The Mass Effect universe is a deep one, portraying a diverse galaxy that's home to many unique alien races. Humanity is new here, and heroes like Commander Shepard are learning that there's a lot to catch up on. Even super-agents like Miranda Lawson are often outclassed by the advanced skills and expertise of alien races, such as the Asari people.

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The Asari hail from the mild world of Thessia, and for many centuries, these humanoids have dominated the scene and shaped galactic politics. Everyone is used to the sight of Asari, but there are a few misconceptions and secrets about these regal beings, and Commander Shepard personally meets Asari of all kinds, most prominently Liara T'Soni. What else is there to know about the Asari?

10 They Value The Future

Asari spectre Vasir showing off her biotics in Mass Effect 2

The Asari live a very long lifespan: one thousand years. This means they rival the tough Krogan people in longevity, and this has shaped how they conduct their lives and plan for the future. For the average Asari, the future vastly outweighs the present, setting them apart from the short-lived, hyperactive Salarians.

An Asari may outlive several generations of a human or a Turian family, so these people tend to make far-reaching plans that won't come together for many decades or even a century. An Asari's plan may not come to fruition until an entire new generation of humans has lived and died around her.

9 They Don't Have Human-Style Genders

liara mass effect

Most humans are biologically male and female, with genders to match, among others in the human gender spectrum. Something similar can be said for other humanoid races, such as the Turians and the Quarian people, but not the Asari. They handle these matters differently.

Biologically, all Asari are female, so they have no need for genders as humans understand them. Instead, the Asari are mono-gendered, where "I'm Asari" is practically the same as a gender identity. Asari don't even have terms like "father" in their language. Liara used "father" as only a loose analog for what her mother's partner could be called. There's no Mr., Mrs., or Ms. among these people.

8 They Take Biotics For Granted

matriarch benezia mass effect

Most alien races can use biotics to some extent or other, even the ancient Protheans, while the Asari are totally immersed in the field of biotics. Their homeworld, Thessia, is very rich in biotic power, so all living things there are used to it. Biotic power is like a second atmosphere there.

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As a result, all Asari can use biotics to some degree or other, and they take it for granted. In fact, according to Liara, learning to use and control biotic power is an ordinary, compulsory part of education on Thessia for schoolchildren. Humanity, meanwhile, only teaches biotic techniques at special, unusual schools, such as Grissom Academy.

7 They Have Few Enemies

aria mass effect

It's true that the terrifying Reapers targeted Thessia when they arrived in force in 2186, but before then, the Asari people had few enemies at all. True, pirates and raiders might attack Asari ships or colonies, and a clan Weyrloc speaker once said "the Asari will scream as their Citadel plunges into the sun!" But those are exceptions.

Otherwise, the Asari seem to have no serious grudges or feuds across the galaxy, not even with the Krogan or the bitter Batarians. The Asari get along well with the Salarians and Turians, fellow Council races, and they are cautiously building diplomatic ties with the Systems Alliance. No one hates the Asari, in short.

6 Their Military Is Weak On Defense

Mass Effect 2 Samara During Her Loyalty Mission

The Asari military is fairly small but effective, made up mainly of raid flotillas and squads of ultra-elite Asari commandos. These "quality over quantity" forces are effective on offense, but if someone is determined to conquer Thessia in force, then the Asari are in trouble.

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Like the Salarians, the Asari fight best on a limited scale, and on their own terms. On the defensive, not even their high-grade weapons and acrobatic biotic warriors can defend Thessia for long, especially against the Reapers. Instead, diplomacy is Thessia's best defense (and the threat of Turian intervention).

5 They Have Natural Charisma

asari bartender mass effect

Some aliens suspect that the Asari have a hypnotic effect on non-Asari, and there was a time when a Human, Turian, and Salarian all found the same Asari dancer attractive, but for different reasons. One of them wondered if they were under the effects of mild mind control.

At any rate, there is little doubt that the Asari are easy to talk to and listen to, given their general beauty, gentle but sophisticated demeanors, and reputation for elegance and diplomacy. When an Asari speaks, people will listen to her, and they will be captivated by her words.

4 They Heavily Influence Galactic Politics

mass effect asari councilor tevos

The Asari have long since mastered the arts of statecraft and diplomacy back home in Asari space, and they now share these talents with the galaxy at large. After all, it was they who founded the Council, to begin with, and the entire galactic community was built on Asari ideas and efforts.

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Unsurprisingly, Asari politicians, diplomats, advisors, planetary governors, and more are highly influential in galactic politics, and the Asari often spearhead diplomatic missions to newly-discovered or hostile aliens or communities across the Milky Way. Without the Asari, the galaxy would be a divided and backward place for sure.

3 They Hide Many Secrets

asari mass effect temple of athame

As councilor Tevos once put it, every race hides its secrets. This is especially true of the Asari, who hide two big secrets: the proliferation of Ardat-Yakshi, and the role that the Protheans played in Asari society.

As many as 1% of all Asari are born as Ardat-Yakshi, a fact that would likely frighten the other races. So, the existence of Ardat-Yakshi is downplayed. Also, there is a working Prothean beacon hidden on Thessia, an astonishing prize that Asari High Command works hard to keep secret.

2 They Can Use Human Equipment Easily

aria t'loak close up from mass effect 2

By sheer coincidence, the Asari have very similar physiology to humans, from the shape of their skeletons to their biotic powers and even their facial features. Shepard's alien crewmates, such as Tali'Zorah and Garrus Vakarian, couldn't wear human armor, but Liara could easily fit into human light armor.

What is more, an Asari in Mass Effect 3 asked Shepard to obtain some cutting-edge human biotic amps, and with only minimal modifications, the amps could be used by the Asari people. This could make joint Asari-Alliance missions rather easy, since resources can be shared and swapped as needed.

1 The Asari Dominate The Eclipse Gang

Eclipse mercenaries in Mass Effect

The Eclipse is a gang of high-tech mercenaries, and these mercenaries tend to emphasize biotic powers and tech abilities over raw firepower, though they do make generous use of combat mechs. Some Eclipse troopers are human or Salarians, but the strongest are all Asari, and these Eclipse Asari tend to be high-ranking officers in the gang.

Even the Asari might turn to mercenary work sometimes, and the planet Ilium his home to a terrifying, all-Asari gang of Eclipse troopers, or sisters. They use offensive biotics, small arms, combat mechs, and gunships to fight, and an Asari may only join when she performs a confirmed murder. Some Asari are diplomats or sages, while others are downright brutal.

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