In the world of League of Legends, the top lane tends to be a lonely island. Due to the priority of getting dragons near the bot lane, top laners are often left to fend for themselves and duke it out with their lane opponents. As such, champions designed for the top lane tend to be able to hold their own.

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Top lane champions have spells that aid them in these duels, scale by farming, split-push, and pull-off sick Teleport plays around the map, so their influence is still felt. Some champions are underrated picks for the position, but let’s examine some of the best.

10 Renketon - Destruction Approaches

Renekton looking all fearsome with his glowy teeth and giant neon crescent blade. Aligator crocodile champion go rawr

The Butcher of the Sands, in his malicious insanity, will cut down all that stands before him in his Reign of Anger. The Fury he generates while in combat adds special effects to his spells when he’s above a certain threshold. More than happy to Cull the Meek, Renekton heals himself while he swings his crescent axe.

Like the Ruthless Predator he is, he stuns enemies to then Slice and Dice them. When he truly wishes to unleash his rage, he can activate his ultimate, Dominus, and grow in size, gaining bonus health, range, and fury. When his bloodlust is satiated, he’s a lifeguard.

9 Darius - Strength Above All

God King Darius looking like a total badass with his wolf blade and shadow wolf as he stands beckoning God King Garen

The Hand of Noxus can be quite the formidable foe to face in the top lane as he is likely to make you Hemorrhage. While you’re bleeding out, he’ll give you a Crippling Strike to slow you, Apprehend you with his battle axe to slow you some more, then Decimate you with the blade’s edge, effectively healing himself. Just when you thought the brutal onslaught was over, he’ll likely dunq (yes, “dunk” with a q) on you with his ultimate, Noxian Guillotine, to finish the job.

8 Irelia - This Land Will Be Their Graveyard

Order of the Lotus Irelia  dancing with her blades over a beautiful pond full of lotus flowers as she gazes off

The Blade Dancer fights for the First Lands by cutting through Noxians with her levitating blades. With her deft and decisive movements, she stacks her Ionian Fervor, giving her bonus attack speed. Her stunning Flawless Duet and ultimate, Vanguard’s Edge apply Unsteady to enemy champions and mark them.

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Irelia can then use her Bladesurge to dash to the target and consume the mark, healing herself in the process. When she needs to reduce incoming damage, she can take a defensive stance with her Defiant Dance, which can also deal damage after the channel. Meet her at high noon, and she’ll show you her moves.

7 Camille - Precision Is The Difference Between A Butcher And A Surgeon

Camille walking onto the scene with backup to investigate sightings of Jhin in a theater. Het eyes glow as she walks

The Steel Shadow is the Principal Intelligencer of Clan Ferros and operates outside the law to preserve order and further her family’s interests. To this end, she had her mortal flesh replaced with numerous hextech augments to give her Adaptive Defenses fit for any altercation.

She uses her Tactical Sweep to slow and damage enemies, allowing her to follow up with Hookshot into a Walldive if she is close enough to terrain. With her mobility, she can activate a Precision Protocol to deal true damage and end it all with her ultimate, The Hextech Ultimatum.

6 Illaoi - Broken Bones Teach Better Lessons

Cosmic Invoker Illaoi looking like a representation of Aquarius, the water bearer, as she pours water on a planet

The Kraken Priestess is the Truth Bearer of Nagakabouros, channeling The Bearded Lady’s power through her idol. As she is the Prophet of an Elder God, she will engage you in a Test of Spirit as she pulls the spiritual essence out of you to teach it a Harsh Lesson. Tentacles of Illaoi’s deity will spawn on the battlefield near her, and when she uses Tentacle Smash, one from her idol along with the ones nearby, will come crashing down on you if you’re not quick enough to dodge them.

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When push comes to shove, Illaoi will invoke her goddess in her ultimate, Leap of Faith, where tentacles spawn for every champion hit and slam down multiple times for some devastating damage.

