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Lil Gator Game is a heartfelt adventure game where the bittersweet feeling of growing up is complemented by the joy gamers and game devs alike experience in the production of games. On your journey across two islands, you play as a young gator gathering friends to convince your elder sister to play with you like she used to.

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Altogether, there are fifty-seven friends to encounter and finish their mini-quests. However, you only need to find and help thirty-five in order to complete the main quest, and you can always go back to find the rest of the friends once the game is complete. That being said, it can be a little tricky finding them all when there's no map to guide you on your journey.

Getting Started

Lil Gator sitting on a horse in a playground.

To make things easier, we can divide the game into four main areas:

  • The Small Island
  • The Great Oak
  • The Splash Pad
  • The Amphitheater

The last three are all on the Big Island and have the highest ratio of findable friends per area. There is no order to the areas once the tutorial section on the Small Island is finished, so you can circle the island at your leisure and even come back to areas you've already passed later.

Once you have found a friend and completed their quest, they will go to the Playground (next to the Radio Tower) and hang out there for the remainder of your game. However, if you spy them still out and about on the island, don't fret. They do tend to come back and hang out at the spot you first found them, so you haven't lost count.

You can determine if a friend's quest has been completed if the question mark icon above their head is missing.

The Small Island

Lil Gator talking to Bracelet Man on Small Island in Lil Gator Game

The Small Island is the tutorial area where you'll get the first set of "equipment" for your journey. Every adventurer needs a sword, a shield, and pointy hat, of course!

The tutorial features three main quests, and each main quest unlocks the first half of the requirements to recruit three friends. Altogether, there are seven friends to find.

The Great Oak

Lil Gator looking at Jill, Susanne, Antone, and Gene in the Great Oak Area.

The Great Oak area will likely be the first you encounter on the Big Island. You can find the central Great Oak by immediately facing right from the shore you land on when first stepping foot on Big Island and meeting Esther. All areas near here will count as the Great Oak area, stretching across all the woods up until the Playground.

Altogether there are twenty-one friends to find in this area, with one of them being the recurring Bracelet Man, who can sell you more bracelets to increase your stamina.

The Splash Pad

Lil Gator talking to Martin, Duke, Jada, and Lucas at the Splash Pad.

Beyond the Playground is the Splash Pad, where Martin and his friends hang out - in a cool kind of fashion. This area includes the shore down below and the hills beneath the towering windmill. Most of your friends will be found along the shore, and if you get lost, it's recommended to follow the water pipes you find sticking out of the ground along the way.

There are seventeen friends to find in this area, including the recurring Bracelet Man.

The Amphitheater

Avery, Andromeda, Velma, and Esme at the Amphitheater.

Sitting atop the high mountains on the far side of the island is the Amphitheater area. This area is fairly straightforward as most of your friends will be found along the path leading to the mountain summit. If you get lost, keep climbing upward until you find either the Amphitheater or the main road to re-orient yourself.

There are seventeen friends to find along your path.

Playground And Endgame

Many of Lil Gator's friends at the Avery's Juice Playground.

To complete the main quest, you'll need to find at least thirty-five friends and complete the four questlines for Tom (a friend you can only find in the Playground and whose quest is complete by speaking with him), Martin, Jill, and Avery. Each building requires a certain amount of friends, but where the friends came from doesn't matter:

  • Tom's Castle: Five Friends
  • Jill's Mansion: Ten Friends
  • Avery's Juice Bar: Ten Friends
  • Martin's Marketplace: Ten Friends

Once all the buildings are complete, you can talk to the group of friends in the center of the Playground and finish the main quest. In the Post-Game, speaking to Avery at the top of the Juice Bar will give you the Megaphone. Equip it, and you'll be able to locate any friends you missed along your journey.

NEXT: Lil Gator Game Review - Lil Gator, Big Heart