Riot Games has taken the mobile MOBA scene by storm with League of Legends: Wild Rift. There’s only one thing to do when jumping right in: climb the ladder. To make sure you don’t fall (and stay) in bronze, knowing how to play the game like a pro will help you ascend to the top.

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Although League of Legends: Wild Rift is similar to Riot Games’ PC version, League of Legends, there are key skills everyone needs to know. Just running down the lane recklessly is a surefire way to keep you at the bottom of the barrel in ranked. Pro players utilize various tips that every beginner should be aware of.

10 Get To Know The Map

League of Legends: Wilf Rift Entire Map Layout View

Riot Games’ League of Legends: Wild Rift brings the internationally successful MOBA to mobile audiences. Summoners, both new and old, should become very familiar with the top, bottom, middle, and jungle portions of the map. The over 61 champions in Wild Rift each have specific mechanics on Summoner’s Rift, so be sure you are familiar with how your selected champion works on the map.

For example, Lee Sin can dash through walls via the second activation of his Sonic Wave ability on a jungle minion--this gives anyone a way to quickly initiate, or escape when in a sticky situation. Also, familiarize yourself with the jungle camps and potential bottlenecks found on the map. Avoid gank-heavy chokepoints on the map.

9 Make Sure You Are Last Hitting Every Minion

League of Legends: Wild Rift Akshan Attacking Minion With Auto Attack near Turret

Beginners to the MOBA genre may not be used to managing a small gold economy for their character--every single game. Making sure you are producing gold by last-hitting minions will be the best way for fledgling summoners to build up in-game gold.

RELATED: Wild Rift: Support Champion Tier ListA last-hit on a minion will reward you with gold, so timing your character’s auto-attack animation or skills will help you farm gold. Pro players typically refrain from auto-attacking minions until they reach the lowest amount of HP possible. Then, a well-placed auto or skill can definitely do the trick.

8 Familiarize Yourself With Your Champion’s Stats

League of Legends: Wild Rift Champion Select Loadout stream Jinx Ahri Master Yi Bruam Garen

League of Legends: Wild Rift Champions each have their own unique scalable attribute they rely on for damage: Ability Power or Attack Damage; knowing which one your character uses will tell you what items to buy as the game goes on.

For instance, the ranged Champion Ashe primarily benefits from Attack Damage items. In which case a nice Infinity Edge or Blood Thirster, both of which grant Attack Damage boosts to your champion, will pair well with Ashe’s long-ranged attacks. Perhaps your champion relies on stacking HP?

7 Play As Many Games As You Liked

League of Legends Teemo Holding a Mushroom and Smiling

The age-old saying remains true: practice makes perfect. So playing games in League of Legends over, and over again will help any player get better. Did you get ganked in mid-lane due to poor ward placing? Or maybe you got bested on a 2v1 at top-lane?

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You will only learn from your mistakes with repetition. Pro players infamously play League of Legends: Wild Rift for many hours a day at a time. Although this may not be ideal for those with a job or school, replaying and strengthening your game is still key!

6 Try Middle Lane or Jungle

Twisted Fate Standing in Summoner Page and Skill Overview on Mobile

The middle lane and Jungle roles are typically thought of as being the biggest carry and table-turning roles. If one of these players gets fed with gold by racking up kills, their team has a high chance of winning their game. Mid can walk down the river to top and bottom lanes for potential ganks; the jungler has enough roaming potential to pounce on all other lanes, too.

Playing these characters will not only let you pick up an extra mechanic, but you also become more familiar with the map and game pacing so you can orchestrate future ganks.

5 Research Optimal Item Builds

Akali Jinx Blitzcrank and Lee Sin Charging Towards Enemies

If you are getting absolutely decimated by an opposing Jhin, you may want to consider stacking some extra armor. New players find themselves in scenarios like this where their item builds will change, slightly due to how the game is going.

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Knowing when to mix up your item build to help facilitate how the game is going; either by building more Magic Resist or expanding your attack damage, you should always be prepared to alter your item build depending on how the enemy team is scaling.

4 Really Get A Handle On a Handful of Champions

Ashe Standing In Summoner's Rift With Bow and Arrow

Experimentation is fine and all, but climbing up the ladder requires you to be comfortable in your lane and champion. When entering ranked mode, make sure you pick a lane you have the most experience with. Whether that be marching up a top lane with Garen, or trailblazing through jungle camps with Lee Sin, pick a champion with whom you can wreck with.

Really knowing your champion also consists of being familiar with each ability your champion has--knowing when skills are off cooldown, their hitboxes and other limitations can help you win lane.

3 Become Aware of your Surroundings

League of Legends Wild Rift On Mobile Team Fighting Baron Held on Phone

Awareness in League of Legends: Wild Rift is key to survivability. Having good awareness in your game comes from knowing (and sometimes predicting) where your opponents are lurking on the map. An example of this is when pushing in the middle lane, with no lane opponent in sight, you should be thinking twice about your placement.

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Who knows, perhaps a gank is incoming? Or maybe the opposing jungler is tip-toeing through the bushes, ready to pounce. Warding appropriately also boosts your map awareness because you gain additional vision, as well.

2 Always Communicate With Your Team

Top Lane League of Legends Shyvanna Chasing Enemy Garen

Communicating with your teammates is one of the best ways to secure a victory in any game of League of Legends: Wild Rift. Pings in-game are located on the top-right corner of the screen, so use them whenever necessary! If your lane opponent is missing, make sure you ping accordingly using the exclamation point ping.

Doing so alerts the rest of your team about a potential gank. Communication is also key when initiating team fights, too. Telling your team what enemy to start targeting in team fights can help gain an edge in team fights by organizing who your priority targets are.

1 Manage Your Objectives

Lee Sin Attacking Blue Sentinel Jungle Monster

Turrets. Dragon. Barron. League of Legends: Wild Rift features the same in-game objects as regular Summoner's Rift, so timing your objectives throughout each game will help your team inch towards victory. As a jungler, you will need to be on top of jungle camp timers. After your first jungle clear, keeping tabs on your jungle timers will help you navigate your next clear along with prioritizing ganks in lane.

The same objective awareness should be had in lanes, too. Knowing when to engage a fight, in and out of turrets; knowing when to walk up the river from the bottom lane in attempts to assist on a dragon kill -- keeping tabs on in-game objectives pushes you towards victory.

NEXT: Wild Rift Is Better Than League Of Legends In Almost Every Way