The Baron lane in League of Legends: Wild Rift becomes more and more dynamic with each update. Champions of all kinds are getting a chance to shine and each game feels exciting as a result. For anyone new to the game, Baron Lane is something similar to how Top Lane functions in the base League of Legends game.

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This list was comprised with Emerald rank and above in mind but many of the champs will work the same no matter what rank you're playing in. Of course, some champions like Akali (who is notoriously hard to master) may not be as easy to handle as a fighter like Olaf or Dr. Mundo.

9 S+ Tier (All Champion Types)

Features Fiora and Akali from League of Legends: Wild Rift

These are the most powerful options in the lane. These champions are currently crushing in the upper echelon of competitive play.

Akali's shiftiness is unmatched in Wild Rift. Being able to deal huge amounts of damage, reposition, and do it all over again makes her incredibly useful in the Baron lane. While she is still vulnerable to crowd control, proper use of her shroud makes it incredibly difficult to escape the wrath of Ionia's Rogue Assassin.

Fiora is at the pinnacle of her potential right now. She outduels every champion on the rift and is a menace in team fights. Her ability to nullify crowd control with Riposte means that she can also split-push and force the enemy team to deal with her or risk losing whole lanes while they're otherwise occupied on the map.

8 S-Tier Fighters

League of Legends Wild Rift Darius, Camille, and Gragas

The S-Tier is home to some of the champions that make the Baron lane so much fun. Whether through one on one ability or team fight domination, these champs are producing excellent results right now.

AD Champions

Camille is a star in Baron lane right now. Her design as a duelist is perfectly suited to the other champions being played in the lane, and as of right now, and only Fiora is outperforming her in that category. She combines much of what makes both Akali and Fiora excellent picks right now and leverages it into a great all-around game.

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Darius, The Hand of Noxus, combines a brutal amount of survivability with excellent team fighting abilities. He is a little more predictable than some of his contemporaries, but a Darius dunk does the same amount of damage regardless of if someone expects it or not. His individual fighting potential means he can open up the map and split push, as well.

AP Champion

Gragas was in contention for S+ Tier, but the raised cost of Infinity Orb means his second item power spike doesn't come on as fast and slows him down enough to break him out of overpowered contention. Combining the big man's damage and displacement with his affinity for taking a beating makes him an excellent all-around choice.

7 S-Tier Tank

League of Legends Wild Rift Malphite

Malphite was pulled down a little bit by this patch. His regular build into Sunfire Cape is no longer as effective, but that doesn't change his effect as a champion. There are several other good build paths that will substitute in and keep Malphite crashing into enemy laners for the foreseeable future.

6 A-Tier (All Champion Types)

League of Legends Wild Rift Yasuo, Wukong, and Pantheon

The A-Tier is home to some of the more unique team fighting abilities in the game. There is still plenty of room to carry a game from this position.

This champion has seen almost every role in Summoner's Rift from Top lane to Jungle to Support and even Mid Lane. For Wild Rift, Pantheon received quite a lot of love in updates and it brought him up out of the depths a considerable amount. His primary objective is to shove his lane and get involved elsewhere on the map, and he's performing well in that function after his buffs. While he might not dominate by himself, using his ultimate to traverse the entire length of the river and jump into a team fight is not a bad ability to have in a pinch.

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Wukong holds onto a place in the A-Tier by combining good single target damage with being very useful in team fights. Many of the game's strongest carries struggle against hard crowd control effects, and catching a team by surprise with a swirling Cyclone is a great way to disrupt plans and create opportunities for your team.

Yasuo can be destructive in nearly any role on the map but he has more caveats to unlock his potential than many of the other laners ahead of him. While he remains one of the most popular one-trick options in Wild Rift, Yasuo is most effective as a counter pick or reserved for players who are comfortable with him in any lane.

5 B-Tier Fighters

League of Legends Wild Rift Mundo, Nasus, and Olaf

The champs in this tier are still good, but there is room for improvement in their performance. Many of them can still have a great effect on the game, but they are more likely to be outperformed by the better tiers.

Tankier Champions

Mundo got hit with some nerfs that have knocked him down the totem pole. His ability to crash a lane and run directly at the enemy isn't cutting it in the higher tier of play, and he takes longer to reach maximum team fight effectiveness now that the length of Masochism has been adjusted at all ranks.

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Nasus can still dominate a game if he manages to keep pace in the laning phase, but it's high-risk, high-reward for The Curator of The Sands. He is more reliant on help from a roaming teammate than nearly any other champion, but the payoff is worth it when Nasus inevitably reaches an almost unkillable state in the late game.

Tanky Bruiser Champion

Olaf doesn't have much of a special identity in Wild Rift. He is a perfectly capable fighter who relies on crushing the early game and moving onto the next match. Much of Olaf's value comes from his ultimate, which allows him to shed enemy crowd control, but also increases the amount of damage he receives by dropping his Armor and Magic Resist scores by 20 each, meaning he is likely to be focused on and shut down if not played tightly.

4 B-Tier Assassin

League of Legends Wild Rift Kennen

Kennen is a versatile pick and he matches up well with Akali and Fiora, making him a dangerous counter-pick against the elite Baron lane champions of this patch. He does struggle when playing from behind, so maintaining a lead in lane is crucial for setting him up to unleash the storm in those all-important team fights.

3 C-Tier Fighters

League of Legends Wild Rift Garen and Jax

This is where the lane becomes messy. Picking a C-Tier champ likely means making the game harder by default. It's still possible to win with them, but the odds are way down.

Jax is a good champion who is imply being outdone by a better champion in Camille. They have similar strengths, but Jax struggles in losing lanes, and there are too many better options in play currently.

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Garen, the Might of Demacia, would be higher on the list if his overall impact on the map was higher. In the upper tiers of Wild Rift utility is the name of the game, and Garen doesn't provide enough of anything else for it to be an even trade-off. He can still win lane and set his team up for a good endgame, but there are better options on the board.

2 C-Tier Tank

Wild Rift Singed

Singed is lost in a world of Fighters right now. He can anchor a team and provide great sustain, but it's harder to capitalize off of a fed Singed than it is most champions. He may see a rise in the ranks if Wild Rift shifts away from quick skirmishes and lightning-fast team fights, but right now he seems like a middling option for the Baron lane.

1 C-Tier Marksman

Teemo Wild Rift

Teemo needs perfect play to keep himself useful on the map, and not many people can pull that off. Like Garen, he lacks much of the utility that seems to be dominating Wild Rift at the moment. He is a terror in one-on-one matchups, but his overall potential isn't very high outside of the hands of the very best players in the world.

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