Avengers: Infinity War hit fans like a freight train, and many of them are still getting over the fact that (caution: spoilers ahead) Thanos did, in fact, snap his fingers and destroy half of the world's population. It was a surprise for those who never read the comics, anyway, and for those who did, it turned into a sad reminder that we're stuck without the awesome power of the Avengers until 2019. After all of this, you might feel like you need a little cheering up, are we right? A little pick-me-up, something to help you crack a smile during this time of pain and sorrow. We're just being facetious of course but in all seriousness, we know the cure for your Thanos-itis: Memes. They're the cure-all for anything a laugh can help.

Some of these may have been circulating the web for awhile, but we're bringing back only the funniest 23 because let's be honest -- Avengers memes will never stop being funny. We've fit every beautiful, flawless Avenger into this list along with a meme that perfectly suits who they play on the big screen. They're funny, clever, and only mildly cringe-worthy. If nothing else, they're a great relief from the sudden sense of doom we all got when we watched the last Avengers movies and they'll bring you back to a time when villains actually could be destroyed with teamwork. You know, before a glove could inflict certain death on half the world.

23 Here DC, Have Some Aloe

It's one thing to insult Batman, it's another to throw shade at DC Comics. The DC versus Marvel debate will forever be the cause of many a lost friendship, but this meme is so true that even DC fans will agree that it's laugh-worthy. To the DC fans who love Batman and his counterpart protagonist...Maybe not so much.

Arguably, we'd rather be stuck in a room fighting alien monsters with this Robin than the one in tights who follows Batman's lead, but despite that, it's a fact nonetheless that he's not in the DCEU yet. You'd better catch up DC world, the memes are coming at you faster than you can say "Batmobile".

22 Oh, Cap

We've all seen these memes circulating around the internet: Somewhat insulting but hilariously true memes about "the other guy". Whoever thought up this one is a true genius because not only did they completely nail each description of said "other guy", but they went on to find someone totally relatable to the average guy -- Pre-Cap Cap, also known as Steve Rogers. Even his name is super common. We've also all felt the wrath of the father of the girl who appears as though he could snap you in half, luckily, unless you're dating Nebula or Gamora, you don't need to worry about it...Hopefully.

21 Who Needs Two Eyes, Though?

Oh, Loki. God of mischief, evil heartthrob, lover of darkness. We're more surprised that this hasn't actually been a line because it's something that would totally come out of Loki's mouth. He's terrifyingly smart and cunning and although he slowly makes the transition from awful brother to hopeful hero, his sarcasm doesn't change one bit (which, let's be honest, is why we love him so much). Both Fury and Odin have powerful forces behind them, but neither of them is Tom Hiddleston.

20 So Fluffy

There is no denying the Bucky is yet another butt-kicking warrior taking names throughout every Captain America and Avengers film.

While he has the girls swooning, no one noticed that he steadily got more and more...well, hairy.

Your preference on facial hair is all your own bag, but we can't help but wonder if he somehow gained some kind of beard power-up from all of his stubble and luscious locks.  If he came back in 2019 as Chewbacca, we don't think we'd be surprised about that, either.

19 Teamwork At Its Finest

via quotesnhumor.com

Tony Stark's humor is unmatched by any other Avenger on the force, except maybe Star-Lord. While Bruce Banner doesn't quite have the humor that his metal smart-suit wearing partner does, he definitely has the smarts and together they're pretty unstoppable -- Not to mention, close friends. Poor Thor is as unexpecting as a noob walking into a retro gaming competition and in the first couple of Avengers movies is hilarious in his naïveté. This is one meme that has us snort-laughing for sure.

18 Tony Stark As Tony Stark

This is just a little way of saying that everyone has an alternate personality except Tony Stark. Robert Downey Jr., as we've seen from the plethora of interviews since the Iron Man and Avengers movies, is literally exactly the same person.

His snark, his sarcasm, his wit -- all accurate to who he is in real life.

Robert Downey Jr. is the real-life Iron Man/Tony Stark, and it's quite hilarious that he doesn't bother to hide who he is. Rock on, Downey. Also, can we just peep the face on Chris Evans?

17 DC Gets Pantsed

Back at it with the shade! This meme is undebatably true while also being hilarious. It's a common trend that anyone who tries to take the Avengers down via verbal insults is unsuccessful, and this meme is no exception. Superman is woefully out of date and a thing of the past now that Marvel has taken over the superhero scene, and any efforts to debate otherwise are just pure meme fuel. Not to mention, we all know how to dress in 2018 -- Underwear goes on the inside.

16 Spidey, You're Adorable

Everyone loves Spider-Man. He's adorable, sweet, and totally unlike the other Avengers in his unusual teenage innocence. We can't say he doesn't try with Tony Stark as his absolute hero and idol, but sometimes he gives us precious moments where fans can't help but say, "aw, stop!" In the last film he jumped out the window of a bus, but before that, he only had two legs and a bike as opposed to oh, flying around on an airship, propelling through space with jets, or extraterrestrially warping through galaxies.