5 Shen - Tread Carefully

Shen looking like Sub Zero as he faces off against Shock Blade Zed, his Spirit Blade visible as he brandishes his blades

The Eye of Twilight is great to have on your team because it feels like he can teleport twice, with his ultimate and the actual Teleport Summoner Spell. His Ki Barrier manifests a Spirit Blade he can utilize for his Twilight Assault and Spirit’s Refuge spells. The former spell allows Shen to recall his Spirit Blade to his location, slowing enemies hit by it.

The latter spell creates a zone of reprieve that blocks Shen and nearby allies within the boundary of the ethereal dome from basic attacks. His Shadow Dash pairs nicely with the aforementioned spells as it lets him dash to a target location and taunt champions and monsters he passes through, forcing them to attack him. Shen’s coveted ultimate, Stand United, is a global spell that allows him to shield an ally in need and blink to their location after a short channel.

4 Sett - Technique... Is For Lightweights

Obsidian Dragon Sett looking like he's mid ult as he jumps into the air to elbow someone into submission on the ground

The Boss’s Pit Grit gives him Heavy Hands and the Heart of the Half-Beast as he saunters into battle. Sett gains bonus movement speed when he wants to Knuckle Down and close the gap between him and his opponent. He likes to get close and personal as he’s a real Facebreaker, relishing the sound of cracking skulls.

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After taking damage, he can perform a Haymaker to get a large shield that deals true damage in the center. He becomes The Shower Stopper when he uses his ultimate, suppressing his target to jump up into the air with them and slam them down.

3 Dr. Mundo - Malpractice Makes Mal-Perfect

Mundo attempts to show us everything is alright in his company and that profits are going up as he bursts from his suit

The Madman of Zaun is another juggernaut that Goes Where He Pleases as he periodically gains immunity to immobilizing effects. Crowd Control (CC) that would affect him causes canisters to fall from his body which he can then pick up to heal himself. He can chuck an Infected Bonesaw at his enemies to slow them, healing himself if the instrument connects with his mark.

Mundo’s Heart Zapper deals damage in an area around him as he charges up a defibrillator, detonating it if he recasts the ability. When Mundo feels the need to employ Blunt Force Trauma, he gains bonus attack damage and can even send minions and small monsters flying at you. Never be fooled by a low-health Mundo because next thing you know, he’ll pop his ultimate, Maximum Dosage, and get even more huge as he regenerates his health, gains bonus attack damage, and moves with quickness.

2 Urgot - Screams Follow In His Wake

Urgot holding some poor fool before he grinds him up in his meat grinder belly, his shotguns ready to blaze in an instant

The Dreadnought can truly be a late-game nightmare to deal with due to his juggernaut status. His passive, Echoing Flames, activates the shotguns concealed in each of his legs when he performs a basic attack on the corresponding side. His Corrosive Charge slows enemies hit with the canister, allowing him to dive towards them with his Disdain and flip them like a pancake.

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Once stunned after being flung, Urgot can begin the Purge of his target, gaining attack speed and slow resistance. His ultimate, Fear Beyond Death, allows him to impale a low-health target with his chem-drill and drag them to his meat-grinder belly, fearing all around him and executing his prey.

1 Gwen - The Struggle Is Worth It

Space Groove Gwen with her giant scissors and little helpers holding her needles as she smiles and gets ready to stitch

The Hallowed Seamstress prances her way across Summoner’s Rift, ready to give anyone a Thousand Cuts with her giant scissors. With a little Snip Snip! here she’ll deal true damage, and with a little Skip ‘n Slash there, she’ll dash and gain bonus attack speed and range. When Gwen summons her Hallowed Mist, enemies cannot target her, and she gains bonus armor, and magic resist against those who dare step into her sanctified domain.

If you wish to test her threading skills, she can activate her ultimate, Needlework and slow you down long enough to have you admire the finer aspects of her needles—like their numerous points.

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