Mass Effect: Andromeda launched with a controversial start. Players were furious with Bioware and EA for releasing a game that clearly wasn't finished. As a result, many things were cut from the final product. However, since the game has undergone patches to repair the unacceptable mistakes of the launch, some consider it to be Mass Effect's best game so far.

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In it, the player is part of an expedition to a distant galaxy in an attempt to start a human civilization there. Several of the so-called "golden worlds" that the Initiative identified before they left the Milky Way were not so viable up close.

Of the seven initial golden worlds, only 5 turned out to be habitable (following some exploring and Vault-activating by Ryder). One more was added to the list, as well -- the Angaran world of Aya -- which was previously undetectable. Here, we detail every planet that is viable for life in the Heleus Cluster, ranked worst to best.

6 Elaaden, The Desert Moon

Mass Effect Andromeda Elaaden Heleus Clsuter

Mass Effect Andromeda was supposed to have 10 new alien species, which were cut during the course of development. It would have been interesting to see the kind of race that might have thrived on Elaaden. After all, the brutal planet might have even given the most robust Milky Way Krogans a run for their money.

It's a moon which, when Ryder arrives, is rich in minerals but almost completely void of water. This setup makes for gorgeous desert landscapes for the player to explore, but a terrible landscape for a new settlement. Once Ryder activates Elaaden's vault, its moisture levels do increase, but it's still brutally hot.

5 Voeld, The Frozen Planet

The player and two Angara on Voeld.

Voeld is the planet for optimists in that it's in the middle of an ice age. The Angara once lived on it actively, but the cold climate drove many of them away. When Ryder manages to activate Voeld's vault, the ice age begins to thaw with the planet slowly returning to habitable temperatures.

The planet features many mountains and gorgeous valleys, so it's bound to be picturesque and beautiful one day. For now, the only outpost is an Angaran one because they can more easily handle the harsh conditions than other species.

4 Eos, The First "Paradise"

Mass Effect Andromeda Eos Heleus Cluster

Eos is another barren, rocky planet, but with noticeably more foliage and life than Elaaden. As the location for Ryder's first successful outpost, Prodromos, Eos holds a special place in the Initiative's heart.

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At first, it's plagued by storms and radiation, with low moisture levels, but all that improves once Ryder manages to activate the Eos vault. Some radiation lingers on the planet's surface and a desert world isn't exactly ideal for human life, but settlers are happy nonetheless.

3 Kadara, The Criminal Haven

Mass Effect Andromeda Kadara Heleus Cluster

Kadara is a mountainous world that was settled by the Angara before their war against the Kett reduced their population so significantly. Kadara isn't an ideal planet to settle on, but its plant and animal life, along with several water sources and an active spaceport, make it a more active environment than most other planets.

The water sources are unpotable when Ryder first arrives; activating Kadara's vault solves that problem. Folks will just want to bring a good gun when they make a trip here. Said spaceport is mostly populated by exiles, pirates, and mercenaries.

2 Aya, The Angaran Settlement

Mass Effect Andromeda Aya Heleus Cluster

Aya is a lush tropical world covered by unfamiliar plant and animal life. Though it isn't the Angara's homeworld, it's where their Resistance is based. The planet holds a unique position since it is hidden by the Scourge and Heleus' black hole. This allows it and the remaining Angara to go undetected by the Kett.

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Any Kett who have approached the planet get destroyed by the Scourge and crash-land on the surface. Ryder doesn't get to explore further than the Angaran city on Aya, but this unique peek at Angaran urban life is a treat to experience. The exotic architecture where plantlife is neatly incorporated sparks memories of the Citadel while still ringing novel.

1 Havarl, The Killer Jungle Planet

Mass Effect Andromeda Havarl Heleus Cluster

Havarl is the most stunning planet in Mass Effect Andromeda. If there was ever a reason to let Bioware keep making Mass Effect games, it's so that players can get more worlds like this one. Considered by the Angara to be their ancestral homeworld, the Angaran cities that once covered the surface are now in ruins.

Years of being allowed to genetically mutate and evolve haphazardly have turned the planet's lush plant life into a harsh, dense jungle. It's a beauty to look upon but is extremely hazardous to explore. After Ryder manages to activate the Havarl vault, it's noted that the plants have become calmer and mutate less drastically and rapidly. One day, life will be able to live on this gorgeous world once again.

NEXT: The 10 Most Powerful Weapons In Mass Effect Andromeda