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Loop Hero tells you absolutely nothing about what you're meant to do in the game. Its short tutorial throws you pretty much right into the mix with your first loop. The next few hours are all about figuring out which cards are best, how to unlock the different classes, and how to finally beat the end-of-chapter-boss.

RELATED: Loop Hero Is The Perfect Switch Game

There are four chapters in total. During your first playthrough, you will probably die quite a few times, lose all your resources, or generally want to play at your own place. This guide gives you a rough idea of how much time it will take to actually beat the "storyline" of the game.

How Long Does It Take To Beat Loop Hero's Four Chapters?

Loop Hero Necromancer

The completion time for a run in Loop Hero is really up to you. It could take anywhere between 10 minutes or 30 depending on your playstyle and build.n

Here are some build guides for the different playstyles:

In total, with the right strategy, you should be able to beat all four bosses within a 30-40 hour timeframe, although this can differ greatly depending on how successful (or how not successful) your runs have been.

How Long Does It Take To Get All Of Loop Hero's Achievements?

Loop Hero boss fight

There are some easy achievements, there are some very difficult ones. To complete everything Loop Hero could take up to 50-60 hours, especially if you're challenging yourself with limited-run attempts. In truth, Loop Hero can be a bit of a grind. Your camp needs a lot of resources to be upgraded fully, although focusing on the right camp buildings does make the final boss easier.

If you struggle with any of the bosses, you should check out our handy boss guides.

NEXT: Loop Hero: Deckbuilding Guide