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You've made it. Hellen Gravely is a captive of the Poltergust and you've managed to bring Luigi through several grueling floors only to face the Grand Poobah, King Boo. Make no mistake, the final boss of Luigi's Mansion 3, King Boo, will put Luigi through the wringer in this fight. After all, he not only wants the Mario brothers in paintings, he is now seeking revenge for Luigi thwarting him the last time they met.

RELATED: Luigi's Mansion 3: Hellen Gravely Boss Fight Guide

In typical Luigi's Mansion fashion, this battle takes place on the roof of the resort. And, as luck would have it, Polterpup manages to keep Luigi out of King Boo's ensemble painting. So, once again, it's up to Luigi to save the day.

Phase One: Familiarize Yourself With King Boo's Attacks

King Boo looking angrily at Luigi

King Boo employs several attack patterns, at least more than his cohorts, on each floor of the mansion. So, you must familiarize yourself with each of his maneuvers. King Boo most certainly pulls his punches, so if you know his moves, it'll be simple to avoid taking damage.

Here are the basic attack moves that he'll use:

  • Lightning Attack: He'll begin conjuring lightning in the clouds above as purple squares highlight on the rooftop. Stay off the purple squares to avoid getting struck by lightning.
King Boo preparing for lightning shock attack
  • Tongue Slam: King Boo will flip vertically to whip his tongue down onto the ground in a slamming maneuver, just keep moving when you see him begin to do these flips.
King Boo using the tongue whip attack-1
  • Tongue Spin: There are a few variations of this. As a solo King Boo, he'll swipe his tongue across the whole roof. Use your burst jump (ZL+ZR) to avoid this. Later, when he splits into multiple King Boos, he will wiggle his tongue across the length of the roof, and find the parts of his tongue that are raised so that you can walk under them.
King Boo sliding his tongue around the rooftop while Luigi jumps
  • Slam Attack: This is pretty straightforward. King Boo will launch himself at the roof and slam down on the ground. A shockwave will emit from his slam, so use the burst jump (ZL+ZR) to avoid damage.
Two King Boos slamming onto the roof
  • Fire Balls: When King Boo's gemstone crown turns orange, he's preparing to shoot fireballs onto the arena. He'll move horizontally, so stay out of his line of fire.
King Boo firing fireballs at Luigi-1
  • Spiked Bomb: This attack is your chance to strike back at King Boo. He'll toss a spiked ball at you, which will crack when it hits the roof, revealing bombs inside. Grab one with your Poltergust and launch it into his mouth. DO NOT grab the bomb that is flashing red, as it will hurt you.
King Boo tossing spikey ball

After stunning King Boo following his Spiked Bomb attack, use both Gooigi and Luigi to vacuum his tongue and slam him around the rooftop. This will begin the next phase of the fight.

Luigi launching bomb into King Boo's mouth

Phase Two: Twin Boos

Two King Boos preparing lightning attack

King Boo will split himself into two King Boos. Of course, one is the real one, and one is just a stand-in that can still wreak havoc. Prepare yourself for the same attacks that occurred in Phase One, except this time; they'll be more difficult.

Instead of avoiding one tongue slam, you'll be avoiding two tongue slams in quick succession. Instead of avoiding one volley of fireballs, you'll be avoiding two volleys of fireballs simultaneously. Do you get the picture?

During the spiked bomb attack, you'll have to be sure to launch a bomb at the real King Boo. So, how do you decipher which King Boo is real? That's easy enough. The real King Boo has glowing purple eyes, while the fake King Boo doesn't seem to have any pupils at all most of the time.

Sometimes, the fake King Boo will flash purple pupils to confuse you, but the real King Boo's pupils never go dark (except when he laughs or conjures lightning).

When both Boos launch spiked bombs at you, only one will contain actual bombs that you can toss at King Boo, while the other will contain junk like an empty popcorn cup or a toilet paper roll. Grab one, shoot it at the real King Boo, and slam him around again.

Two King Boos watch Luigi grab a bomb

One might also have a heart, so pay attention to that opportunity if you need to replenish health.

Phase Three: A Triple Threat

Three King Boos with glowing eyes staring down

Following an imposing cinematic, phase three of the fight will begin. How shocking! Now King Boo has split himself into a group of three. Who would have ever seen that coming? Most of the attacks are the same but much more intense now that there are three King Boos.

There is one new attack, however:

  • Carpet Bombing: We've dubbed this move as such simply because King Boo dumps a ton of bombs across the roof. While these bombs look like the ones you can suck up and shoot at Boo, you can't do that here. You'll only suffer damage if you stop and try. So, keep moving to avoid the explosions.
Three King Boos dropping bombs on Luigi

Follow the same method to avoid attacks as Phase One and Phase Two. Remember that it will only be more difficult given the amount of area three King Boos can cover with damage-inducing attacks. Eventually, shoot a bomb at him and slam him in the same manner to end the fight.

Next: Luigi's Mansion 3: DJ Phantasmagloria Boss Fight Guide