League of Legends is one of the most famous games of all time. It is a popular game with a passionate fanbase that is overflowing with opinions and ideas. Similar things can be said about Reddit. Communities in Reddit as often filled with active people who will constantly create new threads and discussions that generate a lot of controversies.

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Sometimes, such controversies are so different than what we are used to thinking or seeing, that it makes us think again about an opinion or point of view that we did not give much thought to before. In the League of Legends Reddit community, it is easy to find many unusual opinions about the game.

10 It Is Okay To Be Bad At The Game

League of Legends - Defeat Screen

That is a really unpopular opinion. League of Legends players are passionate and competitive. It is not unusual to see people getting banned due to becoming overcommitted to a game's result and crossing a few lines when typing things to their teammates and adversaries.

Reddit user u/MrRedMungo does not think that there's anything wrong with being bad at the game, though. This is surprising coming from the League of Legends community, but it really should be everyone's mindset. Not everybody is a pro and most people just wanna chill and have a good time. Though an unpopular opinion, it may not be wrong.

9 Riot Can't Get Ryze Right

League of Legends: Ryze

Ryze has gone through quite a few reworks since he was launched. League of Legends players who have only played back when the game launched would not even know what character is this champion we currently have in the game.

This mage became something completely different, going from glass cannon to tanky wizard, from burster to DPS, and so on. According to Reddit user u/GaLm8492, Ryze should get yet another rework. According to this player, Ryze "got changed from a high skill cap champion to an E-Q bot just to satisfy the pro meta." However, he is not generally considered a character that needs to be changed, confirming this opinion is not popular.

8 It Does Not Matter If The Game Is Balanced

Soraka pentakill

Reddit user u/Klondeikbar is very passionate about the idea just trying to have fun with the game. Many people who play competitive games forge that the game is exactly what the name indicates, a game. For most people, it is just a hobby that they want to share with their friends.

Balance in a game is a matter of perspective. It changes depending on how much you understand of a game and also changes based on new strategies and techniques that higher-level players make more popular. Either way, most of the League of Legends players are not professionals, and should mainly focus on having a good time.

7 Riot Is Good At Balancing The Game

League of Legends - Patch Notes

This one is definitely controversial. It is not unusual to see Riot being questioned about every single patch and buff or nerf decision. It is very unusual to see the community united and happy about changes made to the game.

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But Reddit user u/ElementaryMyDearWut believes that the community collectively complains about balance patches that were actually successful. When you think about it, Riot has only changed the game for the better throughout all these years. The game has always been popular and constantly played, so maybe this Reddit user has a point.

6 Caring Less About The Game Will Make You Win More

League of Legends - Victory Screen

So many players get emotionally invested, and even depleted, after playing League of Legends for a while. There is a lot of passion, competitivity, and stress going on during long matches. But an unidentified Reddit user believes that caring less makes you win more.

It is important to notice that not caring is not the same as playing badly. It's just letting go of the stress of a loss. That's the mentality that people should adopt. Winning or losing, the goal is to have fun playing a game.

5 The Pro League Really Isn't That Interesting, Actually

League of Legends - Pro League

Clearly, not every player likes watching professionals playing. Some think it is really boring and hard to enjoy watching a game that can take place at up to ten different locations at the same time. Especially when the most important battles can be as short as two seconds long.

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Reddit user u/matthewmitchell is one of the players who do not think Pro League is interesting. However, even though this opinion really isn't popular, he is not alone in it. There are others who feel like the Meta makes all games look similar and uninteresting.

4 The Old Vision System Was Better

League of Legends - Old Vision System

At some point in League of Legend's existence, Riot Games came to the conclusion that players did not like, or that they simply wouldn't, spend their gold on wars. That caused Riot to come up with a new Vision System, trinkets, and everything else we have today.

This did not make Reddit user u/Daasianinvasion happy. This reddit users and others like him miss how you could buy many wards and get vision over huge areas of the map. Vision is so important in a game like this that Supports could just stop buying items to have full stacks of wards. Those times were long ago, though. Back when Zeke's Herald and Leviathan were still in the game.

3 Playing Duels Is More Fun Than The Team Game

League of Legends - Riot's Fighting Game - Project L - 1v1

One cannot deny that this is a very unpopular opinion. League of Legends is a team game. It's on the game's essence. The very basic elements of the game make it very clear. The roles, different items, huge map, and so on.

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Still, there are Reddit users, like u/kaddavr, who miss the 1v1 map. This might happen for a number of reasons. Some players are very frustrated by the idea of being ganked during a fun duel mid-lane. Others just dislike how they might win the lane phase but lose the game due to bad teammates.

2 Thresh Has Way Too Much In His Kit

League of Legends - Thresh

Thresh is a very fun character to play. He is one of those characters that can make a player enjoy the support role that they once hated playing as. The reason behind it is simple, Thresh has many fun things to do in his kit. And Reddit user u/The-ArtfulDodger believes that this is a problem.

It is not hard to understand that some people would think that about Thresh. He can pull allies, hook enemies, stun them, slow them, move himself to a hooked target, and he can even shield his allies. On top of all that, Thresh also has one of the coolest skins ever.

1 Counter Picking Might Be A Bad Idea

League of Legends - Malzahar and Katarina

It is not unusual to see people looking up the possible counter-picks for their lane adversaries and going with it hoping to win the lane phase. It seems that in Reddit user u/TheTrumpeter's experience, this constantly ends up with the counter-picker losing.

TheTrumpeter explains his reasoning in a very clear way. Players pick champions they don't know how to play in order to counter-pick others, but many times counter-picks will only work if the player mastered the champion. So it might just be a better idea to pick a champion that they would know how to play instead.

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