fights to surprise opponents.

8 Lux And Xerath

Lux and Xerath from League of Legends

On top of being huge magic damage dealers, these two champions have unparalleled map control. Both of these champions' Ultimate Abilities feature global offensive attacks. Lux's shoots in a single direction, while Xerath can shoot magical artillery at enemies at will.

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With proper communication, these two can become a routing force. Xerath can begin his Ultimate, which often causes the enemy to flee. If Lux is nearby, she can fire off her Ultimate, and create a brief arena that enemies cannot escape from. They will have to decide whether to take the brunt of Lux's attack or to tank multiple Xerath rounds. Less experienced players will freeze up, and waste extra time deciding on what direction to run.

7 Corki And Galio

Corki and Galio from League of Legends

Corki and Galio both have Ultimate Abilities that allow them to cross vast distances quickly. Both are fairly tanky as well. Because of these two factors, this duo is great for setting up surprise attacks.

A good strategy for this is to wait for an allied champion to be ambushed in a jungle or in their lane. If the team communication is on point, Galio can use Hero's Entrance as soon as the allied is converged on. Corki can then collect his Package and join the fray in a flash. Combine that with any other allies that took teleport, and a one versus two can quickly become a one-sided team fight.

6 Nocturne And Kha'Zix

Khazix and Nocturne from League of Legends

These two together are the ultimate ambush predators. Unlike many of the other synergy couples on this list, these two coexist best by causing terror on opposite sides of the map.

Anytime Nocturne uses Paranoia, the whole enemy team will lose vision. This means that for the duration, Kha'Zix has increased bonus damage from his Passive Ability, as well as the bonus damage gained from Kha'Zix catching an enemy alone. These two working in conjunction can inspire fear in the opposing team, and they will be much more likely to go on offense when the screen goes dark.

5 Teemo And Heimerdinger

Teemo and Heimerdinger from League of Legends

Teemo is a tiny terror that will have even veteran players sighing when he gets locked in, though he falls off hard late-game. Heimerdinger is a massive late-game threat in the right hands, but most of his damage comes from his turrets, which the enemy is sure to target if they are smart. To remedy this, Teemo and Heimerdinger can meet up in a given lane and erect a makeshift fortress.

Heimerdinger simply needs to place his turrets in a triangle shape in a lane. Teemo should follow behind him and drop Noxious Traps all around the turrets. Enemies will see the turrets and attempt to destroy them, thus setting off Teemo's Traps and getting damaged from the traps and the poison.

4 Kindred And Bard

Bard and Kindred League of Legends

Kindred and Bard can team up to create a team with infinite sustain. Kindred's Lamb's Respite will not allow any champion in the vicinity to drop below 10 percent health, as well as healing everyone on completion. Bard's Ultimate places all units in stasis for a few seconds.

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If these two champions use their Ultimates one after another, there will be an approximately five-second window where no champion can die. Combine this with the allied team building Zhonya's Hourglass, and Guardian Angel is a recipe for unusually long team sustain during fights.

3 Dr. Mundo And Yuumi

Dr. Mundo and Yuumi from League of Legends

What is one thing a champion known for healing needs more of? Healing of course! Dr. Mundo's kit centers around him regenerating health quickly. Combine this with some healing items like Bloodthirster, and Mundo is already a terrifying beast.

To push this monster over the edge, simply add a Yuumi to the squad. Once the bottom landing phase has ended, send Yuumi up to support Mundo. Yuumi's huge healing capacity, combined with shields given by Summon Aery make even the squishiest champions into tanks. Attached to Dr. Mundo however, and there is very little that can stand in his way.

2 Veigar And Senna

Senna and Veigar from league of Legends

Ever since her introduction, Senna has been a popular pick for Support. This is because she has some healing capabilities, but she can also deal damage on par with any Bottom-laner. Veigar is not a common Support pick, but he can work well with Senna if shock-and-awe damage is what you are looking for.

Veigar and Senna both gain damage buffs as the game progresses. Both will essentially snowball with each other, one dealing lots of Physical damage and the other dealing lots of Magic damage. If your team is missing a healer, try sending Soraka to the Top lane.

1 Rengar And Ivern

Rengar and Ivern from League of Legends

The final entry on this list can be a two-person team on its own. Rengar can leap from bushes onto nearby champions, building Fury, thus buffing his Abilities. Ivern can create bushes at will.

Simply put, with an Ivern nearby, Rengar can generate infinite Fury. This is also a great team to chase down prey, as Ivern can plant bushes in such a way that will allow Rengar to leap to an enemy, deal damage, then land next to a bush. Rinse and repeat until the prey is hunted.

Next: League Of Legends: Most Difficult Champions To Master