15 Sherlock Holmes, Avenger

Robert Downey Jr. seems to play the same type of character in a lot of movies, the cynical, highly intelligent, sarcastic wisdom-bearer. Lovers of Sherlock Holmes will agree that the character Downey portrays on the screen definitely is not much different from who he appears to be in real life. It makes his movies so much more enjoyable, and don't lie -- You know you've watched Iron Man and thought, "Hello, Mr. Holmes" at least once. In the meantime, we'll just wait for a slightly inappropriate Sherlock Holmes/Iron Man crossover.

14 It's The Truth

The best part of this meme? "Everyone except that purple grape". First of all, we almost peed our pants. Second of all, that's probably the best nickname we've heard for Thanos.

His purple color is a great tribute to his alien ancestry but he's definitely more of the wrinkled grape variety...

Squeeze his head and we're pretty sure that wine would come out. As far as the rest of this meme, you can't even try and tell us that you didn't get a little bit of the feels when you watched your favorite characters evaporate into thin air.

13 Posers, Posers Everywhere

If we're anything, it's honest. The disgust expressed by the true Marvel fans at people who haven't yet watched the other movies (or, gasp, their credit scenes) is almost appalling at times. It's for a good reason though -- Chances are if you haven't seen the other movies, you literally sat through Infinity War in a constant state of confusion and regret. We're not sure why you would go and see one of the last Avengers movies without first mentally preparing yourself via way of the preceding movies, but hey...To each their uninformed own. Not to mention, the wrong Spider-Man.

12 Steve Rogers Is King

We couldn't even blame him. Steve Rogers is seemingly ageless (he's lived through how many wars?) in his superhuman, super-soldier way of life. He's one of the most upstanding Avengers with his timeless manners and classic hunky features, but it definitely adds a bit of humor to the Avengers group as a whole. Listing himself as a source is something any of us would do, I mean...Have you dealt with the wrath of professors after listing an unreliable source? We salute you, Cap.

11 That's A Ball Of Confusion

It's no one's fault that the greatest actors on earth were chosen to play highly specific characters and three of them ended up having the same first name. It's also no one's fault that two more of those actors also share a name.

Chris Pratt, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth. Tom Holland, Tom Hiddleston -- It's like a mom of triplets' worst nightmare.

We can't imagine what each set of Avengers was like having to keep track of everyone and give direction. We should just start using their on-screen names at this point.

10 Childhood Memories

Everyone has a childhood. Well, everyone except Jarvis, that is. Someone had the idea to get together some of the Avengers and showcase their younger selves, and poor Jarvis just had no way of being a part of the mix with his computerized self. What gets us is the uber-accurate representation of this old-school computer system because we could just picture this decades-old screen spitting out formulations and calculations like no tomorrow. And then breaking down promptly because, well, computers back then just weren't built for the mind of Tony Stark.

9 Don't Touch My Food

True Avengers fans know the famous Shawarma post-credit scene inspired by Stark's love of the delicious food. We definitely wouldn't want to go head-to-head with any of these Avengers, but it's completely out of the question thinking about going after their food. The world is one thing, steaming hot, grilled-and-freshly-sliced shawarma is another thing completely. You've seen them throw blows to defend the universe, now imagine Doctor Strange, Iron Man, and the Hulk fighting for their favorite dinner food.

8 Excuse Me?

This cosplay is either genius or completely crazy. It must have taken some planning to figure out how exactly to fit five Avengers into one costume and actually make it work, but in a weird way, this totally does. Here, we see a wild Captain Thor Iron Man Loki (potentially) Hulk to the rescue. What he's rescuing, exactly, remains to be seen -- But perhaps this is the hero we all need to take on the "purple grape" we hate so much.

7 Thanks For Nothing, Star Lord

This meme won't make sense to you unless you've already seen Infinity War so, if you haven't, spoilers ahead. The disappointment was real when Star-Lord had a rage-fit with Thanos in the middle of his fellow Avengers almost getting the gauntlet off. We know you all were literally clutching the edge of your seat, waiting for him to realize what was happening. Unfortunately, things didn't go that way and Star-Lord's attempt at a smackdown not only failed in saving the universe but got them in even deeper trouble than they started with.

Thanks for nothing, Star-Lord.


5 Ouch

This isn't a knock at the X-Men movies because Marvel fans know no discrimination when it comes to all the Marvel comics. There shouldn't be a competition between two top-selling film series that have equally devoted fans, but we suppose that for some die-hard X-Men fans, there's a little bit of Avengers spite going on. The meme holds true though; X-Men may have paved the way, but Avengers has excelled just as well on their own. Your move, X-Men.

4 A For Effort, Wong

SpongeBob memes have taken the interwebs by storm recently and we're happy to see that they're alive and well within the Avengers universe. This one couldn't be more accurate from the intro of Infinity War. Wong mysteriously disappeared after Doctor Strange went off to, um, fight Thanos. Wong was powerful in Doctor Strange, but he apparently thought his powers were better-suited to take on two subsets of Thanos rather than save the universe. It's quite alright, Wong -- We know your skills exist.