There are many strange things hidden in Breath of the Wild's Hyrule, from the secluded Eventide Island to the terrifying Stalhorse. One of the more beautiful and mysterious secrets hiding in the world is the Lord of the Mountain, a guardian deity that watches over the land and sends Stal monsters fleeing for their lives.

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Also known as Satori, possibly an homage to the late Satoru Iwata, this beast is unlike any other steed players can find in the game and is part of an unmarked side quest to confirm its existence. This is no simple mount, however, and any players who wish to find and ride this majestic creature should prepare accordingly, as it can be both hard to find and to tame.

5 Quince and Satty

The first step to finding the Lord of the Mountain is by talking to Quince, who is located behind the Wetlands Stable with his loyal companion, Satty.

If Link talks to him, he will tell players a long tale about how he scaled the Satori Mountain and befriended Satty, his loyal retriever, after they were confronted by the Lord of the Mountain. After telling Link his tale, he will direct players to the Satori Mountain where they can find the mythical creature for themselves.

4 Where To Find Satori

The easiest way to find the Satori Mountain is to climb and take over the Ridgeland Tower, west of Hyrule Castle, which gives players a good line of sight of the mountain. This is only the beginning of the process, however, as the Lord of the Mountain isn't always present in its spawn location. If Satori has spawned on the mountain, the peak of the mountain will glow with a green light that looks very similar to the way point beacons Link can place on the map.

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If this light is visible, that means the Lord of the Mountain can be found and tamed by Link, though players should make sure they are prepared to make the climb before sitting by the fire for days on end, waiting for the light to appear. As the spawn for Satori is completely random, it can sometimes take a very long time for it to appear, so it could be worth checking back every now and then rather than sitting on the Ridgeland Tower and waiting for it to appear.

3 Necessary Preparations

Like other high peaks in Breath of the Wild, Satori Mountain is quite cold at its peak, so players should ensure they either have the right gear to warm Link up or have cooked something using Spicy Peppers, as they would have during the opening hours of the game. The Lord of the Mountain is like any other steed, in that it can easily be spooked if Link doesn't approach it stealthily. With this in mind, it is recommended that Link have at least two of the Sheika Armor pieces equipped to ensure he isn't seen while trying to mount the beast.

The last thing Link needs is stamina. Like other high level horses, it takes multiple wheels of stamina to successfully tame the Lord of the Mountain, as it will try to buck Link off as soon as he mounts it. Link needs a minimum of two wheels of stamina to tame it, but that doesn't mean he needs to have unlocked two wheels with the Shrine Orbs. Players can work around this using a variety of stamina boosting food or elixirs, or any consumable that restores stamina.

2 Taming The Beast

Link riding the Lord of the Mountain in BOTW

When Satori is present, it will be surrounded by Blupees, which also spook very easily. It can be tempting to shoot at a few and take some of their rupees, but this will alert all the creatures to Link's presence, including the Lord of the Mountain. If Link has a sufficient amount of stealth boosts, he should be able to sneak up on the mount without being spotted as long as he doesn't move too fast.

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Once Link has attempted to tame the Lord of the Mountain, the Blupees will run for the hills and Satori will try to buck Link off with all its might. If players haven't upgraded Link's stamina sufficiently, they will need to keep a close eye on the stamina wheel and eat some food or drink an elixir if it is getting too low. If players are unsuccessful in taming Satori, they can run further up the mountain and it will reappear shortly afterwards, giving them a second attempt to claim the beast.

1 Stable Registration

Unfortunately, even after all this work has been done, players can't register the Lord of the Mountain with any stable, as the stable master will claim that it will bring a curse upon whoever tries to tame it. While this is might seem to be a waste of time and energy, Satori is very useful in completing the stable races Link can complete for more horse gear, as it is the fastest mount in the game and has unlimited stamina to boot.

As soon as Link dismounts the Lord of the Mountain, it will disappear and return back to Satori Mountain, so players should make the most of its incredible stats while they can, as it can take a long time to re-tame it if they want to use it again.

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